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Last surviving Rhinos killed in Mozambique

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If our planet is ever invaded by space aliens War of the Worlds style and they start rounding up humans like cattle, butchering us, force us to fighting for their amusement, and generally treat us with no sense of ethics or respect...many people will ask "what did we do to deserve this?"

...and the aliens will have a PowerPoint presentation set up, It'll have pie charts and shit, bars and graphs of all the species we made extinct for dumb fuck reasons. And videos of all the terrible fucking things we did to the other creatures on our planet as well as the horrible things we did to each other for no other reason than because we had the power to do horrible things, so we did. And the aliens will be like "eye for an eye, right?" As a species, we won't have a retort.
You'd think people in Asia rich enough to offer those high prices for rhino horns are smart enough to understand science regarding the ability to cure cancer. Then again, being smart isn't a requirement to striking it rich.

So...your argument is "America is killing bees"?

What drives the illegal poaching trades in the world, a few rich fucks from US or an entire nation that believes consuming tiger bones will cure erectile dysfunction?

lol the entire nation of china doesn't believe tiger bones will cure ED. This is the same as saying all americans are fat. I'm not sure whether to classify you as woefully ignorant or hilariously racist. I'm thinking a little bit of both.
But hey, with all the medicines that will come from their horns, people will be
fooled into thinking they're being
healed of their debilitating diseases!

Get modern already, Africa. You're making the rest humanity look bad.

So...your argument is "America is killing bees"?

What drives the illegal poaching trades in the world, a few rich fucks from US or an entire nation that believes consuming tiger bones will cure erectile dysfunction?

Do you people play a game to see who can be the most ignorant/racist?

The article someone posted is from last year but I thought it was pretty good.

Though black market prices vary widely, as of last fall dealers in Vietnam quoted prices ranging from $33 to $133 a gram, which at the top end is double the price of gold and can exceed the price of cocaine.

But in 2008 the number of poached rhinos in South Africa shot up to 83, from just 13 in 2007. By 2010 the figure had soared to 333, followed by over 400 last year. Traffic, a wildlife trade monitoring network, found most of the horn trade now leads to Vietnam, a shift that coincided with a swell of rumors that a high-ranking Vietnamese official used rhino horn to cure his cancer.


Do you people play a game to see who can be the most ignorant/racist?

The article someone posted is from last year but I thought it was pretty good.

Yes alot of the "Way to go China" posts are a bit disconcerting. It's an issue but to pin it squarely on China and "all of China" is a bit crazy. And also we can't just go into their country and "steal" them all. They'd die in the winter, I doubt anyplace is warm enough year round in the U.S. for them to roam freely. Maybe Florida.

The way to fix this is through education of populations who believe in these myths and fantasies and harsher enforcement, but it may just be easier to educate.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I think the only way to solve this is to improve living conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa to the point where people aren't so desperate that they become animal poachers for a living. Putting up fences and cutting off trigger fingers isn't going to get you to where you want to go.
I'd be willing to pay a high price for a full set of teeth from one for these fuckers. I'm going to gring them down and see if it makes my pet hedgehog more fertile.


These poachers don't think in the long term. Nor do the people who want these horns to sell off.
These poachers are very intelligent. They are incredible long term thinkers.

pulled these numbers from google
"The price for rhino horn is about $65,000 per kilogram, which makes its worth more, per unit weight, than cocaine, diamond or gold"

"Mozambique's per capita income was estimated to be about $210 per year"

a single rhino horn will net you more than many lifetimes of honest work
Some of the saddest and most infuriating sort of news on so many levels. There's no going back from this sort of shit and you can't count on Nebulous Science to descend from on high for a conveniently timed literal Deus Ex Machina!
lol the entire nation of china doesn't believe tiger bones will cure ED. This is the same as saying all americans are fat. I'm not sure whether to classify you as woefully ignorant or hilariously racist. I'm thinking a little bit of both.
Most Americans are fat. It's true.

I'm not entirely sure if all, most or few Chinese believe in this voodoo medicine, but it's more than enough if it's driving global poaching trade.


the holder of the trombone
Most Americans are fat. It's true.

I'm not entirely sure if all, most or few Chinese believe in this voodoo medicine, but it's more than enough if it's driving global poaching trade.
Yet an article above shows that most of the trade goes to Vietnam?

You can't accuse a nation for being ignorant while being ignorant yourself.


Most Americans are fat. It's true.

I'm not entirely sure if all, most or few Chinese believe in this voodoo medicine, but it's more than enough if it's driving global poaching trade.

You're so ignorant you don't even know what you're talking about, but it's all those commies damn fault.
Yet an article above shows that most of the trade goes to Vietnam?

You can't accuse a nation for being ignorant while being ignorant yourself.
Rhinos have been slaughtered to near extinction to fuel the insatiable demand for rhino horn products in China - and more recently Vietnam - all based on myths about the alleged medicinal properties of rhino horn. Besides the traditional uses of rhino horn, wildlife traffickers are promoting "non-traditional" uses, such as a cure for hangovers and a treatment for cancer. The newly wealthy in Vietnam also seek rhino horn to display as a status symbol

Vietnamese people out-douching China when it comes to poaching trade holds favors for neither.


the holder of the trombone
It doesn't, and it shouldn't be a numbers game seeing that any number of poaching is terrible, but why just single out china?
I think some of the posts in this thread are a bit mental tbh. You'd torture theme for eternity?? I eat countless animals a day. Are these animals more worthy of sympathy because they are the last ones in a geographically arbitrary region? Would people be less annoyed if there were a legitimate medical benefit to killing them?
Most Americans are fat. It's true.

I'm not entirely sure if all, most or few Chinese believe in this voodoo medicine, but it's more than enough if it's driving global poaching trade.

Should all germans be killed because Hitler drove international facism? btw you haven't answered whether you're more racist or more ignorant. Please take your time to answer.


Maybe it's for the better. They can put the recourses protecting the animals elsewhere. I mean 15 remaining, it's sad but they were doomed anyways.

Also can't blame the ppl that killed them they only care for the food they get on their table. I can't blame them for that. Blame the idiots that pay money for the horns. So stupid and backwards.


I wonder how many species will die out in my lifetime due to humanity. I feel like I'm watching a ship sink in slow motion.

I hope we are stockpiling DNA for cloning in the (hopefully near) future.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
fuck poachers to nth degree...but you seriously need to re-think your thread title. these weren't the last rhinos on earth everyone.

Yeah the thread title was a WTF to me...just needs some rearranging.

Last surviving rhinos in Mozambique killed


the holder of the trombone
I wonder how many species will die out in my lifetime due to humanity. I feel like I'm watching a ship sink in slow motion.

I hope we are stockpiling DNA for cloning in the (hopefully near) future.
Pretty sure thousands of species went extinct every year due to deforestation alone. Species we haven't learnt about either.
Should all germans be killed because Hitler drove international facism? btw you haven't answered whether you're more racist or more ignorant. Please take your time to answer.
Godwin score.

Yeah I'm pretty racist for pointing out China drives the global poaching trade.


Junior Member
I think poachers do not realize that killing off the animal that they make money from does not help them or the environment.

This is going to sound absolutely horrible, but you'd at least think someone would get the idea to try to domesticate rhinos instead of just shooting them into extinction. Maybe it failed? Whatever, doesn't even matter since those horns aren't used for anything useful to my knowledge.


The sad part is, this is not the natural order of things. The Quaternary extinction event took out many species of megafauna. Read up on creatures like the American Lion etc.

But this is all the fault of greedy humans who just don't give a shit.


This is going to sound absolutely horrible, but you'd at least think someone would get the idea to try to domesticate rhinos instead of just shooting them into extinction. Maybe it failed? Whatever, doesn't even matter since those horns aren't used for anything useful to my knowledge.

I imagine any domestication attempt has failed due to the length of time it takes for young rhinos to reach sexual maturity. Poachers aren't the long-term investment types.


It doesn't, and it shouldn't be a numbers game seeing that any number of poaching is terrible, but why just single out china?

You're joking right? I know this is GAF but damn, it should be common knowledge that China is driving the entire global poaching and animal parts market.

Whether it's rhino for their horns, tigers for their penis to use in holistic medicine, sharks for their fins for shark fin soup, elephants for their ivory tusks etc.

It's almost singlehandedly funded or driven by demand in China. Do some Google searches on this. The entire demand for rhino horn is traced back to China and parts of South East Asia.


Are people unironically suggesting we should move rhinos to the US?

This is sad but extinctions are part of nature. The fact they're now being driven by human intervention doesn't make them any less natural, we are part of nature as well.

Natural selection still applies. Cows will never go extinct, for one, because they're easy to breed, easy to feed and very tasty. Large non-domesticated mammals will all go extinct sooner or later.


What's even worse is seeing some Chinese Americans defend Chinese Medicine as part of their culture.

We should start a list of animals that are going extinct because of China.


On an off note, is it true that tigers are more populous in the US than in India?


the holder of the trombone
You're joking right? I know this is GAF but damn, it should be common knowledge that China is driving the entire global poaching and animal parts market.

Whether it's rhino for their horns, tigers for their penis to use in holistic medicine, sharks for their fins for shark fin soup, elephants for their ivory tusks etc.

It's almost singlehandedly funded or driven by demand in China. Do some Google searches on this. The entire demand for rhino horn is traced back to China and parts of South East Asia.

I'm specifically talking about research, posted in this thread, talking about how the rhino horn trade is mostly driven by Vietnam now.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Even if you hunt these poachers, the fact that there is still a "trade" for rhino horn will barely change it. One must cut the roots and not the branches.

My friends, the point I was trying to make was that before we look down on someone with the language used before in the debate, we should first look at our own backyards through which we could approach these topics with a more cool head without climbing on a moral highground from whence we would then shout foul at the rest of the world.

That doesn't mean that what is happening to the Rhinos isn't a crime that we should just forget because we have a lot of baggage ourselves, but I recommend we don't drop the debate into generalization and racist rants.

I wasn't pointing out China, I just thought it was really an outside argument.

Are people unironically suggesting we should move rhinos to the US?

This is sad but extinctions are part of nature. The fact they're now being driven by human intervention doesn't make them any less natural, we are part of nature as well.

Natural selection still applies. Cows will never go extinct, for one, because they're easy to breed, easy to feed and very tasty. Large non-domesticated mammals will all go extinct sooner or later.

But unlike most animals we can learn. Simply stating "this is nature" is pointless when we have the means to prevent it.
It's an elephant but this picture reminded me of this thread.

1 down, ~1.9 million to go. It's gonna take a lot of effort, but eventually we and we alone will rule this planet, like God intended. #HumanityFuckYeah #ThereCanBeOnlyOne


Someone should let the people who buy these bogus medicines know that they're morons.
Are people unironically suggesting we should move rhinos to the US?

This is sad but extinctions are part of nature. The fact they're now being driven by human intervention doesn't make them any less natural, we are part of nature as well.

Natural selection still applies. Cows will never go extinct, for one, because they're easy to breed, easy to feed and very tasty. Large non-domesticated mammals will all go extinct sooner or later.

So if there were Rhinos living in the US, that human intervention would also be natural, since we are part of nature as well? Nothing to complain about since everything is natural.
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