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Late to the party doom3


I decided to buy a X800 Pro for my rig and its due to arrive in a couple of days. So naturally i want to test this puppy out.... With doom3! My question is "Is will my rig be able to handle Doom3 at a nice rate. Here are my specs:

PIV 1.6
768 meg o' ram
X800 pro.

Will my "wimpy" 1.6 seriously drag down performance? will the X800 pro crutch my proccessor after all the min requirements is 1.5 ghz. Thanks in advance.


works for Gamestop (lol)



It should run pretty smooth, I think. I got a celeron 1.8 and a radeon 9800,and the game runs ok at high setting at 800x600. Sure I get slowdown, but it doesnt bother me that much.
You have the money to buy an X800 Pro... Yet you forfeit the option of buying a much faster CPU + motherboard for less money... Interesting.


well.... I want a quick boost in power NOW! :p a new cpu and mother board will follow shortly... any suggestions what i can get for about 400 clams?
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