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Late to the Party: MGS3 [Some Spoilers!]


It's quite a crime to have purchased it so late...But well, a lot of factors didn't allow me to purchase it before.
Yesterday, at the end, I purchased my copy of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It's the cool metallic box limited edition which I am sure that has no value at all...but well it was nice and the price difference wasn't that huge...so I went for it. Anyways, I think it's one of the most expensive games I have bought this gen.

But well, to the game...
I did my best in order to avoid spoilers but well...I knew some things before playing the game altough it seems that I wasn't spoiled that much.

It's worthless to say that the game is a trully masterpiece in the graphics and sound department. MGS3 features some of the nicest graphics I have seen on PS2. The environments look pretty nice and there are tons of things here and there. Snake's detail is breathtaking and so is the detail applied to other characters or machines. The Hercules at the beginning IS PERFECT or the SR-71 you face later. And the music...Well, I wasn't a huge Gregson Williams fan...but the time has spoken in his favour and although I continue prefering the original synt-based MGS1 OST, the fact is that both MGS2/3 OSTs are pretty nice and well done.

No need to tell anything about the gameplay since it's well know for ya. However I love the new elements introduced by Kojima such as camouflage, healing or food management. This improves a lot the experience...However when at the jungle I had some issues at the beginning in order to play decent...In words of "Zero": Snake is used to urban environments and so I am...
I am at an early stage...just met the woman in the motorbike so I believe the game will bring me to more "urban" scenarios...

Anyways, even though the game was pure gameplay crap I'd continue playing it...Mainly because the story. God knows how I love Kojima's stories and MGS3 begins with a lot of "punch". I can't wait to know more about Ocelot, Volgin or THE BOSS. They are all interesting characters. I am specially interested in Ocelot. From what I have seen so far, he seems a more innocent guy...with some TRUE beliefs...just like Jack is.
Well, it's the same story as always. Some characters are blind to the reality (Snake in MGS1, Raiden in MGS2, Jack in MGS3) while the bad ones know the things as they really are. Nothing new here.

Just one complaint. All the game begins in a pretty realistic way. No Psycho-Mantis, no Vamps that can run over the water...Wow ! Kojima first went for a fully REALISTIC game...and then the bridge scene with the boss...Oh shit...XD

I guess those weird characters NEED to be in a MGS game...but I'll always find contradictory that a game that focuses so much in realism has them... Well, just my opinion.

Anyways, so far...the game is pretty interesting.
I just want to congratulate you for buying one of the greatest games this generation. The story is definitely the greatest told not just this gen, but well, you'll see. Enjoy, friend.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I am at an early stage...just met the woman in the motorbike so I believe the game will bring me to more "urban" scenarios...

You are REALLY early on. MGS3 is a huge game and is easily twice the length of MGS2. There's a point in the game that many have believed to be near the finale (you'll see), but it's actually like a halfway marker.



Amir0x said:
Metal Gear... focuses on realism?
You know...Replicating real-world weapons, real militar tactics (advisor Mori), the Cold War Scenario, etc.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself enough good.


ourumov said:
You know...Replicating real-world weapons, real militar tactics (advisor Mori), the Cold War Scenario, etc.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself enough good.

No, you explained yourself fine. I just don't think it focuses much on realism in that way. Even in the first segment, with less weird shit, you still see lots of John Woo shit in the cinematics. The gameplay is also very relaxed from realistic standards, it's no Splinter Cell.

And the Cold War scenario is an awesome thing, but even in this way the story unfolds in its typical "unrealistic" (this is not negative) fashion. You'll understand later on if you finish it.


You haven't even started yet. What you're playing now is the prologue, the real game hasn't even begun!

When it does, it keeps getting better and better and better.

Wait 'till you get to the final parts of the game...heaven!
ourumov said:
You know...Replicating real-world weapons, real militar tactics (advisor Mori), the Cold War Scenario, etc.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself enough good.

And real emotions, defintely, though that seems to be what MGS4 is going to really excel at.


I still haven't bought MGS3 yet.

I don't know what I'm really waiting for, but AW:DS comes out next week... and, well, DS has been occupying me.
mrkgoo said:
I still haven't bought MGS3 yet.

I don't know what I'm really waiting for, but AW:DS comes out next week... and, well, DS has been occupying me.

Subsistence is coming out in a couple months. Might as well wait for the superior version of MGS3. :)
I recently picked this up after putting in 5 hours. Finished it and have to say it's up there with Metal Gear Solid. Maybe the first time two polygonal characters actually had convincing emotion. Damn EVA is hot!


VisionaryQuest0 said:
Subsistence is coming out in a couple months. Might as well wait for the superior version of MGS3. :)

Yeah, the camera in the normal version of MGS3 sucks ass. They should have gone with Subsistence's camera in the first place.

And am I the only one who thinks Hayter overdid the voice-acting for Snake in MGS3? He sounded way cooler in MGS1.


Now that you have purchased the best PS2 game.....do yourself and get RE4, which I enjoyed just as much as MGS3.....

Honestly, I think this gen rivials any other period in videogaming for greatness...

Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
God of War
Ninja Gaiden
Zelda WW

If next gen can match the greatness of current gen, I will be doing backflips :)


Well 3:48 AM, just ended the game...And HOLLY FUCKING CRAP !!! The ending is pretty good and has that MGS:1 vibe at the very end. Simply perfect. Although there were some things I didn't get.

1) What's Big Boss' name ? Jack or John ?

2) When The Boss hints she had a children I immediatelly thought in the fact that Snake was The Boss' son...Could it be ? If the answer is yes and it's so evident forbid me...since I was a bit sleepy. :)

Anyways, the game touches perfection :)


ourumov said:
Well 3:48 AM, just ended the game...And HOLLY FUCKING CRAP !!! The ending is pretty good and has that MGS:1 vibe at the very end. Simply perfect. Although there were some things I didn't got.

1) What's Big Boss' name ? Jack or John ?

2) When The Boss hints she had a children I immediatelly thought in the fact that Snake was The Boss' son...Could it be ? If the answer is yes and it's so evident forbid me...since I was a bit sleepy. :)

Anyways, the game touches perfection :)

1. Both. Jack is just a common nickname for people named John.

2. Ocelot is her son, most people won't catch this since it's revealed in an optional codec sequence.
When Snake's ticker goes out on him at the beginning of MGS4 and you have to play as some new kid; I'm going to have a good laugh.

I'm lovin' the alternating MGS love / hate from the fans. Keep it up Kojima!
And :lol: at the guy who said SPlinter Cell is more realistic than MGS. That's like saying Star Trek is more realisitic than Star Wars. And we all know CIA buildings are filled with dark abandoned corridors with janetors. lololol


Kleegamefan said:
Now that you have purchased the best PS2 game.....do yourself and get RE4, which I enjoyed just as much as MGS3.....

Honestly, I think this gen rivials any other period in videogaming for greatness...

Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
God of War
Ninja Gaiden
Zelda WW

If next gen can match the greatness of current gen, I will be doing backflips :)

Your list is missing DMC3 :(


Now that you have purchased the best PS2 game.....do yourself and get RE4, which I enjoyed just as much as MGS3.....
Got it at launch and beat it long time ago... ;) Jejeje...I am not that casual !

Wow...so Ocelot is her son....
I actually enjoyed a lot his character in MGS3 while I particularly hated him in MGS1/MGS2...The MGS3 Ocelot has style ;) Just remember when he moves his hands as a sign of recognition... Genious !
Dunno, but I think that Kojima made an error making the weird Liquid-Ocelot char in MGS2...Liquid has to be Liquid and Ocelot, Ocelot.
ourumov said:
Got it at launch and beat it long time ago... ;) Jejeje...I am not that casual !

Wow...so Ocelot is her son....
I actually enjoyed a lot his character in MGS3 while I particularly hated him in MGS1/MGS2...The MGS3 Ocelot has style ;) Just remember when he moves his hands as a sign of recognition... Genious !
Dunno, but I think that Kojima made an error making the weird Liquid-Ocelot char in MGS2...Liquid has to be Liquid and Ocelot, Ocelot.

It's made clear how that works.
Ocelot's dad is The Sorrow who can read dead people. Liquid is dead so he's reading Liquid whenever Snake is around.


Miburou said:
Is the voice acting in Spanish?
Unfortunatelly not. Both MGS2/MGS3 use the same english voice acting all people here enjoyed, which is not bad...
I won't never get tired to say that the MGS1 voice acting in the spanish version touched heaven. Simply perfect. They used the best people in the industry and got excellent results. Alfonso Valles is Solid Snake and Riki Coello is Liquid.


I too was late to the party, pretty much solely because MGS2 left such a bad taste in my mouth after the glory that was MGS. I'm glad I decided to give it a try. I too was frustrated that the beginning of the game, it had been too long since I played a MGS game, and the whole overhead-camera-thing-where-enemies-spot-you-from-off-the-screen really bothered the hell out of me. I almost gave up on the game all together after failing to get to that first scientist like ten times in a row. But I finaly got the hang of it, and was then treated to one of the best games this generation.

But I still have to wonder, with MGS and MGS3 both such great games, how did MGS2 end up being so rediculously bad? Because I still can't come up with an answer to this, I must admit that I have a little bit of fear regarding MGS4.


Congrats on purchasing one of the best games this gen. See Klee's post for the rest.

I never really played it, but I was in the same room while it was being played by my brother, and I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat at alot of points during the game! You'll like it.


mrkgoo said:
I still haven't bought MGS3 yet.

I don't know what I'm really waiting for, but AW:DS comes out next week... and, well, DS has been occupying me.
get mgs3:s hopeful they fixed the camera...


SolidSnakex said:
It's made clear how that works.
Ocelot's dad is The Sorrow who can read dead people. Liquid is dead so he's reading Liquid whenever Snake is around.
that explains everything!!!


*drowns in jizz*
Believe it or not, MGS3 is the 1st ps2 game I ever played for a substantial amount of time- and the 1st ps2 game I have ever finished.

It did not dissapoint.

I started up 2 as soon as I finished 3, and got through that also. Both brilliant games- although the lecturing in 2 was excessive to the point of being a flaw. But after hearing all the negatives about 2, I was surprised at its quality, and that I enjoyed it just as much as 3.


Gribbix said:
2. Ocelot is her son, most people won't catch this since it's revealed in an optional codec sequence.
Remember where/when this is revealed?

is there a decent well written website around that documents the MGS timeline?
GrandPipe said:
Remember where/when this is revealed?

is there a decent well written website around that documents the MGS timeline?

Call Eva after you fight Ocelot the first time.

Jack: EVA, I wanted to ask you about Ocelot…
EVA: Yeah, I know. He’s pretty infatuated with you, isn’t he?
Jack: That’s not what I meant. Aren’t the Ocelots an elite unit?
EVA: Yeah.
Jack: So how’d he get to be their commander? He can’t be any older than 18 or 19. I can’t believe he’s already a major…
EVA: I heard from the Colonel that he’s been given…special treatment.
Jack: Special treatment?
EVA: Yeah. He’s the son of some legendary hero or something.
Jack: No wonder he seems to have the right stuff… So who is this legendary hero, anyway?
EVA: Beats me.
Jack: …
EVA: The Colonel never told me. All I heard was that his mother was supposedly shot in the gut during battle and that he was born right there, with bullets whizzing past them.
Jack: A pregnant woman in the middle of a battle?
EVA: That’s what I heard. They say that when they stitched her up, the scar was shaped like a snake.
Jack: Well, that’s battlefield medicine for you. What about his father, this legendary hero?
EVA: He didn’t tell me. I don’t think Ocelot’s ever met his parents.
Jack: Are they dead?
EVA: Maybe, I don’t know. There were a lot of MIAs back then, during the last days of the war. Ocelot probably would have ended up the same way. But he was taken in and raised by GRU and Volgin.
Jack: Because he was special?
EVA: That’s my guess.

Gamefaqs has a good timeline.
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