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Late to the party: NHL 2K5 ...it is actually better than NHL 2005


So here I am, riding off the disappointment that was NHL 2003 and 2004 (2002 was solid though), not knowing about NHL 2K series.

I kept on reading on these boards that NHL 2K5 stomps over 2005, infact, same with 2K4. I always assumed it was just the usual EA hate (not really a fan of EA, but there's nothing I really hate about them, they're just generic western developer) you see on this board.

Boy, was I wrong. This game is so much better. I don't know how to describe it. It almost gives off that old school feeling playing NHL '94 does, except combine that with some realistic hockey mechanics.

Actual boarding! the setups, the general flow to the game, it just seems a lot more like real hockey than that other game (that it will be so titled now cause it doesn't compare anymore).

Only 2 problems I have with the game so far (from playing 4 games solo, and like 6 games with a friend). The animations need some work to match up with the realistic gameplay. The PS2 version needs progressive scan and widescreen!

So in the end, my statement is 2K5 > 2005 and Sega/VC > EA (since hockey is the only sports game I play)


Oh, one more complaint (again, not many), the game absolutely sucks when it's not on at least Pro. With speed turned up a couple notches. They should make it out-of-the-box set for Pro and the speed turned up.


testicles on a cold fall morning
in addition to your tweaks, i'd add more ice friction for skaters too, seems to allow more close cut turns and less non-stop drifting. but you're right, the game is the best hockey game by far this year. NHL 2005 is nothing but a cheap wrestling game on ice with less chicks.


DMczaf said:
But Kush made it, not VC...

Well then Kush > EA.

Anyways, I'll try that tweak then. Anyone play PS2 version here for online gaming/league? I sold my XBox a while ago (I know, I suck) and won't be rebuying one until Halo 2.


Banstick Emeritus
Man, I worked on the EA NHL series for three years and I'm the biggest NHL 2K pimp on these boards. Easily the most realistic depiction of hockey ever, despite the frustrating lack of polish with presentation. Add to that the fact that it's much cheaper than EA's ice-pinball simulation and you're laughing all the way to the bank.

With Midway's NHL Hitz Pro sewing up the arcade side of things, there's no reason to buy an EA NHL game at all. Maybe next year's will be different (former Black Box producer is taking over duties from Dave Warfield) but EA being EA, I seriously doubt it.


EA guy that we like
NHL 2K5 is certainly superior to NHL 2005, but it is by no means perfect. On the gameplay, I am constantly frustrated by defensemen who won't stay inside the f*ing offensive blue line. I play an Overload style when attacking so I like to get the puck back to the defense for either a shot or a dump to the corner. But the defensemen back up -- sometimes skating out of the zone altogether! -- making it impossible to reliably use my blueliners. I could turn offsides off, but that's not hockey either.

Also, the franchise interface leaves a lot to be desired. There really isn't a good way to view all my stats, making a trade seems to be a shot in the dark to me as I've offered 2-for-1s where what I'm giving is better than what I'm taking, but the CPU still rejects it. I wish I had some idea what the CPU-controlled teams wanted.

But these are minor complaints on what is a much, much better game than any other hockey title on the market.


Yeah, the defensemen's attack also annoys the heck out of me. I always try to make a pass to them, but I can't because more often than not, they're simply not there at all! I haven't tampered with Agressivity or Strategies, yet, so hopefully it will solve the problem when I do.

But still, in terms of puck physics, and game dynamics, this is one of the better hockey games I've played, and it's even better online. :)
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