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late to the party: ps2

i finally caved and bought a PStwo. it came with GTA:VC, but i do not want it so i'm selling it on ebay, with the proceeds going to a game that interests me. So far (i haven't been paying much attention to the ps2 world) the only game I really want to play is Ico. I just bought Katamari Damacy, but I don't think I like it as much as everyone here.

What games did i miss?


If you like jrpgs:
Final Fantasy X
Breath of Fire V
Dark Cloud 2
Shadow Hearts II

among the many, many, other really good ones.


i finally caved and bought a PStwo.

There are those that said this day would never come... what have they to say now?

---60 hours later...

....we STILL can't believe this day has come :p
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