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Latest Xbox Releases Round-up (29/06/04)


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XboxMediaCenter v1.0
>> XboxMediaCenter(info) v1.0 final has just been released!
XBOX Media Center 1.0 is out!
After a long time spent fixing bugs, it has been decided that XBMC is finally ready for a 1.0 release.
Any XBMP users still out there are encouraged to switch! Enjoy.

Changes since last CVS build (06-19):
* added: default language selection for subtitles now possible in mplayer.conf
* added: all know language codes for audio and subtitle selection.
* changed: made sure that resolution switching only happens once when starting in pal60 mode.
* changed: postprocessing is now turned off by default.
* fixed: playlist files on a remote share and whose entries have a '\' at the beginning, where not saved correctly
* fixed: switching srt's included in mkv + small bugfix for switching vobsubs in mkv's.
* fixed: deleting a program from My Programs works properly now
* fixed: no directory history if default path is set
* fixed: lockups when switching between fullscreen and small video window.
* fixed: when an autorun event occurs the screensaver is now reset
* fixed: subs not showing + added switching support for subtitles included in mkv containers (vobsubs).
* fixed: Not showning first icon during scrolling in control (sf patch #976191 by seism)
* fixed: support for foldername.tbn files
* moved: default subtitle selection to mplayer.conf to allow them to be overridden on a per file basis.

Official Site: http://www.xboxmediacenter.de / http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc
Download binaries: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: xbins.org


WinUAEX v3
>> Xport released a new version of amiga emulator WinUAEX(info).
What's new/fixed:
* CD32/CDTV support - Plays real CD32/CDTV cds and ISO files (playing CD32 ISO files does not support WAV/MP3 CDDA tracks at this time)
* Added "Extended ROM" to configuration screen
* Samba, Relax, Netplay re-implemented
* Increased max JIT cache size to 8MB
* Increased max Chipmem size to 8MB - WHDLoad games work now
* Added drive click sounds option "Floppy Volume" on game configuration screen
* Fixed bug with display of FastRAM. 1MB was displayed as 0MB and vice-versa.
* Screen tearing was not actually fixed in v2. Now it is.
* Added "Force PAL50" mode in Video Configuration section (off by default)
* Added "Disable Flicker Filter" to Video Configuration section (on by default)
* Create blank ADF/HDF files from In Game Options menu
* ADZ support
* Fixed all special/international character-conversion to be non-DEBUG FAT-X compatible (Workbench enthusiasts)
* Screen size/position saved for each game
* Added more fine-grain CPU speed options. 0 = Max, 1 = Real, 2 = 100% ... 33 = 0%
* Added "Reset Amiga" function to In-Game Options menu
* Fixed memory bug when reading ISO9660 files
* Added default text-viewing dir. Set it via the default directories section.
* Text file settings (fixed width, text width) are maintained each time you go back and forth from the menu
* When you go up a directory, the cursor is positioned over the directory you just exited.
* Because of changes to the structure of configuration file, you'll have to reconfigure all your games.
* Graphics filters were added back in, but only one or two of them could be used without slowing down the game (on even the simplest of games.) I removed them again so that the memory could be put to better use.

Official Site: http://xport.xbox-scene.com
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: forums.xbox-scene.com and xbins.org


SpeXtrum v0.2
>> A new version of Carcharius's spectrum emulator
+ = enhanced over v0.1
X = brand new in v0.2

+ - Spectrum 48K, 128K and Plus 2 emulation
X - Spectrum Plus 3 emulation.
+ - Improved AY-8912 sound emulation (Robocop speech now works correctly).
+ - More accurate screen emulation.
+ - TAP file support (now with transport controls).
X - TZX file support (preliminary support, not all TZX's will load)
X - Accurate tape loading
+ - Joystick emulation (Sinclair 1, 2 and Kempston).
+ - Virtual keyboard.
+ - Software Video filters (AdMAME, HQ2x, 2xSAI, SuperEagle, Scanlines)
X - Hardware filter options
X - Flicker filter (selectable flicker level)
X - Widescreen video mode support (currently disabled).
X - Customisable keymappings in an xml (everything is changeable).

Official Site: n/a
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: xbins.org


Craxtion 4
>> Fedge & LepPpeR released a new version of the xISO tool Craxtion(info).
What's new/fixed:
* Complete Redesign from Bottom Up: Craxtion 4.0.0 has been re-written completely in .NET - The current standard for programming design in the Windows Environment
* Faster routines and procedures with more capabilities than were provided in previous versions of Craxtion which were written in Visual Basic 6.0.
* All functions and tools (ISO Extraction, Creation, etc) rewritten for optimal performance and faster response times.
* New Parent/Child Window Design. Now you can perform many tasks all at the same time, each task is provided with its own Child window inside Craxtion.
* Internal File Explorer reduces the need to locate files from Windows Explorer!
* FTP Capability: Craxtion now has the capability to communicate with your XBOX console when connected to a network! No need to use a separate FTP Program. You can drag and drop files between your computer and your XBOX all from inside Craxtion!
With this new capability comes features such as:
-File transfer to/from your XBOX console
-Information Retrieval from your XBOX console
-Numerous new features and tools involving transfer to your XBOX console.
* XDVDFS Creator: Our very own ISO Creator built into Craxtion to reduce dependency on external ISO Creators. Our ISO Creator has been coded for exception creation time, as fast if not faster than any other ISO Creators currently available with all the same reliability!
* Additional Tools: We've taken Craxtion beyond ISO Creation/Extraction and Multigame Capability. With added tools such as Game Save Managers and XBOX Restore Utilities so you wont need 10 programs to manage all your XBOX Needs - We've got all the bases covered with Craxtion 4!
* Cross-Dashboard Compatibility: All of Craxtion's features and tools are compatible with all dashes currently available. No need to install a specific dash to take advantage of all of Craxtion's features!

Official Site: http://www.craxtion.com
Download: n/a (contains XDK files built with XDK (for multigame dvds))
News-Source: xbins.org
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