Well, yea, but do they work in that regard?
Law gaf... I need your help. I have my torts test tomorrow at 1 PM- Should I pull an all nighter or not?
I'm pretty sure I need the studying since we cant bring in our outlines, but im worried that the lack of sleep might fuck me over...
It's a 1PM exam... do not pull an all nighter. Try to get at least 5 hours. Either sleep from 12-5, 1-6, 2-7, or whatever fits your schedule best, but I, personally, could never do an all nighter for anything later than a 10AM exam.
In you favor torts is mostly common sense. Unless you have to talk about policy...
1L here and I'm sort of clueless on when grades come out. The last date of finals at my school was 12/16/2011. Around when would final grades get posted? I know every school is different, but I'm sort of looking for anecdotal answers. Thanks!
Same.Ugh. We were 100% just torts no policy and we could bring in an outline
1L here and I'm sort of clueless on when grades come out. The last date of finals at my school was 12/16/2011. Around when would final grades get posted? I know every school is different, but I'm sort of looking for anecdotal answers. Thanks!
I'm suddenly struck with that feeling that I hate lawyers, hate being a lawyer and don't want to do the kind of work my father's firm does but I'm already 2/3 of the way done with Law school.
I'm suddenly struck with that feeling that I hate lawyers, hate being a lawyer and don't want to do the kind of work my father's firm does but I'm already 2/3 of the way done with Law school.
Can't help you with the first two... but as for the last one: don't go work for him?
Lawyer-GAF, what sites do you look at for jobs?
I'm searching on indeed, idealist, monster, my school's job bulletin, PSLawnet, craigslist, any other places that are good that I'm missing?
I'm suddenly struck with that feeling that I hate lawyers, hate being a lawyer and don't want to do the kind of work my father's firm does but I'm already 2/3 of the way done with Law school.
No jobs
Die alone
LOL same boat angry grimace. I just finished because I started. Lawschool unfortunately attracts a lot of sad pathetic human beings.I'm suddenly struck with that feeling that I hate lawyers, hate being a lawyer and don't want to do the kind of work my father's firm does but I'm already 2/3 of the way done with Law school.
Give me ideas, my imagination sucks. Everyone just tells me be a financial advisor, I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own money. I see myself practicing 5yrs tops and already looking for a way out.I'm a lawyer who no longer practices law for my job (at least not every day). Lots you can do with your degree.
Grimace, what type of law does your dad practice?
We do employment litigation.
It's just irritating because I'm already sick of meticulously researching and writing shit that some judge ignores and rules against because the other guy apparently showed up at oral argument and yelled louder than the attorney we sent down. I'm just kind of depressed about the idea of having to do this until I die. It's disturbing to me that this kind of shit is already pissing me off given I haven't even graduated law school yet.
Ever think about transactional law instead of litigation? It's a lot more nuanced with language. Less research. Of course, there's still research, but less. And once you get a few standard contracts down, it's not that bad to edit for a new situation.
The problem is getting into those fields. It's such a tough market I don't know where I'd start. Sticking with my dad's firm is a guaranteed job for a few years as well as a full client list.
The problem is getting into those fields. It's such a tough market I don't know where I'd start. Sticking with my dad's firm is a guaranteed job for a few years as well as a full client list.
Are you a 3L?
Shit, time is running out. Send resumes to the law firms in your city looking for work (paid or unpaid) doing something you would like to do when your graduate. It's probably too late to grab an externship.
Thanks for the reminder.... Looking for jobs blows. Time to put that hat back on with finals over. Woo....
How's everything going lately? I know you had that rough patch earlier.
Why do you hate lawyers and hate being a lawyer?I'm suddenly struck with that feeling that I hate lawyers, hate being a lawyer and don't want to do the kind of work my father's firm does but I'm already 2/3 of the way done with Law school.
brucewaynegretzky, how about a friendly wager? First to lock down post-graduate employment between the two of us gets bragging rights. (also off-topic, but I'm a giant Flyers fan and man isn't Giroux a god-tier player this season?)
Give me ideas, my imagination sucks. Everyone just tells me be a financial advisor, I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own money. I see myself practicing 5yrs tops and already looking for a way out.
I don't know if we have any Harvard people around here, but damnit I would have KILLED for that as an Evidence exam. That was a bad exam for me... At least I could have bullshitted something for that exam. I knew the stuff well enough to spew out 1000 words on policy crap.
Meh. If you studied hard enough for what the exam was likely to be, you know Evidence well enough to not complain about your education. It only sucks in that others who might have been median now have a shot at honoring the class.
I don't know if we have any Harvard people around here, but damnit I would have KILLED for that as an Evidence exam. That was a bad exam for me... At least I could have bullshitted something for that exam. I knew the stuff well enough to spew out 1000 words on policy crap.
I haven't read ATL in years. I figured that the commentators would have ran him off long ago.
I still read it every day, but then again I love juicy biglaw gossip. I feel like it's really dropped off in quality the past couple years though.
Ah yes, now they hide comments though and honestly I never bother to read them. Elie is OK for regular coverage, but I don't know why he or anyone else at ATL ever gets into political commentary. That's when it really goes off the rails.I just remember how the first twenty comments of each of Ellie's articles would be devoted almost exclusively to how much the commentators hated Ellie.
Sidenote: Some law students are fucking oblivious and are REALLY bad at not sounding like douches when talking about post-grad employment. I know they don't mean to but it's sad to see such smart people with such poor personal awareness.)
Some douchebag that had the highest GPA in the grade, bought a copy of his transcript to class one day after the grades were in to show it off.