Lawyer-GAF, a what point (if ever) did you give up being nice, polite and friendly to other attorneys?
I've always been friendly and understanding, and willing to work things out in a casual manner with other attorneys. Unless there is a legitimate objection I'll answer discovery, do things in a timely manner, work toward settlements.
However, there are just SO MANY attorneys who are jerks out there. Who object to every single item of discovery just because, who cross-complaint against any complaint you do in any matter just because, who will insult you and threaten sanctions over a spelling error, it just seems like 3/4ths of the attorneys I deal with (usually the bigger the firm, the more aggressive and standoff-ish they are) take the attitude of WE ARE AT WAR AND I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO BURY YOU IN PAPERWORK AND MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL. EVERYTHING YOUR CLIENT SAYS IS A LIE AND I AM 100% RIGHT. Versus 1/4th who genuinely want to resolve the matter in a way that benefits their clients and does not make them waste all their money on legal fees. I always do everything in the interest of my clients and try to keep the fees down as much as possible and do things efficiently and quick and not bring pointless motions and such when a phone call can resolve the issue.
The more and more I deal with stand off attorneys, the closer I am getting to just saying screw it and showing them I can do the same. But I'm trying to keep my cool and be professional and courteous even if the opposing counsel is certainly not.
I enjoy my transactional work much more than my civil lit. Dealing with clients is (usually) pleasant. Especially if you're helping them out and saving them money.