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Law School & Lawyer GAF

For summer jobs you will be fine.

For a career? Based on NYU will probably be fine.

I'm in that zone at Texas, and not employed yet as a 3L. But I've discussed my issues earlier, and need to broaden my search horizon beyond my ideal job to a good enough job to start out.


Got all my grades back, and somehow I did way better than I expected. My seminar was "lol seminar easy A", and Employment Law was pretty much exactly as I expected, but I definitely wasn't expecting to nearly CALI Evidence. Law school grades, how do they work

Hopefully this will at least get me in a better position to look for 2L Summer Associate positions. My grades were not bad last time, but most of the firms were either IP firms or firms that were like "lol be in top third, plus journal, plus moot court, plus random science degree", which is already pretty absurd even for a T20 school. Too bad I'll still only be a couple of hundredths away from the top third as opposed to a couple of tenths; this shit is maddening.


Mine did.

Depends upon where you are and your class ranking. 1st summer jobs were pretty common here (Alabama), because the Alabama firms were trying to snag the top "talent" and keep them from looking at firms in cities such as Atlanta.

Between top 20-25% ranking. Hopefully that will improve this semester.

1L summer jobs are very common. If you don't have one, you fucked up somehow. If you mean V100 firm gigs as a 1L, then that's a different story. Uncommon.

What's a V100 firm?
I need dumber friends. Within my immediate circle I know 3 people who will be at the Vault top 3. At least I should have connections so I can network down the line.
Yeah, but they were all in my classes, breaking my curve. I blame them for my GPA. My small section and 100 section are disproportionately at the top of the class.

(Yes, I know I am the real reason I am where I am)


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I need dumber friends. Within my immediate circle I know 3 people who will be at the Vault top 3. At least I should have connections so I can network down the line.

Any of them going to Sullivan & Cromwell? If so, tell them to stop fucking up death penalty appeals.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Ok so advice needed. My cousin is a partner at one of the firms in the top 10 on that list. I want to ease myself in to asking a favor for a job, it's all about connections after all. How should I approach the subject? I've never actually spoken to him, but he knows my family.

He's your cousin. Just fucking ask. Then again, that's what I'd do in my family since we're all really close. Not sure about your family. Doesn't seem like you're close. Meh, just ask.

I'm getting sworn into the NY Bar this morning.

My firm is like 40th in the US but 6th globally, and 8th in the US in the area i'm practising.

Ok so advice needed. My cousin is a partner at one of the firms in the top 10 on that list. I want to ease myself in to asking a favor for a job, it's all about connections after all. How should I approach the subject? I've never actually spoken to him, but he knows my family.

Ask him out to coffee on the pretense that you want to get his advice on working in large firm. Te

Approach the whole thing professionally as you would if you were unrelated. Have a many reason why you would want to work for his firm. Dazzle him with something (not related to the fact you are related).

If he doesn't volunteer help, ask him if you could get some work experience at his firm.

Don't have unrealistic expectations. He probably worked very hard to get to his position and wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize it, especially if he's a junior partner.

Don't take it personally if things don't work out. At least, you may be able to get the firm's name on your CV. .


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
He's your cousin. Just fucking ask. Then again, that's what I'd do in my family since we're all really close. Not sure about your family. Doesn't seem like you're close. Meh, just ask.

I'm getting sworn into the NY Bar this morning.

This. Nepotism - work it.
This. Nepotism - work it.

I guarantee to you that nepotism won't get him far in the type of firm he's talking about. Especially since their distant first cousins.

Transparency is very important to such firms. Nepotism in large law firms only extends to the children of big clients.

Also consider this: If you were making $3M plus, would risk your career for a cousin you've never met?
Doesn't hurt to start talking to him. Not every conversation about the profession has to be "can you give me a job?!"

Informational interviews--- talking about the career for an hour, then hopefully being impressive enough with your questions that you get told about the interviewee's ideas for places you can apply or, at least, other people you can talk with (eventually one of them will give you great lead.)

His cousin is probably hooked up enough to at least give him another guy to talk to.

Just introduce yourself, say you heard he was in an impressive firm, ask him politely if he has the time to talk to you so you can pick his brain, and make sure you disclaim that you're asking for a job. If you already know everything about the profession, then pretend you're stupid.


LOL, this happened at my school 1st year, but some lazy Contracts professor re-used an old exam and somehow people got their hands on it. Word got out that people cheated so the whole class had to take another Contracts exam after winter break LOL.

I'm getting sworn into the NY Bar this morning.
Congrats. How long was the gap between mailing in your application and getting sworn today?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Forever. The timeline is a pain. Just post questions here as you go along and someone will fill in the gaps. Character and fitness is done after the exam.

I'm glad I did the NJ bar as well because I only just got my certificate of good standing from NY today.

Waiting for the ceremony to begin.


Forever. The timeline is a pain. Just post questions here as you go along and someone will fill in the gaps. Character and fitness is done after the exam.

I'm glad I did the NJ bar as well because I only just got my certificate of good standing from NY today.

Waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Before today, did they tell you ahead of time what time the ceremony was going to be? And approximately how long was the wait between character fitness interview and swearing in ceremony?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Before today, did they tell you ahead of time what time the ceremony was going to be? And approximately how long was the wait between character fitness interview and swearing in ceremony?

I found out about a month ago. The interview was done this morning. It was a complete formality, lasting all of five minutes.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I guarantee to you that nepotism won't get him far in the type of firm he's talking about. Especially since their distant first cousins.

Transparency is very important to such firms. Nepotism in large law firms only extends to the children of big clients.

Also consider this: If you were making $3M plus, would risk your career for a cousin you've never met?

Get him far, no. But if he's halfway competent it can help him to at least get his foot in the door.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Wouldn't hurt to ask. Whether those grades are good is entirely dependent on your school's curve.


Lawyer-GAF, a what point (if ever) did you give up being nice, polite and friendly to other attorneys?

I've always been friendly and understanding, and willing to work things out in a casual manner with other attorneys. Unless there is a legitimate objection I'll answer discovery, do things in a timely manner, work toward settlements.

However, there are just SO MANY attorneys who are jerks out there. Who object to every single item of discovery just because, who cross-complaint against any complaint you do in any matter just because, who will insult you and threaten sanctions over a spelling error, it just seems like 3/4ths of the attorneys I deal with (usually the bigger the firm, the more aggressive and standoff-ish they are) take the attitude of WE ARE AT WAR AND I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO BURY YOU IN PAPERWORK AND MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL. EVERYTHING YOUR CLIENT SAYS IS A LIE AND I AM 100% RIGHT. Versus 1/4th who genuinely want to resolve the matter in a way that benefits their clients and does not make them waste all their money on legal fees. I always do everything in the interest of my clients and try to keep the fees down as much as possible and do things efficiently and quick and not bring pointless motions and such when a phone call can resolve the issue.

The more and more I deal with stand off attorneys, the closer I am getting to just saying screw it and showing them I can do the same. But I'm trying to keep my cool and be professional and courteous even if the opposing counsel is certainly not.

I enjoy my transactional work much more than my civil lit. Dealing with clients is (usually) pleasant. Especially if you're helping them out and saving them money.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Those lawyers always develop a reputation. I don't cut those guys any slack. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

To your post, your experience seems strange. Jackass lawyers like that are in the far minority, in my experience. No one wants to be known as that lawyer. What's your practice region?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Those lawyers always develop a reputation. I don't cut those guys any slack. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

To your post, your experience seems strange. Jackass lawyers like that are in the far minority, in my experience. No one wants to be known as that lawyer. What's your practice region?

I agree with this.

Edit: sorry I missed your posts, z. If you want some advice, feel free to pm me.


Those lawyers always develop a reputation. I don't cut those guys any slack. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

To your post, your experience seems strange. Jackass lawyers like that are in the far minority, in my experience. No one wants to be known as that lawyer. What's your practice region?

Practicing in the LA area. Mainly doing Breach of Contract/Fraud company vs company business stuff when it comes to Civil Litigation along with some Real Estate Partitions and such. In non-Lit, I'm doing a lot of wills & trusts, estate planning which are actually a lot of fun, and some various other misc subjects. Some PI work too.

And yeah, maybe that % is a little high. Might be more like 50%. There are some really cool, good lawyers out there too. On my first complaint I filed, the other attorney was the most friendly and relaxed and positive guy ever. He was an older gentleman and I think he might've been getting ready for retirement, but he was just extremely courteous and helpful and we got a lot accomplished in the best interests of both our clients.


Hail to the KING baby
i've been in depos on cases i advised where ... oh man i wish i could share the stories

and these were ip cases too not exactly matters of the heart


what's the policy on thank you notes for informational interviews, handwritten or are emails OK? I had one yesterday morning and don't know which to do...


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
what's the policy on thank you notes for informational interviews, handwritten or are emails OK? I had one yesterday morning and don't know which to do...

Email is probably okay, but is a stamp all that expensive?


Email is probably okay, but is a stamp all that expensive?

ok, and should I just send a plain card...like one of those one sided things on some nice paper. The sort of thing you get at papyrus or specialty card stores? I'm very ignorant when it comes to this sort of thing.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
ok, and should I just send a plain card...like one of those one sided things on some nice paper. The sort of thing you get at papyrus or specialty card stores? I'm very ignorant when it comes to this sort of thing.

I'd personally just send a note on resume paper/envelope, but many people sent thank yous on quality note cards.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Indeed. I finally landed a firm job. I interviewed this summer, but the bastards didn't make an offer until calling me up out of the blue last week. I've been doing contract work here in NC. Very happy not to be taking the NC bar next july.

After 1 month on the job with my firm in AL as a contract attorney, they decided that the contract relationship just wasn't working out.

So they made me an associate! Champagne and cavier 3 meals a day from here on out, gentlemen!
After 1 month on the job with my firm in AL as a contract attorney, they decided that the contract relationship just wasn't working out.

So they made me an associate! Champagne and cavier 3 meals a day from here on out, gentlemen!

Congrats!! Your first sentence definitely had me going.

You guys have any opinions on law in a flash (Emmanue'sl flash cards) for property, civil pro, and criminal procedure? I basically put off all studying, besides reading cases, until the end of the semester last go around, and I've definitely learned my lesson. Any other good tools for staying versed on the black letter law through the semester?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Congrats? Your first sentence definitely had me going. You guys have any opinions on law in a flash for property, civil pro, and criminal procedure? I basically put off all studying, besides reading cases, until the end of the semester last go around, and I've definitely learned my lesson. Any other good tools for staying versed on the black letter law through the semester?

Shit, one of the named partners called me out of a meeting with a client to come to his office. I was trying to decide how I'd tell my wife I'd been fired and whether or not I should just keep getting up and going to "work," aka the park to feed pigeons.

Luckily it was good news.

I never used those flash cards. Here's my method of studying: I'd read the assigned material. If I didn't understand it, I'd look it up in a commercial outline keyed to the textbook to flesh out the parts I didn't understand, but I "always" read the material first. Then I would either take the syllabus and turn that into a skeleton for my outline, or, if the professor was going pretty straight forward through the text, I'd take the table of contents and use that. About 1.5-2 months before the final, I started putting together my outline from my class notes, hanging them from the skeleton I'd drafted earlier. Once my outlines were finished (or up to date to that point of the year), I would read them every couple of days and gradually strip the outline of details that I knew and could repeat until I ended up with only a skeleton outline again.

Does that make sense?


Shit, one of the named partners called me out of a meeting with a client to come to his office. I was trying to decide how I'd tell my wife I'd been fired and whether or not I should just keep getting up and going to "work," aka the park to feed pigeons.

Luckily it was good news.

I never used those flash cards. Here's my method of studying: I'd read the assigned material. If I didn't understand it, I'd look it up in a commercial outline keyed to the textbook to flesh out the parts I didn't understand, but I "always" read the material first. Then I would either take the syllabus and turn that into a skeleton for my outline, or, if the professor was going pretty straight forward through the text, I'd take the table of contents and use that. About 1.5-2 months before the final, I started putting together my outline from my class notes, hanging them from the skeleton I'd drafted earlier. Once my outlines were finished (or up to date to that point of the year), I would read them every couple of days and gradually strip the outline of details that I knew and could repeat until I ended up with only a skeleton outline again.

Does that make sense?

Awesome advice, and that is what I'll be doing this semester.


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
After 1 month on the job with my firm in AL as a contract attorney, they decided that the contract relationship just wasn't working out.

So they made me an associate! Champagne and cavier 3 meals a day from here on out, gentlemen!
Congrats, man!!!!

You guys have any opinions on law in a flash (Emmanue'sl flash cards) for property, civil pro, and criminal procedure? I basically put off all studying, besides reading cases, until the end of the semester last go around, and I've definitely learned my lesson. Any other good tools for staying versed on the black letter law through the semester?
Use barbri or Kaplan bar materials to get a grasp of the law. You'll learn a lot from their multiple choice stuff.
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