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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5


LCS Spring 2015 Playoffs - Quarterfinals

Best of Five

EU: (4) Gambit Gaming vs (5) Unicorns of Love

NA: (4) Team Impulse vs (5) Gravity
Game 1: GMB vs. UoL

UoL surprise Gambit with AP Kog, and run a long range comp with him and Jinx. GMB go for a ton of tanky bruisers. They stomp the lane phase, Diamond able to outpressure Nautilus on Rek'Sai, ganking top then getting a 2-0 in a 2v2 under UoL's top lane tower, and Pinoy/Edward able to use Urgot/Janna to bully the heck out of the 2v2 in bot lane. Diamond gets another kill in top lane, but Pinoy gets himself killed for no reason to give UoL some hope. Still, Gambit keep up the aggression and get a 6k gold lead by 18 minutes. UoL never made it out of lane phase.

1.0 - Laning phase

Game 2: UoL v GMB

Gambit again bring out the role squad of tanky bruisers. UoL switch to Udyr jungle and Sion top to bolster their early game strength, since that's where they lost the first game, and support them with Orianna and Jinx (Kog banned out this time around).

And it starts as well as it could for UoL, with a successful level two gank from Kikis, using Flash to reach Pinoy and kill him. GMB recover as Diamond pressures top and makes it 1-1, but otherwise the lane phase progresses very slowly, without incident, GMB gradually building farm advantages. Then Hylissang binds Pinoy and his AD kills him, letting UoL take dragon, traded for top tower. Still a slow game, neither team pulling ahead.

Then Gambit get sucked into a huge teamfight under UoL's bot tower, kill Vardags quickly, but get kited around and killed by PoE's Orianna and the tower. Well played UoL! The game turns in to a relentless brawl for almost 10 straight minutes, in which UoL grind down GMB's tanks with their shields and Udyr's and Sion's damage. GMB do land a few good blows, but UoL end up well ahead, Orianna holding Athene's/Deathcap/Void Staff at 23 minutes. GMB's comp is out of steam.

1.0 - Teamfighting

Game 3: GMB v UoL

UoL go with exactly the same comp as before, minus Orianna, plus AP Kog'Maw. GMB bring a higher DPS carry in Kalista and a genuine dive threat in Ahri (assisted by Rek'Sai and Maokai). Should mean they have a late game to scale in to.

GMB start better, keeping Sion down much more effectively than UoL can Maokai, and eventually first blooding him. Edward tilts mid lane in their favour by going for a Flash-Bubble gank at level 1, burning Kog's summoners, and Betsy gets out to a big lead. Pinoy again gets caught and killed in a 2v2, gifting Vardags two kills. UoL react to this gold surge immediately by grouping up, punishing an aggressive attack on their blue buff by Diamond, sacrifice their far outer towers, and force Gambit to defend. What follows is a series of messy fights, which UoL clearly get the better of. The game slows down for a period, until Viziscaci gets an excellent flank on Gambit to win UoL a teamfight despite losing Kog'Maw immediately. After that fight, the game becomes a bit of a chaotic mess, but UoL's team comp holds them in good stead, able to apply more close range DPS to GMB's tanks, and rain artillery down on Pinoy from afar. One such artillery takes down Pinoy and leads to a clean push from outside GMB's base to their nexus.

I say the reason UoL won was the team comp advantage, but the reason they recovered from a bad lane phase was excellent rotational play (the early grouping stemmed the flow and caught GMB off guard).

0.5 Rotational play
0.5 Team composition

Game 4: GMB v UoL

Oh lord, UoL bring out Shaco. Betsy stares down Shaco/Syndra and last picks Ezreal, about the safest mid laner around. Hard to read their comp as a whole though - Maokai, Sivir, Syndra and Thresh make a good teamfighting squad despite Shaco's presence. GMB get Nidalee and got for a poke heavy line up with Hecarim and Nautilus to protect and engage for them.

GMB start well, for five minutes holding things even. But then Pinoy gets hooked and chunked out (hey, hasn't this happened every game), so Diamond has to bail him out with a gank. Kikis reacts immediately and stealths on to Cabochard, gifting first blood to Maokai. Individual outplays let UoL burn first Diamond's, then Betsy's flashes after trading top towers and killing Pinoy. Very dangerous for a poke comp to be without defensive summoners coming in to the mid game. UoL knocks over mid outer and top outer, to lead 3-1 in towers.

UoL reveal their plan now - to have Shaco split while the other 4 try to occupy Gambit. Shaco starts getting a lot of lane cs and time to free farm. At 20 minutes GMB force an engage on Thresh, and eventually kill Maokai, and while it wins them a dragon, they lose two towers (one to Shaco, one to Sivir and Syndra following a shoved minion wave in the mid lane). UoL's rotations and map awareness are excellent here. Much the same thing happens on 25 minutes, when UoL catch Diamond thanks to PoE's long range stun. Gambit kill Vardags with use of Hecarim's TP, but Shaco takes UoL's 6th tower. On 29 minutes GMB try desperately to catch UoL's group of 4 as they chip down their top base tower, get tantalisingly close to killing Vardags with Ez and Jinx ults, only for Diamond to get caught and blown up. Edward gets caught shortly after, and Kikis moves across the map from where he was holding Hecarim and flanks down Pinoy. UoL's splitpushing and rotations have pulled Gambit apart for 15 minutes straight, gradually taking down their structures and picking them off. GMB have no answer, lose baron, and then lose their base.

1.0 Rotational play

Playoff Totals:

2.5 - Teamfighting
2.0 - Individual play
2.0 - Laning phase
2.0 - Rotational play
1.5 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
1.0 - Team composition

Gambit had the better lanes, but Pinoy kept getting caught and letting UoL back in. UoL had much greater strategic depth and understood how to use the unusual champions Udyr and Shaco to get at Gambit's weaknesses once they caught up. This series will be talked about for years thanks to game 4.
Game 1: TiP v Gravity

TiP opt for a versatile comp, with Hecarim, Sivir and Vlad to dominate teamfights by rushing down squishies, Lee Sin to win laning phase, and Vlad/Hecarim to provide splitpush pressure should they wish it. Gravity build around Cop's Kalista with Orianna and Maokai - a classic set up.

Saint uses an odd jungle route, getting level three without going to his bot side jungle, and then ganks top lane, blowing both flashes and getting first blood for Cop on Adrian. The lead doesn't last long, however, as Rush and Impact combine to bait Hauntzer to his doom, then collapse on Keane's Ori with Homeguard TP to take the kill lead. A few minutes later Rush lane ganks bot lane and finds Hauntzer over-extending to ward a lane bush (use a sapling, buddy). Boom, 3-1. Saint shows up under tower and dies. Boom, 4-1. Saint dives top and it leads to a 0-3, even with a late counter-gank from Rush. Boom, 7-1. Apollo already held a cs lead despite the early gank. Dominant jungling from Rush and reckless over-aggresion from Gravity return a huge lead for Impulse. GG.

0.5 Laning phase
0.5 Individual play (partly for Rush, largely for Saintvicious' and Hauntzer's bad decisions gifting kills)
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