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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

The whole game turned on Xmithie whiffing ult in the 20 min dragon fight. Hit it on Fenix and Quas and CLG win that fight hard and have a high chance of snowballing over Liquid.


Zion Spartan is probably the saddest person in the world right now. I don't know what else he can do, CLG is falling apart while he's not only winning but smashing in the top lane.

Analyst saying pretty much everything I've been saying.... Link choke game #1, Xmithe chokes game #2.
i think clg is playing really bad to their strengths by forcing 2v1s while having carry top laners

yeah he farmed a storm this game but he was so late to the double triforce powerspike that it didn't really matter

on the other side liquid just gave quas rumble/lulu who can do a lot even in a 2v1 situation
What's even the point of a level 5 Rumble teleporting in lol

What the fuck is wrong with CLG's shotcalling right now? You'd think Link would have a clear mind since he was having an easy lane
Was actually hoping for a 5 game series today but I guess it's not in the cards. Hopefully the TiP/Gravity and Gambit/UoL games are more entertaining tomorrow.

Watching a team (CLG) completely fall apart is not as entertaining as it once was.

Edit: Also, I disagree with the commentary on TL being an underdog and so on. CLG is a failure everytime it matters. And the curse of 4th does not lie.



Fuck you CLG.

I'm out.
This whole fight is just



Fuck you CLG.

I'm out.
(Today, 06:51 PM)


Was actually hoping for a 5 game series today but I guess it's not in the cards. Hopefully the TiP/Gravity and Gambit/UoL games are more entertaining tomorrow.

Watching a team (CLG) completely fall apart is not as entertaining as it once was.

Edit: Also, I disagree with the commentary on TL being an underdog and so on. CLG is a failure everytime it matters. And the curse of 4th does not lie.

History says that CLG loses whenever it matters, but TL has looked a lot worse than CLG during this split. I think it's fair to call them the underdog.

CLG needs to replace Link.
Game 1: CLG v Team Liquid

CLG get ahead early even though Liquid play the lane swap out as well as they could. Dominate just doesn't read Xmithie's pressure on Fenix so eventually it tells and they force a 1 for 1 and free Link's TF to roam. This lets Link and Xmithie collapse on Quas after pushing mid, which forces his TP, which lets Zion TP behind Liquid when they dive Doublelift. 5-3 kill lead and objectives in favour of CLG thanks to their strong opening and superior rotations!

But then TF ganks top with Xmithie, only for Dominate to be expecting it. He stalls things out long enough for Fenix and Xpecial to collapse and Urgot ends up 3-2-1, collecting a huge double kill. Piglet gets dove by Aphromoo in response but Quas answers 1 for 1 with use of TP. Liquid pull things back even with good rotations and pink wards in their own jungle, which get them a free kill on Link when he goes to ward. Despite CLG having pressure on every lane Liquid are able to sneak dragon and defend their turrets at 21 mins, to even the count at 1-1 and stabilise the game.

CLG are able to apply a ton of pressure with TP Vladimir and TF, while holding mid under little risk of being attacked. It's on Liquid to find a fight before their towers are chipped away or baron is snuck. CLG lose patience and go for double dives! They get two towers but give up kills, Xmithie gets caught, and they lose baron. Pretty big error in my opinion - no reason to go crazy like that. Great defense by Liquid! And with the baron they're able to bait CLG out of their base and engage on them, completing turning the game. CLG chase with a desperate TP but it's all over. Liquid win thanks to smart, decisive objective calls and defensive rotations to defend their base, before punishing them for over-aggression.

0.5 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
0.5 - Rotational play

Game 2: Team Liquid v CLG

Juggermaw vs. Double AP, a Lucian and two tanks (Sej and Naut). CLG swap away from their splitpushing approach and take a last pick Karthus, which isn't a normal pick against Juggermaw since he has problems getting into the fight.

TL play out the early lane phase better, Xpecial's warding allowing IWD to sneak dragon and steal second blue while Xmithie wasted his time camping top. TL sacrifice farm on Quas for Piglet's benefit, unsurprising in a Juggermaw comp, but CLG punish the decision and pick up first blood on him, delaying his level 6 till 11mins. Three risky dives happen with pretty even results over the next few minutes, Fenix the biggest beneficiary, though Quas does get back into the game. Hard to say who plays this better - both teams make errors, but nothing hugely bad happens either way. Not hard to say who plays the crucial 20 minute dragon engagement better - CLG are split, miss the Sej ult, Liquid have double Triforce, and they win it easily, taking mid turret and forcing Zion's TP afterward. Game essentially done at this point - CLG's comp does nothing a Juggermaw once it's online. I make this half composition and half good teamfighting. Liquid drew the lane phase and rotations (at best) but still won the game easily.

0.5 Composition
0.5 Teamfighting

Game 3: CLG v Team Liquid

CLG go for double AD with Rumble/Jarvan/Alistar to bring teamfight power and magic damage, while Liquid come with a team centred around teamfighting, diving in with Hecarim/Sejuani/Vladimir with Lucian and Janna to defend their towers from the double AD pressure.

CLG open better, getting first tower when Liquid fail to get to the wave crashing on their bottom tower and first blood when they try to stop CLG taking dragon. Doublelift leads Piglet's cs too. But then disaster strikes! Piglet kills Aphromoo and Quas somehow solo kills Zion despite trailing in levels (thanks to Ignite and minion damage)! Then, after a 1-1 trade in the top lane, Fenix solo kills Link! Liquid straight up outplay CLG in lanes despite disadvantages all over the map, pulling out significant cs leads.

Team Liquid play it careful and slow until Vladimir bases, at level 15, three levels up on Link, and comes out with Zhonya's, WOTA, and more. They force baron and devastate CLG with an excellent Sej ultimate onto Link and Zion when CLG try to re-engage following Vlad's invulnerabilities timing out. But really, this game was won by a set of outplays in lane.

1.0 Individual play

Playoff Totals:

2.0 - Individual play
1.5 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
1.5 - Teamfighting
0.5 - Rotational play
0.5 - Team composition

So much for the golden age.


tbh outside of clg clearly tilting right now i feel like this shows a new high for liquid which is pretty exciting

very good individual play, good coordinated teamfights/tps/skirmishing and good pick and ban

i hope this was not like an anti-fluke

and it's sad to see clg end here when their play looked so good earlier in the split
It's like Phreak said, all of Liquid playing well makes them look scary as shit

This was the team that I think most people hope for at the start of the season. I foolishly thought Liquid and WFX were going to be the two out of nowhere super power for the split (oh boy was I wrong about WFX). Liquid saving me a little face right now but I doubt Cloud 9 will crumble like CLG does.

I didn't think Avalon would be terrible I thought oh Korean top laner? On a team that speaks Korean? That's perfect!.... Yea I was wrong.
I'm adding up my reasons for why teams win games (counting only the playoffs). Sometimes I split the point between two reasons because I think both were very important (e.g. individual outplays and great composition). I want to get an idea of what the most likely way for a team to win is.


I'm adding up my reasons for why teams win games (counting only the playoffs). Sometimes I split the point between two reasons because I think both were very important (e.g. individual outplays and great composition). I want to get an idea of what the most likely way for a team to win is.

yeah but like, there's only one point for individual play on the three games and it adds up to 2, and teamfighting gets 0.5 in the games and then 1.5 in the end

am i dumb or that's some weird math lol
yeah but like, there's only one point for individual play on the three games and it adds up to 2, and teamfighting gets 0.5 in the games and then 1.5 in the end

am i dumb or that's some weird math lol

Oh it's also including the CW/H2K games from earlier.


I have vague memories, back a year or two ago when I didn't know much anything else about LCS, of typing at teammates "pls no throw, pls no clg throw".
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