Obvious strength and weaknesses. Viktor is a very immobile mage with powerful lockdown tool and needs superior positioning. Brand before he got buffed, had a combo which is one failed your damage is gutted in have. also has one of the weakest stuns in the game. Rumble sacrifices his ability to cast spels for like 5 seconds to dish out a lot of damage. Yet he only has two main offenses in short range aoe dot and manual aimed spear that doesnt do too much damage. He really needs the mask to really get going.
Compare to some like fizz who just can bash the keyboard and get an ace.
yeah i mean ori is the best champion in the game but idk what your point is lol
explain your point!
That's what Riots doing though isn't it
They're adding a champion that gets to ignore rules-IE Yorick gets to ignore zzportal because he has his own pushing buddies-but they're half assing it. Riot even puts it in the write up of Yorick-That he's a split pusher and that his team fight is weak. But they're neutering his split pushing, thus ruining their own concept of a split pushing champion before it has a time to breathe.
And they're kinda trying to push him to be a jungler with these changes-Which I don't agree with? his circular wall isn't great at all. Looking at two characters from other games-Natures Prophet and Nazeebo-they have the same thing-Natures prophet creates a circular blockade of trees, Nazeebo creates a circle of zombies. The difference being the trees can only be destroyed by certain skills or that one item, and Nazeebo, whilst the zombies don't have alotta HP, they're independent(Killing one doesn't take down the whole wall), and the zombies actually attack their target.
So for jungling, he's gonna be a shitty ganker, which is kinda necessary in this game. Yeah he'll be able to counter jungle, but teams collapse way too fast these days to be a threat.
His kit sucks otherwise if his split pushing isn't on game. It's not a great kit or anything.
i think you're making way too big of a deal about the ult change lol
in any case, making him broken as a splitpusher doesn't solve anything, and yorick is released in this state of the game, not a better one with more strategy and shit
i think the idea of add cool shit to the game with every new champion (thresh lantern, yasuo windwall, reksai radar vision thing, azir turret making, taliyah wall, kalista support catapult, etc.) is great, i just think that they invariably end up breaking the game because we're still playing a game built around champions like warwick and veigar instead of jhin and taliyah and thresh
it's kind of a chronic issue with league that they just can't explore new stuff without breaking the game because the game is not complex enough to naturally create tools to counter and play around those new gamebreaking mechanics.
the game is still fun to play, don't get me wrong, but that's mostly cos champion design has been getting better and better and the core loop of the game is still fantastic, it's just that all the things around it are kind of trash.
runes and masteries are absolute trash as both systems and balance
items are pretty flat stat increases with few exceptions and little room for customization
the jungle is super oppressive for champions that can't farm super well
buffs are simple and don't feel meaningful enough while also being kind of super necessary
summoner spells are the same every game on every lane but mid
vision is very simplistic and still overly reliant on supports
and again the game is awesome, but i just feel it's stuck in a loop of perpetually punishing its coolest champions because it doesn't have the systems to support their uniqueness (not to mention some of these champions like azir are just impossible to balance because they just do EVERYTHING right)