don't think it's possible to be over 8000 on urgot. Even with cinderhulk and 5 warmogg's + elixir of iron he could only get to around 7500 health.Can you show me his build?
don't think it's possible to be over 8000 on urgot. Even with cinderhulk and 5 warmogg's + elixir of iron he could only get to around 7500 health.Can you show me his build?
Costy can you shed some light on why the Chicago Theatre was chosen as a venue? It's small, it's old, and sure it has history but the Midwest area of the United States gets fucked a lot of the time in regards to esporting events and holding the semifinals in a venue that doesn't even hold 4000 people seems like a bad move.
don't think it's possible to be over 8000 on urgot. Even with cinderhulk and 5 warmogg's + elixir of iron he could only get to around 7500 health.
build can vary quite a bit but your first few backs should always beokay so I just tried out viktor. I didn't know he was so fun to play. I might just go and spam him now.
Edit: What's the best item build for him?
runes are standard mid:Runes could also help.
If you really want to see their faces roll, get 5 steraks and a sheen and it will make them flip out. Seriously i dont dont why ez does so much damage with that build.smacking people in the face for 500 damage with my q every 2 seconds is fun
idk, I'm not on the NA esports team
I can try and find out!
If you really want to see their faces roll, get 5 steraks and a sheen and it will make them flip out. Seriously i dont dont why ez does so much damage with that build.
steraks stack?
The damage passive does but not the shield.steraks stack?
Yup , I want the sailor jupiter one, I wish riot could play more with the texture, the only chroma doing it is teemo
Thanks. Don't mean to be a complainer but I was super stoked to learn that I could actually go to an LCS playoff match only to go "oh" when the venue was revealed.![]()
Hey Phillip, location is a major factor. We've seen fans and pros respond poorly to venues located outside major metropolitan areas where some of the bigger Chicago venues are. We're also needing to secure venues earlier and earlier based on the size of our shows, often competing with events that are being booked multiple years in advance. We're taking steps to book venues with more lead time, which opens up more options. But for now, we have to wrestle with very aggressive availability constraints. We're going incredibly lean on our production footprint in the Chicago Theatre and will be opening up another wave of tickets to allow as many fans to watch live as possible.
If there's more tickets becoming available maybe I should still try to go. I'm terrible at tracking these things though. I understand why pros would want to be in a metropolitan center, but an event somewhere like the Allstate Arena would've been way more accommodating with its location relative to the airport, ease of access, etc. Maybe something like that is not really feasible though.Here you go sir:
It at least looks really cool! I'm excited to see it in the fleshlooks likely I'll be covering all of Worlds live from the shows themselves, which will be awesome. Hopefully I can catch up with some Gaffers either at the events themselves or for some drinks in the cities!
Here you go sir:
It at least looks really cool! I'm excited to see it in the fleshlooks likely I'll be covering all of Worlds live from the shows themselves, which will be awesome. Hopefully I can catch up with some Gaffers either at the events themselves or for some drinks in the cities!
Trust me he had 8364 by the end of the game. We can duo for nemesis and and stream roll while you check the receipts.don't think it's possible to be over 8000 on urgot. Even with cinderhulk and 5 warmogg's + elixir of iron he could only get to around 7500 health.
So im still new to LoL (come from dota), but I just went against my first Fiora and good lord she destroyed us. It seemed like she had endless grey life, endless blinks, endless lifesteal.. it was insane.
Ofcourse she got fed super early, but still, if thats how that character can play then I am buying her next.
Mundo builds Hourglass?
theres absolutely no reason to .
Highest win-rate though.
You troll and feed and shout gg ez like in overwatch.![]()
what am I supposed to do?
The mids name is "ItsthatJew"
It was too late when thresh went ad and you had two sups.Shoulda just started the surrender vote at 20 minutes.
Can you dodge blind pick with no penalty?
Look at the first ban and you'll understand.Why'd you let a Rengar get through
Take l cause it doesnt hurt. Youll need to dodge to survive the hells of bronze.Can you dodge blind pick with no penalty?