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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

rip, fixed

honestly Xin has the potential to be one of the coolest champions in League if he's done right. Dudes with spears are cool

I'd like to go full dragoon without him being a dragoon. jumps n stuff

If Xin didn't get blown up immediately

and was able to jump on enemies as needed(IE E into an enemy, then immediately E into another one), he'd be awesome. Hell, give him a combo system. E followed by Q allows him to E more times, Q followed by E lets him throw his spear or something

what I'm saying is look towards Dynasty Warriors for inspiration. Xin Zhao can easily, be stylistically the coolest champion.


New week. Costy, irelia skin tomorrow?

Also, I have no major complaints about the game right now from a top lane perspective in a crap elo


New champ update blog

Happy with Talon though he needs buffs
Rengar doing too much damage without sacrificing CC immunity, believe he can be brought to a balanced state but might need more work for that
Happy with Kat but paying attention on her balance as people master her
LeBlanc might be pushing the Assassin/Mage thing a bit too much, might address it later

Next class update: Tanks and defensive items, wants tanks to get more out of defensive stuff than other classes - aka fuck you Fizz

VGU team A finishing Galio, working on Eve next (yessssssssssss), will still have permanent stealth, Eve will still be sexy
VGU team B finished Warwick, working on Urgot next

Oh and Breezy, once Eve and Urgot are done Swain becomes one of the top priority reworks

Aatrox cries in a corner listening to Nightwish
they didn't say talon needed buffs, that'd be crazy, dude is pretty high up in winrate in both top and mid

also their read on the updates sounds pretty solid, acknowledging most of the issues while having pretty decent answers to them

i'd disagree with some stuff (like leblanc feeling more like a deceiver, cos she feels less so now) but generally good stuff

yeah but wheres the ryze rework
jokes aside, it does sound like they'll have to rework ryze again someday. maybe not as big of a rework but i'm pretty sure he'll get some changes

Aatrox doesn't really need a full remake. Likely to get something smaller either via a roster update or a Shyvana-like mini-update.
he needs way more than a shyvana like update, both his art and his moveset are both very uninspired and need some major changes

not sion level but definitely a shen level imo

I mean Vanguards as a class needs more work than divers, and it doesn't exclude Divers from being the preseason update. He'll get work done but sometimes there are higher priorities.
hmm, i'd say neck and neck, but maybe it's not a class issue and it's more that the champions that represent divers are kind of some of the worst low counterplay champions around (vi, irelia, nocturne, hecarim)

Volibear's on the list for a full overhaul, fyi.

Reav3 posted it here


Kayle + Morg (duo update)
Xin Zhao
fairly good list, tho it's missing malzahar, who's new rework made it crystal clear that half reworks won't cut it for him

some choices are a bit confusing tho, putting volibear on that list while leaving out someone like tryndamere is really strange to me, but all of those champions should get changed quite a bit
Trynd has a functional kit, he's just outdated and frustrating to play against like Teemo.

Voli's kit on the other hand is pretty shit because he was basically created as a meme champion and little thought was put in his skillset besides making him a thunder bear.


i'm not saying anything positive about volibear here (tho i think at least he looks cool), so idk, just use morgana or chogath instead

tryndamere felt like a good fit for that list cos nothing about him is any good, he's ugly, his kit is bad, his identity is bad, it's not fun to play with him or against him because of how uninteractive he i, his skillfloor/skillceiling stuff is all very hard to appreciate, etc.

some other champions also fit that idea, tho, he just felt like an odd miss in there
breakfast pls rspnd if ur ok



I finally got to promos! Singed's been really good so far, confusing people and allowing me to be a freaking pain in the ass. The latest game I laned up against a Kled who killed me thrice during laning phase and never allowed me to proxy, but come mid-game I was split-pushing all over the place and forcing them to divert their attention to me. I even managed to keep four of them busy for almost three minutes at their bot inhib turret while my team picked up an easy ancestral dragon, walked all the way up to their base and teamed up with me to seal the deal.

Then I also got a really weird interaction in that match, where I wanted to fling a Jax and he jumped away, but then my fling affects him anyway even though I'm obviously out of range and sends him flying back to where he was (and onto of my goo and MF's rain of bullets for the win).

I love my oddball champs... like, people know how to play against a guy who wants to walk up to you and kill you, but Singed's approach is so vastly different from that that people at my ELO are constantly caught off-guard by his deceptive damage potential and crazy tankiness.


sealed with a kiss
I finally got to promos! Singed's been really good so far, confusing people and allowing me to be a freaking pain in the ass. The latest game I laned up against a Kled who killed me thrice during laning phase and never allowed me to proxy, but come mid-game I was split-pushing all over the place and forcing them to divert their attention to me. I even managed to keep four of them busy for almost three minutes at their bot inhib turret while my team picked up an easy ancestral dragon, walked all the way up to their base and teamed up with me to seal the deal.

Then I also got a really weird interaction in that match, where I wanted to fling a Jax and he jumped away, but then my fling affects him anyway even though I'm obviously out of range and sends him flying back to where he was (and onto of my goo and MF's rain of bullets for the win).

I love my oddball champs... like, people know how to play against a guy who wants to walk up to you and kill you, but Singed's approach is so vastly different from that that people at my ELO are constantly caught off-guard by his deceptive damage potential and crazy tankiness.

singed's flip is just like panth's w, the moment you cast the spell it's guaranteed to flip/stun them regardless of what they do between the cast time and the interaction (barring spellshield of course)


sealed with a kiss
dc reconnects literally 2 seconds after our remake goes through

would actually have run it down mid if they had reconnected 5 seconds sooner


sounds like sensible nerfs

7.3 is shaping up to be a good one

I doubt they'll do much of anything to her and I'm one those people who happen to believe base stat nerfs are stronger than players give them credit for.

Champions losing move speed is always a nerf, but there's losing 5 MS on a champion that needs to charge in to engage (e.g. Skarner) and then there's losing 5 MS on a champion with a mid cooldown dash and an uninterruptible on-click dash across 1/3 of the screen. Likewise, losing base attack speed on a champion with two AA resets and that depends on burst is different than a base attack speed nerf on a champion that's focused on dps.


autofill is not a big deal but getting position switched after someone else dodged is the fucking worst

I doubt they'll do much of anything to her and I'm one those people who happen to believe base stat nerfs are stronger than players give them credit for.

Champions losing move speed is always a nerf, but there's losing 5 MS on a champion that needs to charge in to engage (e.g. Skarner) and then there's losing 5 MS on a champion with a mid cooldown dash and an uninterruptible on-click dash across 1/3 of the screen. Likewise, losing base attack speed on a champion with two AA resets and that depends on burst is different than a base attack speed nerf on a champion that's focused on dps.
i think stat nerfs are pretty damn strong and i think they're targeting two very strong things about her (mobility and clear) so at least the direction is fine

i prefer sensible nerfs to champions like vi that are frustrating and everything but i think are overall positives for the game, vs champions like malzahar that should be straight out gutted
Legit, I don't even know what is going through people's heads some times. My jungler flashed over dragon wall to try to steal a cloud drake at the 25 minute mark.

They can have the cloud drake, don't throw your life away for it. ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE'S A BLAST CONE AVAILABLE NEXT TO THE PIT.


second lost promo series to g1, first time i went mid adc so i got 2 adc, 1 mid, now i went mid top and i've gotten 2 top 1 mid

would be nice if riot allowed me to have any influence on the result of my promo series

i can't even say i'm having trouble climbing, but would be nice if riot didn't sabotage my promos every time

Look out

I know what I'm spamming tomorrow
hmm i guess that's what i gotta start picking

i've gone through two naut games without feeding but the boredom is such that i want to kill myself


i don't know why but at night i turn into envelaap


funny enough, all three lee sin games were against hecarim jungle who my team and I made int and basically afk the game after 2 minutes. the third hecarim was about to trash talk at the start of the game and so i muted him, my team told me he said he was gonna 1v5 and make me regret taking his lee sin. he went 0/6


Jeez, Autofill junglers are worse than autofill supports.

Junglers are the most influential role together with midlaners after all.

Autofill mids that just let their lane opponents roam while not getting any damage on tower and still lose in cs are quite terrible.


Look out

I know what I'm spamming tomorrow
Quinn has been really strong for ages, these lethality buffs will probably end up with riot nerfing her though.

Then they will revert the lethality buffs without reverting Quinns nerfs and then she'll be garbage untill they rework her in two years.


Junglers are the most influential role together with midlaners after all.

Autofill mids that just let their lane opponents roam while not getting any damage on tower and still lose in cs are quite terrible.

I always feel so bad when I get autofilled support. I just want to spam apologies through laning phase. Luckily my last adc didn't speak English so I just assumed he was giving me words of encouragement


had a varus adc go the muramana build against a warwick and mundo as if he was ever gonna poke them out. he didn't even build mortal reminder, he built LDR. i tell him this and he takes it as if i'm blaming him for the game, and flames me the rest of the game because i couldn't carry from a 5/0 lead


yea malz support legit works in low elo. first time picked him and got first blood in 2 secs.

I wonder what would happen if I got ignite as well
yea malz support legit works in low elo. first time picked him and got first blood in 2 secs.

I wonder what would happen if I got ignite as well

He works in all ELOs. W-W-E, maybe throw in a flash R here and there and you've played correctly. Have I mentioned that I'm still not over the fact that my jungler flashed into the dragon pit last night trying to steal a cloud drake. When he could've also used blasting plant to get in and flash back out even?

:V Playing an immobile ADC against a fed Kha'zix when no one on your team peels for you is pretty fun.
Just for the people picking up Malz, the build is to max W first because the voidlings are why he's stupid in lane. Then once you hit level 6 you have a point and click multiple second disable.
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