ok finally i won my promos off the back of an absurdly tilted enemy team lol. yasuo literally spent all game spamming "mediocre lb", while aatrox (lol) and ziggs had similar things to say about their respective matchups. long winded rants of how i play terrible and don't even know what my abilities do and how i'm getting carried and whatnot, it was hilarious. anywho we won cos u know, half their team is feeding their ass off
but then the post-game is amazing
yasuo continues to trash my butt while ez tries to reason with him. yas is all like "lb was so bad she kept beating me 3v1 with jungle or support assist" while ez is like "dude, chill", explaining how midlane kind of works like that etc. and then yasuo kind of breaks down and accepts he had a bad game, that he feels like he's been getting too angry lately, that the things he said made him look like a fool
he says sorry and tells us "gg lb and ez" and leaves
i'm not sure if this guy is insane but i'm kind of rooting for him lol
i hope he finds the peace he's looking for, somewhere...