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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Had a Top Zed lose lane to a Soraka Top.

Like ... how?
I get how she shits on melee kiteable tanks like Poppy and the juggernauts like Dar but ... how does Ignite Raka top beat a Zed early? He's like, one of the safest Assassins you could wish for.


So I guess I have to play adc Quinn then??

And just yesterday Riot finished implementing somewhat standarized RP prices across LAS, which wasn't all that pretty. Paying with an international credit card as opposed to a local means of payment gave you more bang for your buck here (at least in Argentina), but at the same time it made sense since they charged your purchase in USD, which was going to go up between the time you make the purchase and when you're actually able to pay your CC bill.

Was going to charge at least 1K so that I could get a singed skin eventually (either the snowfall or the black plague one), but I ended up forgetting to do so before the price rise, so I guess I'll just wait for now. Here's to hoping custom sales come back soon, since getting sales on champs you play (or own? IDK) is a lot better than browsing the monthly skin sales list hoping to find something I actually want.
Oh right I forgot to buy RP since they didn't tell you in the client

That's cool rito, very nice


Had a Top Zed lose lane to a Soraka Top.

Like ... how?
I get how she shits on melee kiteable tanks like Poppy and the juggernauts like Dar but ... how does Ignite Raka top beat a Zed early? He's like, one of the safest Assassins you could wish for.

I'd say that even bad match-ups can be won if the skillgap between the two players is large enough. Maybe the Zed was just pushing too much while eating poke and then getting himself ganked, or perhaps he was too trigger-happy and kept burning his CDs at inoportune times.

get outta my jungle ya kappa
omg this annie is such a boosted animal
oh tilted! tilted! runnin' it down mid!
embrace your inner weeb
pop a molly
holy fishmole
i dont wanna say anything but [says something anyway]
put em in the DIRT
quoted for new page.

let it seep deep inro your pores.


Tfw you get autofilled support against an ADC + Support main.

Now my ad is having having ping issues

My ad is half the cs of the enemy ad at 9 mins
I'd say that even bad match-ups can be won if the skillgap between the two players is large enough. Maybe the Zed was just pushing too much while eating poke and then getting himself ganked, or perhaps he was too trigger-happy and kept burning his CDs at inoportune times.

Probably just some dude messing around in normals.

But Raka top is legit. Just never thought it would work vs something like a Zed.

Plus IIRC she got straight 1v1 FB on him.

Anyway, just finished a 22min game as Susan. Enemy team FFed. Seems like he just fucks with the players mind ... like I'm up against a Riven top who took Flash Ignite. She kills me twice before Hec kills her. She goes crazy greedy for kills, trying to tower dive me. and eats it. After getting TF and taking top tower as she roamed I ran mid and stacked some more. She figures I'm just gonna AFK farm so she tried to freeze at Teir 2 as I turned the mid lane death battle into a 5v4. After a few more Team Fights I was 7/3, Hec was 9/3 and they gave up without us even taking an inhib even though everyone else was a feeder on my team.
I'm confused by the Nasus highest win-rate build on Champaion.gg. They max Q last, and bring magic damage in runes instead of attack damage. Can someone smarter than I explain that to me?


What do you plan to do about autofill trolls who pick purposefully-bad supports and force other people to dodge? Why not a vote-to-leave system?

First, we agree with the community that holding champion select hostage isn't an acceptable thing for players to do. Being able to choose your position isn't a guarantee that you'll get your primary selection every time — we need all players to take their turn playing other positions either via secondary choice or autofill so the system can get people into a game in a reasonable amount of time. This obviously works best when people lean into the role they're assigned and try to do the best they can.

We don't have immediate plans to address champ select trolls, but we are closely monitoring autofill behavior and dodge rates and will adjust our priorities if needed. One of the common requests we hear about is vote-kick, vote-to-leave, or similar systems. We're unlikely to do this because they are too easy to game, promote conflict within champion select, and could punish players who don't want to pick the FOTM/OP/counter to the enemy lane (we've all seen a negative player say something like, ”Camille gg" in champ select and would rather not allow mentalities like that to have undue influence on the champions players choose).

don't worry too much noot, you're safe, riot doesn't plan to do anything about you lol

i mean, they're considering something that asks u why u dodged, but no immediate plans it seems

that's very disappointing


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm confused by the Nasus highest win-rate build on Champaion.gg. They max Q last, and bring magic damage in runes instead of attack damage. Can someone smarter than I explain that to me?
I have seen it and it is very annoying. Essentially the E damage is unavoidable, and becomes quite strong against champions lacking sustain. They just keep harassing from a distance and farm with a zone style game early on. Needs to be punished by a jungler, but that does not always happen in solo queue, particularly when people don't recognize that it needs to be squashed early.


What do you plan to do about autofill trolls who pick purposefully-bad supports and force other people to dodge? Why not a vote-to-leave system?

don't worry too much noot, you're safe, riot doesn't plan to do anything about you lol

i mean, they're considering something that asks u why u dodged, but no immediate plans it seems

that's very disappointing
Well I don't take champion select hostage just because I didn't get my role. That's not my team's fault, and they shouldn't be punished for it. Support is my second best role anyways.

I only do it when people make stupid picks (Yasuo with no ranked games), zero cc team, all ad against Rammus etc.


sealed with a kiss
utterly pointless to try and play league as a group since it just means i'll get matched against plats and diamonds every single game

ty rito

God, I fold like a lawn chair. Lobby starts and I'm immediately bombarded with a copy/paste:

"Can I mid?"
"Can I mid?"
"I vouch. He good mid."
"Can I mid?"


"I guess, but I'm not very good at jungle"
"I don't care. So I can mid?"


I have seen it and it is very annoying. Essentially the E damage is unavoidable, and becomes quite strong against champions lacking sustain. They just keep harassing from a distance and farm with a zone style game early on. Needs to be punished by a jungler, but that does not always happen in solo queue, particularly when people don't recognize that it needs to be squashed early.

Yup and Nasus with a farmed Q, will always do damage regardless if they got the 'right' rune page. Nasus always plays for late game, the only thing that matters for early game is surviving.


God, I fold like a lawn chair. Lobby starts and I'm immediately bombarded with a copy/paste:

"Can I mid?"
"Can I mid?"
"I vouch. He good mid."
"Can I mid?"


"I guess, but I'm not very good at jungle"
"I don't care. So I can mid?"



I like never let someone mid unless I look them up on op.gg and they're a legit smurf with like an 80% win rate.
Mmm, how is lethality on ADCs , I mean how that stat works, it just past throught armor or what.

Anyone knows if Jhin whistle at the start of the game will change on his Blood Moon skin?


So since a good amount of people want blind, first and third game will be draft, and second game will be blind.


Remember when people used to play nidd? I wonder if we will see her in a pro game this year

Also she needs a black panther skin



ok finally i won my promos off the back of an absurdly tilted enemy team lol. yasuo literally spent all game spamming "mediocre lb", while aatrox (lol) and ziggs had similar things to say about their respective matchups. long winded rants of how i play terrible and don't even know what my abilities do and how i'm getting carried and whatnot, it was hilarious. anywho we won cos u know, half their team is feeding their ass off

but then the post-game is amazing

yasuo continues to trash my butt while ez tries to reason with him. yas is all like "lb was so bad she kept beating me 3v1 with jungle or support assist" while ez is like "dude, chill", explaining how midlane kind of works like that etc. and then yasuo kind of breaks down and accepts he had a bad game, that he feels like he's been getting too angry lately, that the things he said made him look like a fool

he says sorry and tells us "gg lb and ez" and leaves

i'm not sure if this guy is insane but i'm kind of rooting for him lol

i hope he finds the peace he's looking for, somewhere...


btw of my two tests of top quinn, she feels pretty good but i probably need a special set of runes and masteries or something and need to think a bit more about items and such

i'm feeling like she might be a good candidate for stormraiders instead of thunderlords, since i find trading with her is tricky since always tank a bit of dmg when going in with e, so getting the ms boost to run away is probably a good idea. also i'm probably gonna switch to arpen reds and ad quints instead of going default adc page and try and try and maybe attack speed blues?

i went youmuus into frozen mallet both games just cos i wanted to try it out but it's probably a bad idea since it's not stacking lethality, but i don't like duskblade much on top quinn since you're not roaming all that much, and edge of the night wasn't good against illaoi or graves.

i guess i could've gone pd, but it feels like a wonky build. maybe black cleaver? cdr + ms buff + armor shred might be good on her, tho she doesn't spam nearly as often as other black cleaver users

hmm i need to experiment more

she's pretty fun in a really old league bullshit kind of way, like if i was playing with an old dfg champion or something


Blindly picking Lulu right now feels good since you will often get matched with Malz. It's especially good for the ones who just play Malz since he's OP and doesn't know that Lulu kills his voidlings in one attack.
Played 4 games of Susan and won all of em. May be ready to take him to Ranked now. That being said, I still haven't played vs a Darius or Garen so IDK how he's gonna feel when I see them.

Also gotta change my runes. Used my tank page for him were I have AS marks, Armor Qnts and zero AD ... its hard as fuck stacking early with no ad.

Also played some WW top ... I think he's a damn solid top laner.


btw of my two tests of top quinn, she feels pretty good but i probably need a special set of runes and masteries or something and need to think a bit more about items and such

i'm feeling like she might be a good candidate for stormraiders instead of thunderlords, since i find trading with her is tricky since always tank a bit of dmg when going in with e, so getting the ms boost to run away is probably a good idea. also i'm probably gonna switch to arpen reds and ad quints instead of going default adc page and try and try and maybe attack speed blues?

i went youmuus into frozen mallet both games just cos i wanted to try it out but it's probably a bad idea since it's not stacking lethality, but i don't like duskblade much on top quinn since you're not roaming all that much, and edge of the night wasn't good against illaoi or graves.

i guess i could've gone pd, but it feels like a wonky build. maybe black cleaver? cdr + ms buff + armor shred might be good on her, tho she doesn't spam nearly as often as other black cleaver users

hmm i need to experiment more

she's pretty fun in a really old league bullshit kind of way, like if i was playing with an old dfg champion or something

I dont really have time to explain much atm so ill just leave r/Quinnmains build guide, i think its very well made and give some good tips so check it out Quinnmains guide
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