nami is great, one of the most satisfying and fun supports to play, with a well rounded kit that's easy to understand and hard to master
w spam is not really a design issue, it can be simply fixed with numbers, and it's not really a problem right now
also risk adverse here is a misnomer for defensive, there's lots of stuff in nami's kit that encourage her to take risks, even if she's a defensive champion in itself. bubble is a really rewarding spell, and e asks her to get in leona engage range for auto harass to get anything done (past lane it's just buff adc, but who cares by then). w has best use scenarios that involve also getting in risky ranges of engage supports or mages like zyra that can do ton of damage, while giving her a bit of fallback sustain in case she needs it
she's defensive, but there's a big difference with janna who's entire kit is about mitigating risks, what with the high ms, the very simple shield and the peel oriented cc that's mostly used to defuse fighting rather than encourage it
I dont really have time to explain much atm so ill just leave r/Quinnmains build guide, i think its very well made and give some good tips so check it out
Quinnmains guide
eh i don't like using guides for builds, i just like figuring stuff out on my own based on what works for me (like my old dfg lizzy and my very liberal use of abyssal and rylais long before they were cool)
was useful glancing through that to actually read on the details on those ad items cos like, turns out ad items have a lot of strange stat interactions that i never knew about, like the maw shield scaling with mr or the duskblade passive scaling with lethality, so at the very least that information is interesting
i kind of like playing her a bit tankier than what i've normally seen in or this guide cos idk, i kind of just enjoy how frozen mallet or steraks gage or maw+edge of the knight feel on her, it feels kind of unfair for the other person lol
i also have like a weird bias against duskblade cos idk something about that passive feels to me like it's not that easy to apply, but bird mode makes you so fast that's probably not a problem
i just like experimenting on my own, ad assassin items seem to be in a fairly healthy state atm (even tho hexdrinker/maw are terrible braindead items that should not be in the game), or at least it's a lot more open that i remember, for quinn at least heh. i want to try triforce and black cleaver builds, idk, experiment
midlane items also feel pretty good, actually, i almost never buy rylais anymore except on cassiopeia, and deathcap should have a bit of a change to make it it's a bit of a better early buy, but that's about it. i would like deathcap to maybe be nlr + double blasting wands + ~400 less combine gold, and for it to give 140 ap + 30% instead of 120 + 35%, something like that. for rylais i'm not sure, it's not in that bad of a spot right now but the passive feels kind of useless, even on cass, and while it's pretty much cost effective, it's pretty slot inefficient. i kind of would like to see something like a stacking slow on enemies hit or something like that (like maybe it starts at 20% and each spell that hits an enemy champion makes the next one 4% more slow or something? with maybe like a 32% or 36% cap). not sure, something that maybe gives you the highs of the old rylais but without making a stray spell hit to be as deadly as it was before
just some late night ideas that sprung from my head lol...
I don't see the need pf Stormraiders since she already gets MS from Harrier procs. Edge of Night isn't really a lane item as much as it is a teamfight item since it makes you harder to be peeled during your initial burst.
Also going PD+IE after the lethality stuff ain't bad at all if you get a good lead.
well the ms stacks and it feels like a better lategame ability since she needs all the mobility she can get to get out of the middle of the enemy team from being a squishy adc assassin thing
also i didn't know crit reduced harrier cd, so i might try going for a build like that. tho it sounds like a build that's not my style at all, i like quinn cos she's an assassin, not an adc
ugh, adcs...
This is the argument that I find the funniest when someone is losing lane. 'You're so bad you need jungle help' or something like that. Or perhaps we're playing the team game as a team. Or did you forget that the job of the jungler isn't just to farm the jungle and never gank ever.
it's not just playing the game as a team, laning is a lot about map awareness and setting your lane up for ganks. this yasuo kept getting himself baited cos 1) i was warding pretty well and kept spotting out kindred for counterganks, 2) i ran exhaust as everyone should against yasuo so whenever he thought he had the drop on me i had a spell ready to buy enough time for the assist and 3) while i was doing pretty bad csing (it happens), i always had control of the lane cos it was a range vs melee matchup, so waves were always in an advantageous position for me
so like, even if he's like kicking my butt in dueling and csing, i'm doing enough other things right that my team can capitalize on em, and mid is often a lot about that, it's not about the 1v1 as much as it is in setting up your jungler to succeed. some junglers like khazix are so busted right now that even as leblanc, you really can end up being their support lol