arcade hecarim toy thing is pretty cool, i like the box too
yeah, it's pretty lameIP sales for chromas are only for Chromas they've released beforeThe new ones from this patch are RP only until the next sale.
I wanted the MF one too![]()
not that the new chromas are much better but still
i was thinking about buying one for cassiopeia since all her skins are kind of shit but these chromas are...

cassiopeia is such an ugly champion lol
i think it's important that she does get a waveclear nerf because her waveclear is insane but i think that the nerf she's getting might be too much and would rather they did it step by stepthis fucking sucks. I like taliyah. Nerfing her waveclear is waaaay too fucking aggressive because she can only do it on unworked ground in the first place. I hate laziness. This is a lazy move.
Guess I better go ahead and get her to Rank 7 now.
they're out of time before worlds so they're just hitting her hard, but i don't think that's much of a good excuse
maybe in 6.19 she'll get buffed a bit to compensate and things will be ok, but i wanted her to be played at worlds and now she might not
although with her banrate she might have a bigger shot at seeing play with the nerfs than without em
she has top tier waveclear against every matchup but a fewBut it's not a 1-button wave clear.
Not in the first 15 minutes, anyway. She can only clear either the front line or the back line with her Q on unworked ground. And once all useful ground has been worked, she can't do either well. If you force her to farm on worked ground, she will struggle (or at least, she won't be able to wave clear anymore). Lots of mids can push her under tower.
her waveclear is really op