The more I try out and fuck around with jungle Ziggs in customs with bots the more I think it's actually not just viable, but flat out strong. I need to play in a normal with GAF to try it out before. What jungle Ziggs can, and can not, do:
1.) Oddles of poke and zoning. Doesn't seem like a big deal at first glance, until you realize that few junglers actually have all that much poke, certainly not to the extent that Ziggs does.
2.) Actually clears very well. And not just in the "wow this non-meta champ clears well". I mean flat out clears well. Can do buff-to-buff clears with good remaining health and in either direction and can do any initial full clear. With hunter's position and stalker's he has good mana sustain and once Runic Echoes is completed he's stays topped up the entire time. Minefield is particularly great at helping him zone monsters while he clears. Starting around level 5 monster camps don't even touch them by the time he wipes them out.
3.) Ganks well. Well placed Satchel Charges or Minefields are really potent ganking tools, and as an added bonus both can be used to zone enemy champions away from low health allies. The range on Q and its ability to be lobbed over minions means that low health gank targets have a harder time escaping under the security of a tower. Satchel charge is really neat because you can use it in so many ways: escape, knock back, gap closer.
4.) His ultimate gives him really good map and counter gank pressure. An enemy 3v2 or 1v2 ganks might look safe at first glance, but a 200-300+ damage Inferno Bomb at rank 1 coming out of nowhere means it's never as safe as it appears to be.
5.) His poke & siege game and power scales well as the game goes on.
6.) Tower smashing maniac. Few magic damage champions can do to towers what Ziggs can do. A few passive procs and a Satchel Charge is a dead tower. An open tower with a two item Ziggs in range is gone. Unless an enemy champion(s) was already on the spot, the tower is just gone.
and what Ziggs is bad at:
7.) Obviously fragile, particularly early game before high CDR and additional ranks in reduce the cooldown to sensible levels. But it's not as bad as it seems because Ziggs has the tools necessary to deal with moderately good counterjunglers. The big duellists will pose problems, but smart play can circumvent that (not that I'd pick Ziggs into a Lee Sin or Elise, etc. on purpose).
8.) Dragon control sucks. Good God does it ever suck. Even with two items it's a struggle. I'd never consider doing it solo unless I was packing three items and solo sneaking a quick dragon mid-game even when you know the jungler can't contest is absolutely out of the question if it's possible any enemy is around. Ziggs needs teammates when doing dragon. Dragon sneaking on the other hand is good thanks to his long range, big time damage between Inferno Bomb and Bouncing Bombs.
9.) Small window between the end of the first blue buff and the completion of Runic Echoes where mana can be issue if Ziggs isn't able to buy Hunter's position + Stalker's in a timely fashion.