Another victory for the teeto! Laning against Galio was really annoying in that he had easy waveclear in his Q and was awfully tanky even against on-hit Teemo (who deals a 50-50 split of ad and ap damage). Still, I mostly played it safe (except for stuff like a Kat gank out of nowhere) and we won late-game objectives thanks to their Elise being dumb and getting picked off and removing all their dragon/baron pressure because of that.
I dealt the second highest damage to champions on my team (fourth highest overall), but our Ez dealt over 20K more than I did (so 60K). I did receive the highest amount of damage while having the least amount of deaths as well, so I'm pretty happy with that. Kill participation was low, but that's mostly because I was splitting the whole game (which is also why I ended the 50-minute game with 372 cs), and I think it often was the right call since that forced them to send Galio or two plus people to try and stop my push, affording my team either team size parity or an advantage, which probably helped a lot.
Slowly gaining back the LP I lost after that 5-loss streak (61 LP for now), so I guess I should make it to b3 promos eventually. I mean, even though I'll probably continue getting feeding teammates every couple games, I think I'm finally decent enough at laning top as Teemo that I should be able to win more games than I lose (current Teemo record is 11-5, with three of those losses being games where I was pretty ahead but some of my teammates fed so hard I couldn't feasibly turn things around).