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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


i'm home for the next 4 days but we have a major storm and we already lost power once. i was even on my NA main with the intention of staving off decay but i'm not risking losing power again

also im back to wanting lucian to be removed from the game forever. when he's strong he's in so many games :(


I think 10 or so games is enough to draw some conclusions: normals matchmaking is busted right now.

EDIT: People need to stop picking Jhin. Better yet, stop picking Jhin if you're on my goddamn team.


Not only is Westrice bad on stage, he's bad at solo q too.



Yeah Jhin is probably one of the worst adcs right now just cause he's like the only champ that can't build BotRK because of his passive.
The biggest change of Maokai’s update is to his ult, which has been completely redesigned. Nature’s Grasp summons a lane-wide wall of roots that slowly advances forward, each one rooting (heh) the first enemy champion hit. The wall has devastating teamfight potential, but its slow speed demands that Maokai plan around it. To find success, the Twisted Treant has to corral enemies into the wall’s path and keep them there until nature runs its course



Ancient Coin line*: Gain an elixir that instantly grants a skill point when consumed (you still have a max of 18 skill points per game, meaning you’ll finish leveling your abilities at level 17).

*Ancient Coin’s existing passive - being near a minion when it dies - is pretty boring and offers nothing to build a quest around. So, we’re redesigning it. Nearby enemy minions occasionally drop coins when killed by anyone other than you, either restoring mana or granting gold on pick-up. (After one coin type has spawned, the next is guaranteed to be the other type.) Collect these coins to complete your quest.


I feel like merc camps is one of the HotS suggestion I haven't seen Breezy make, and that is kind of what the updated rift herald is lol

I'm excited to see how it works out. It will probably be overtuned on initial release :x
I'm really looking forward to having more stats in the post game screen too. I'm reserving judgment for the tank changes until I can try them out.


So we're seeing the reworks next week?

Having Maokai's write-up specifically mention his jungling makes me happy. His new "Nami's ult with a root" sounds interesting as well. It's odd that there's no mention of either his Q or W. If those are left intact then I don't see how Maokai gets untangled from his "unload everything all the time" ability use pattern.

Sejuani seems interesting too, but it doesn't really seem to hit the mark of being the "leader of a warband".

Zac seems like he'll be the best of the bunch, which is a shame because I have no interest in that champ.

EDIT: Facebook video of some the new tank stuff.
Did they complete remove the gold generation from the items that are not ancient coin?
I think it's phrased weird, it's more like they're pulling away from the "give supports more gold income as a means to make the role more interesting" philosophy and giving them gold-agnostic power that is earned through active play - picking up coins, using relic stacks, using frost procs.

Did they buff him
No, it's that now with new Herald you can pick it up, put it in one lane, put his maiden in another lane and push the last lane yourself.


support changes sound interesting, as does rift herald

can't say much about the tanks, they're all probably being changed into the right direction but without numbers it's hard to tell

i hope they reduce the range on zac's e, that thing is annoying

I guess we really are getting tentacle Evelynn.
Xayah, Rakan, Cosmic Reaver Yi, Maokai getting a new ult + sapling stuff and Zac's new Q and ult were all in the reddit leak

So we can basically assume that
Eve is going to be almost naked with moving shadows covering the lady bits and have two tentacles on her back
Xayah, Rakan, Cosmic Reaver Yi, Maokai getting a new ult + sapling stuff and Zac's new Q and ult were all in the reddit leak

So we can basically assume that
Eve is going to be almost naked with moving shadows covering the lady bits and have two tentacles on her back

She'll be like bayonetta but with less hair and more clouds.


Another victory for the teeto! Laning against Galio was really annoying in that he had easy waveclear in his Q and was awfully tanky even against on-hit Teemo (who deals a 50-50 split of ad and ap damage). Still, I mostly played it safe (except for stuff like a Kat gank out of nowhere) and we won late-game objectives thanks to their Elise being dumb and getting picked off and removing all their dragon/baron pressure because of that.

I dealt the second highest damage to champions on my team (fourth highest overall), but our Ez dealt over 20K more than I did (so 60K). I did receive the highest amount of damage while having the least amount of deaths as well, so I'm pretty happy with that. Kill participation was low, but that's mostly because I was splitting the whole game (which is also why I ended the 50-minute game with 372 cs), and I think it often was the right call since that forced them to send Galio or two plus people to try and stop my push, affording my team either team size parity or an advantage, which probably helped a lot.

Slowly gaining back the LP I lost after that 5-loss streak (61 LP for now), so I guess I should make it to b3 promos eventually. I mean, even though I'll probably continue getting feeding teammates every couple games, I think I'm finally decent enough at laning top as Teemo that I should be able to win more games than I lose (current Teemo record is 11-5, with three of those losses being games where I was pretty ahead but some of my teammates fed so hard I couldn't feasibly turn things around).


ncient Coin’s existing passive - being near a minion when it dies - is pretty boring and offers nothing to build a quest around. So, we’re redesigning it. Nearby enemy minions occasionally drop coins when killed by anyone other than you, either restoring mana or granting gold on pick-up. (After one coin type has spawned, the next is guaranteed to be the other type.) Collect these coins to complete your quest.

If this gives help in regenerating Mana, then man, I am only picking this, especially on Morgana and Lulu (Maybe Sona too!)

Good stuff
I know I have a lot more to improve, and I know that I'm now "only a plat shitter," but I feel pretty proud that I made it to plat alone. And it's only been almost exactly two years since I started this game. Made it to gold after one year. Made it to plat after two. Now for the grind to dia by next April. :)

Took 328 games. From Silver III 0 LP to Plat V 0 LP.


with this maokai rework, it's kinda interesting how much more they're going for "these champions are specially good against magic" thing lately

i don't think it's necessarily bad, tho i'm a bit wary of how effective will that be at making them more situational


Unfortunately, the new client really doesn't do anything better than the old client.

The chat system, the champ select, the select a lobby. They're all laid out in a harder to access way, much slower to actually load, and rife with random bugs that are hard to reproduce. I've worked with GUIs, and I know how much work it takes to make them good.

It's hard to say that the project you've worked on for a year is trash, and probably needs to have the entire design rehashed, but that's the sad truth of the situation.

Edit: The point I'm getting at, is that these small fixes suggested on reddit probably aren't good enough if we want a good client.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Uh, kind of confused to not see certain client issues highlighted in the thread. No way to mute clubs or turn off notifications. Client always popping up as the active window in needless situations. These two things seem like huge problems but maybe that is just me...


One of the supposed oft-asked for features, mastery and rune page ordering, doesn't work properly.

Outside of having more visual polish (if that's even wanted, I'm not a fan of the animations, bells & whistles, etc.) I'm not really sure if there's anything about the new client I'd say is flatly better than the old one.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
One of the supposed oft-asked for features, mastery and rune page ordering, doesn't work properly.

Outside of having more visual polish (if that's even wanted, I'm not a fan of the animations, bells & whistles, etc.) I'm not really sure if there's anything about the new client I'd say is flatly better than the old one.
You can switch the mode inside a lobby without having to remake.
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