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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Unfortunately, the new client really doesn't do anything better than the old client.

The chat system, the champ select, the select a lobby. They're all laid out in a harder to access way, much slower to actually load, and rife with random bugs that are hard to reproduce. I've worked with GUIs, and I know how much work it takes to make them good.

It's hard to say that the project you've worked on for a year is trash, and probably needs to have the entire design rehashed, but that's the sad truth of the situation.

Edit: The point I'm getting at, is that these small fixes suggested on reddit probably aren't good enough if we want a good client.

noot messing around with java for two months


i think the two biggest issues they have atm are:
- thing is pretty buggy, with runepages or skins randomly not selecting, or you getting locked out of the lock in button or not being able to ban or whatever. these aren't small things and they've all happened to me more than once
- many usability issues around champion select, mostly around runes and masteries both which are pretty hard to use in no small part because they take too long to load

there's other stuff like the new chat tabs being a lot more cumbersome and other annoying stuff like having to go to the shop to unlock champions, but i mostly want the game to stop making things difficult for me when i'm in champion select. like i'm at a point where it takes long enough to get into a game that i really want things to go smooth once i'm in, and it really sucks when i lose lp cos the client randomly bugs out and forces me to dodge...

and usability in general feels worse from before, and there aren't enough meaningful additions that you feel the switch is worth it

if they fix all the points cactopus mentioned on that list i'd be pretty happy, specially the champion select stuff cos i'm tired of struggling there.


noot messing around with java for two months


i think the two biggest issues they have atm are:
- thing is pretty buggy, with runepages or skins randomly not selecting, or you getting locked out of the lock in button or not being able to ban or whatever. these aren't small things and they've all happened to me more than once
- many usability issues around champion select, mostly around runes and masteries both which are pretty hard to use in no small part because they take too long to load

there's other stuff like the new chat tabs being a lot more cumbersome and other annoying stuff like having to go to the shop to unlock champions, but i mostly want the game to stop making things difficult for me when i'm in champion select. like i'm at a point where it takes long enough to get into a game that i really want things to go smooth once i'm in, and it really sucks when i lose lp cos the client randomly bugs out and forces me to dodge...

and usability in general feels worse from before, and there aren't enough meaningful additions that you feel the switch is worth it

if they fix all the points cactopus mentioned on that list i'd be pretty happy, specially the champion select stuff cos i'm tired of struggling there.
Well the interface is based on HTML and Javascipt and the actually code is done in C++ so it's not like way beyond me like you suggest lol.

Honestly I don't see why they couldn't just maintain some of the key UI design features of the old client. If it's not broken, don't change it. Like for example, the way chat works in the new client is just awful.


Whew, this current losing streak is getting pretty obnoxious.

You can switch the mode inside a lobby without having to remake.

Doesn't really scream "this is worth the trouble" to me. I had no idea this was possible, and since it's happens very rarely to me I doubt I'll even remember.


Well the interface is based on HTML and Javascipt and the actually code is done in C++ so it's not like way beyond me like you suggest lol.
just sounded funny coming from u

Honestly I don't see why they couldn't just maintain some of the key UI design features of the old client. If it's not broken, don't change it. Like for example, the way chat works in the new client is just awful.
the old client was a mess too, but it feels like riot didn't properly analyze the things that it actually did good. chat in the old client was way better as was rune/mastery selection, and i personally find this stuff about splitting things into "collection" and "profile" to be really annoying when before it was really easy to find. runes and masteries are both really shitty but that kind of comes with both systems being really backwards for a game like this. having to choose runes and redo masteries during champ select becomes a very unfun race that can really fuck you over

i also find that clicking things just lack the immediate response i see in doto or overwatch's clients, both of which feel much better to use

my comparison vs the overwatch client

i just recorded a simple ~1m video in which i scroll through a bunch of features and i grabbed a stopwatch to time the time spent waiting and i found i spent like almost 25 seconds just waiting for things to load. to be fair most of it was the featured page on the store, but still

for overwatch i recorded less since it's less information, but in a 30s video there's only like 4 seconds waiting time. it's also much better at just getting you into a game, with a much more intelligent party system and big, fat PLAY buttons that are much easier to navigate (look how my cursor has to move all over the screen in league to get into a game). these things could be done much better in the client, with it remembering things like your selected positions and having a giant ass SOLO Q button next to "play" that skips the mode select altogether.

in overwatch it's two clicks to start playing, in league it's 6. it's 13% of the video waiting for loads vs 40%

i've got a good internet connection and a good computer, i run both games without any lag or meaningful loading times or performance issues, and while this is not a very scientific, it's an easy way to illustrate of why overwatch's client "just works" while league's very cumbersome and slow and why that's very annoying

old client wasn't much better, so maybe it's not a client issue and it's an api or server issue, or maybe league client doesn't cache enough information, idk


Old client is a lot better, you can view your runes and masteries almost instantly.

Only the shop is laggy in the old client.


i remember a similar feeling of sluggishness in the old client but i might have gotten that wrong, i haven't used the old client in months


I pretty much agree that the new client isn't actually good. The only new prominent feature I remember are replays (which can't even be shared or saved afaik), and it even goes as far as to lack several features the old client had, do some of the preexisting features in a more complicated and roundabout manner (mastery/rune drop-down menus instead of tabs, for example) and has worse performance overall in menus and transitions. Like, I can't get why my mac with an integrated graphics card can play the game just fine (as long as I don't crank the model, texture and effects quality up), but the 2D pre-game client is slow and unresponsive even on the so-called low-performance mode, all while the old client was always fine for me (outside of the shop and the RP purchase system in particular taking quite a while to load).

Personally, I don't even consider the current iteration of the LCU a beta since it isn't even feature-complete compared to the old client, making it more of an alpha stage at best. It isn't the biggest thing, but being forced to use the newer client and then told that we can always use a 3rd party site to create and edit item sets, or being told that custom sales will be put on hold until Riot can re-implement the feature on the LCU doesn't sit well with me at all. It's probably entitlement due to having grown accustomed to those features being there, but I honestlyfeel like the replacement client has gone one step forward, two steps back.
just sounded funny coming from u

the old client was a mess too, but it feels like riot didn't properly analyze the things that it actually did good. chat in the old client was way better as was rune/mastery selection, and i personally find this stuff about splitting things into "collection" and "profile" to be really annoying when before it was really easy to find. runes and masteries are both really shitty but that kind of comes with both systems being really backwards for a game like this. having to choose runes and redo masteries during champ select becomes a very unfun race that can really fuck you over

i also find that clicking things just lack the immediate response i see in doto or overwatch's clients, both of which feel much better to use

my comparison vs the overwatch client

to be fair both doto and overwatch run in game for their 'client' per se, whilst rito is using a client in order that launches the game, otherwise it just stays there.

If rito decided to make a 'game' client like dota or overwatch, I imagine alot of issues would go away. Clients are old, old school, and tend to be a mess. IE Maple Story runs a client before it launches the game proper, and that is a mess.

Now, battle.net is akin closer to ritos client, and sometimes booting a game from that can be iffy, but once you're actually in game you don't face the problems that riots client presents.


to be fair both doto and overwatch run in game for their 'client' per se, whilst rito is using a client in order that launches the game, otherwise it just stays there.

If rito decided to make a 'game' client like dota or overwatch, I imagine alot of issues would go away. Clients are old, old school, and tend to be a mess. IE Maple Story runs a client before it launches the game proper, and that is a mess.

Now, battle.net is akin closer to ritos client, and sometimes booting a game from that can be iffy, but once you're actually in game you don't face the problems that riots client presents.
i think there's two different issues you're raising and honestly i think neither really applies here

first is the idea that having separate clients for the game and the launcher might be the source of the performance issues, which i find to be a pretty unsuitable explanation since you would basically have to insert all the launcher code into the client which would be really weird and unnecessary. having both clients separate means they can just use the best tools for each job, instead of having one solution for everything. basically i don't think this is true, i just think the client is not very well optimized (or the server is slow for some reason, and that's why it takes so long to load some stuff) and it's buggy as a result of being fairly new.

second is the idea that clients are old school or a mess, which is fair to say but it doesn't really have to be a mess? like, i find the idea of launchers really appealing since i'm usually browsing neogaf or twitter, or looking for fanart, or talking on skype/discord/steam, or watching videos at the same time i run the launcher on the way to play league, so the idea of alt tabbing in and out of full screen for something that's supposed to be like 3 or 4 clicks and you're on queue seems dumb for me. i don't need to have full guides inside the client or whatever. it's nice for other people and i think you should be able to maximize the client and have more reading space and stuff if you needed to, but i don't think it's just categorically better to have a doto style client, in fact, the exact opposite is true for me, and i want something that's as unintrusive as possible. and just because things were a mess in the past, doesn't mean they will be in the future, specially if riot took their time to learn from ui and ux mistakes in other game clients. here i think the problem was that riot just screwed up. i'm no expert on this stuff but it shouldn't take 6 clicks to get into a solo q game, or it's really hard to tell what "profile" and "collections" means, or whatever. that stuff is just bad design, which can happen even to the best of em

sadly the new client hasn't been the end of the client woes for riot (and the community deserves it for hating so much on poor, old, harmless adobe air lol) but in the end i think rito will figure it out. at the very least some reddit thread will pop up with useful suggestions and examples and rito will just copy that, tho we know how hard it is for a thread of that quality to come outta reddit

but yeah i don't think there's a big explanation to this, the client is just kinda bad for the moment :T

edit: warning if i didnt make any sense writing this, i didnt sleep very much today haha
I mostly don't really care about client stuff, my only complaints about the new one is lack of some features - stat tracking - and those god awful drop down menus for masteries and runes.


So, uh, uninstalled League

I love life and I love League/gaming but it's gotten to the point where I don't have it in me to balance the two

I'll still be around for Discord/LCS/GAF and I'll follow updates but I just won't be playing for awhile

Until next time


So, uh, uninstalled League

I love life and I love League/gaming but it's gotten to the point where I don't have it in me to balance the two

I'll still be around for Discord/LCS/GAF and I'll follow updates but I just won't be playing for awhile

Until next time



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The two new reworks of Galio and Warwick feel really good to me. Warwick in particular is sort of just everything I want in a jungler. To go from his old iteration to having a toolkit that feels very well rounded is great, and every single ability in the kit is both simple and easy to understand with having an extra layer of depth on top. Like it's actually one of my favorite kits in a MOBA.
I don't care about the client. Just want it to perform well and not crash. It's just a tool to get into the game.
I do not care that much but it is literally pinging me notification noises for club chat while I'm in game. I just find the usability to be very low and the chat stuff feels worse than ever for me with how slow and cumbersome that stuff is. Multiple boxes of active chats on the bottom bar that could be expanded just made more sense to me. There are things I like about the new client, and I do not care too much, but the usability for chat is very low and the options are just not there, and I'm not even sure if they are being worked on.


The two new reworks of Galio and Warwick feel really good to me. Warwick in particular is sort of just everything I want in a jungler. To go from his old iteration to having a toolkit that feels very well rounded is great, and every single ability in the kit is both simple and easy to understand with having an extra layer of depth on top. Like it's actually one of my favorite kits in a MOBA.

i love both of their reworked kits, but i still have yet to actually be able to play a game as galio as it's perma banned when i play. galio's taunt is a similar mechanic to WW's fear, but easier to land. His E is a tad clunky when used as intended (toward a target) but isn't as bad as people say, especially since it can be used backwards to instantly knock people up.

super fun champions right now


client is probably something that's working its best when you don't notice it, so yeah, i don't think anyone "cares" about it, ppl just have grievances :>
Haven't played in a long time but when I come back I plan to play a ton of top WW.

Feeling like after the rework sej and zac will be better laners than they currently are so I look forward to seeing how they play out as I'd be down to play a ton of them.


So, uh, uninstalled League

I love life and I love League/gaming but it's gotten to the point where I don't have it in me to balance the two

I'll still be around for Discord/LCS/GAF and I'll follow updates but I just won't be playing for awhile

Until next time

Since I'll be going to Korea this summer, I'll probably try my hand at League there.

Sub-10 ping sounds cool, as does playing on a more competitive server.


sealed with a kiss
Since I'll be going to Korea this summer, I'll probably try my hand at League there.

Sub-10 ping sounds cool, as does playing on a more competitive server.

it's really only more competetive if you're masters/challenger

and even then keith was able to get challenger so i'm not even sure about that :^)


The Teemo climb is real! I'm currently on a four-win streak and sitting at B3 80LP, so here's to hoping I win my next game and get 20+ LP so I can try my hand at promos.

On the other hand, having played four games of top (not getting support or autofilled even once!) and having decent teammates makes me think it's just a matter of time before statistics kick back in and I get teamed up with someone who royally spoils the whole game for the rest of us...


Wait so that Rakan wasn't just some shitty cosplay Newt linked?

Oh... I thought it was just some randoms attempt at a cosplay, but it's actually related to Riot.



got scared for a second yesterday after going 2-5 but today i went 5-1 and i'm even happy with my play in the one game i lost

also i can't believe i'm playing that many games a day lol
Thoughts on frostfang vs the supp item/sighstone combo on bard? I feel like I take frostfang most of the time (when I used to play more bard) just because the frostfang active can make it easier to land ults. Wondering where everyone else stands on it.
Thoughts on frostfang vs the supp item/sighstone combo on bard? I feel like I take frostfang most of the time (when I used to play more bard) just because the frostfang active can make it easier to land ults. Wondering where everyone else stands on it.
Frostfang is doodoo, just get Eye instead
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