the denial is everything. It's all total bollocks.
They said it's fake. Also, it's obviously fake because the made up mechanics would not even work. If a character could invis "phase through walls" what would happen if they get seen while clipping through a wall? Things like that. It's all very dumb....I'm going to go by past experience and say 80% of that list is at least correct in some way until I see factual evidence otherwise on the PBE.
Urgot. Then Eve.Who is next in the rework dept.?
Nice! Lee Sin is such a fun champion but too difficult for me to play. Good Lees are really fun to watch.
They said it's fake.
basically don't take the second q and you can be good at lee
I sure hope it's fake if the Illaoi skin is pool party themed.
That list is bullshit because it has a lightning midlaner in it and Riot would never give Talents the satisfaction
No they didn't, they said absolutely nothing about the last set of leaksThey said the same thing about the last set of leaks. It might end up being fake, but I sure as hell won't take Riot's word for it.
No they didn't, they said absolutely nothing about the last set of leaks
I do know one of them probably said 'stupid breezy'
I'll do you one better and say that Rioter was probably European :^)
I'm just a koggy
Reak talk:The few times I played with you, I muted you in League because jesus christ that triggers me.
Reak talk:The few times I played with you, I muted you in League because jesus christ that triggers me.
I'm just a breezy
but you play league when the shitty game shits itself and doesn't let me play and makes me do this bullshit
Looks like a WW skin to me
Regardless of the fake leak, I assume that the next new champ will be an assassin.
Cause Ekko was the last new one and he's not new anymore.
He's not gonna be on the PBE for months stillIs Nurgot up on PBE yet?
Disinfo...He's not gonna be on the PBE for months still
Riot said he was coming in the second half of the year so I assume he'll be released around HalloweenDisinfo...
That does not really match the cadence of reworks and if they spend that long on Urgot that sounds like a colossal waste of time to me.Riot said he was coming in the second half of the year so I assume he'll be released around Halloween
I'm going by how long Yorick took - 9 months - and assuming they started production around the WW reveal.That does not really match the cadence of reworks and if they spend that long on Urgot that sounds like a colossal waste of time to me.
I'm on a 6 game ranked winning streak. It may just be silver II, but feelsgoodman.
The not so feel good part? It is on Sona, who is boring as all get out, but I'll ride out win streak as long as I can.