From the one game I duoed with you on my smurf, here`s some things you can improve on 7flow.
1. Play more aggressive. Especially on champions like Nami, you can get really big leads in botlane during the early game. This means running up and using W whenever it`s off cooldown, constantly harassing with autos and procing your spellthief.
2. Learn to push and maintain your leads. If you have a decent lead in botlane, constantly try to extend this lead. That means force 2v2 fights, set up pink wards for ganks, setup tower dives with your jungler. If you`re ahead and your mid is behind, it`s sometimes I bad idea to group with your team.
3. Don`t do dumb roams. This isn't LCS where you're two levels behind the ADC. Everytime you roam, you're essentially losing XP and gold. Try not to roam unless the minions are pushed up to their tower, or you're guaranteed to get kills or assists. Remember that everytime you roam, that means your ADC is either going to get zoned or all-inned if they try to farm. By roaming you're slowly killing the lead in your botlane, or putting you guys further behind.
4. ESTABLISHMENT. I put this in caps because this is something I see supports esp in gold and silver constantly mess up. When you both back and you're returning to lane, don't go into the river or their jungle to ward. If you do this, the enemy botlane will push into tower and you will lose total control over your lane. Remember that a pushed lane is good for you because that means that you have control over the the enemy botlane and you're drawing jungle pressure (if you're setup to handle jungle pressure). Come straight to lane, ward the bushes near lane, and when you're well established in the lane is when you can leave to ward.
5. SYNCHRONIZED BACK. Another thing I constantly see supports mess up on. If you can, you want to always back at the same time. Now there's lots of exceptions to this rule, but usually it's most efficient for you to back and return to lane at the same time. If you desync your backs, you risk one of you dying or taking a whole bunch of harass, and losing lane control. Botlane is all about controlling the lane with minion management and ward placement, remember that.
6. POTIONS. Don't come to lane with no potions.
I just lost a game against some bronzes because my jungler who has a great win rate on jungle Kha and Noct decided "you know what how about I play graves for the first time in ranked"
why do these people dictate my games.
Also, 12 deaths is way too much, you should have the least deaths on your team as support.
Look at Ghost's stats from last season, even on champs he loses on, he has fairly high KDAs.
Naota is gonna beat us both to gold
Naota doesn't have the best mechanics, but he doesn't play like an Ape. I know this one Lee OTP who has great mechanics, but just plays like a Bonobo :^).