How dare you come up with constructive criticism to my complaining
Telling the mods tbh
Yeah rylais/roa too for hp. And abyss for mr.
They have ways to reduce burst while adcs have none. Except maybe for those that use bc/mercurial.
abyssal, roa and rylais are not gonna save u from rengar and those items have fairly meaningful tradeoffs
zhonyas crucially doesn't prevent u from getting killed, it just delays it
if no one is around you'll still be killed by rengar after those 2.5s
survivability for mages is pretty much the same as adcs, you get caught and you're killed in an instant
having zhonyas is nice but having lifesteal and not having to worry about mana is also nice
they're different classes with different strengths, that's all
If you're that serious about climbing pick up kha'zix or hec and jungle until you're gold
the elo is just there for you to take
you start getting semi-competent ad's around high gold-low plat
don't make false promises
no semi competent adcs where i live
I legit can't jungle. Tried learning it at the start of the season and have like a 30% win rate with it.
Ivern invaded my blue level 1 so I went to take his and I got 4 man gang banged level 2. FeelsGoodMan.
i can't play anything that isn't mid
i used to be a pretty decent support but then they added dynamic queue and picking mid and support means you get support every game so i never played the other role i liked again
nowadays i'm just picking whatever feels like gives me a better shot of getting mid for my secondary and just accept whatever games i don't play mid as losses
tho quinn is so busted that i'm actually enjoying playing top
i just like abusing melees
Yeah, I went like 2-20 off my placements but now I'm at 49%ish WR after 100 games lol
over enough games it'll always normalize
the problem is always gonna be you, start thinking about shit you do wrong and focus on slowly improving on those things and you'll climb if u play enough
if you go into a game with the same 1v9 mentality and are always complaining about teammates you're probably never gonna get good enough to actually 1v9 and get the hell out of bronze or whatever
It's interesting how junglers became such a force nowadays. The job of the jungler used to be to get the laners ahead, now it's the job of the laners to get the jungler ahead. Having lane pressure opens up so many opportunities for your jungler to screw with the enemy jungler or the enemy laners. It also opens up major objectives to take like dragons or herald.
But anyhow, fuck jungling.
1. Win lane
2. Win game
yeah literally mid right now is about pushing the other mid so ur jungler can invade theirs and then coin flip who's jungler is best
it used to be that junglers were mid's supports... those were the days...