What if Artanis could click an enemy, run at them and then CC them for a short time.
Illidan already does that
Across the map no less
What if Artanis could click an enemy, run at them and then CC them for a short time.
='( Vi looks so fun. By mobility I meant the ability to "quickly" move around the map, but it's not a deal-breaker if a champ can't, or I'd be cutting myself off of too many peeps. It's just that I'm having a blast with Quinn, got that mobility taste in my mouth. I'll look into J4, don't know much about him and double gap closer sounds good.
Really either. I'm bronze 5 or level 19 depending on which account. People still play weird positions for champs. It's the wild west.
Illidan already does that
Across the map no less
which one?
okileave my husbando alone
Rammus, Shen, Volibear and Trundle can move around pretty quick and can be used on jungle and top lane for the most part. Only Shen has the dash but the other can get pretty fast. All of them can still be super relevant until late game. Galio can be used as well. I hate playing against Galio. He's so oppressive.
don't really think those champions need buffs, they probably need ability reworks and other changes so that they're competitive with the rest of the rosterMid Lane - Looks to be in a reasonable spot overall, so here we're targeting specific champs we think could get into the competitive pool. That means buffs to TF, Ekko, Ziggs, Xerath and potentially one or two more. We haven't seen artillery champs in pro play much for a while, Jayce excepted, so are hoping to get a bit of spot play on one or two. Buffs will be pretty light though, so that's more a hope than an expectation however.
i'll take itLux
Light Binding (Q) cooldown lowered from 15/14/13/12/11 to 13/12.5/12/11.5/11
Duskblade does feel really good on Quinn. Ditched life steal and started duskblade with the AS boots, then ghost blade, then situational.
Quinn is really fun. Haven't played in awhile and am having a great time. Pretty squishy though (the way I'm building her)
I'm working my way up to 6300IP and then going to decide on a new champ. I'm thinking either a tank, vi, or some mana less champ. Is there a fairly mobile tank?
(Also, what makes a tank a tank? Couldn't you build health/armor on anyone and be a tank?)
And yay for the weekend - LCS is back. I haven't been playing, but I watch the pros and read about league still. I think I've improved by just watching, tbh. (A LOT of room for improvement makes that possible)
Boomerang Blade (Q) physical damage increased from 25/45/65/85/105 to 55/75/95/115/135
This is a bonkers buff.
I would not only look at win rate right now. Stuff like Kha'zix is extremely broken. Problem is that there is a set of high end junglers that just do absurd amounts of damage without even needing to look for damage oriented items. Gragas is the most extreme example of this where the hero has sustain, innate tankiness, strong damage without needing anything like Titanic Hydra, ranged clear, and a powerful CC chain. Maokai is in a fairly similar place.Damn...junglers win rates are completely dominated by tanks.
Just play ranked...Matchmaking in normal draft is truly broken in this game. It's fucking bullshit to be matched against premades constantly and that are on a much higher level than myself who plays solo and casual. Are there any level headed people on here that are willing to play unranked games? I usually queue support bottom lane. I play on EU West.
Just play ranked...
EDIT: Cant find the Sakura flower icon, sadness why it was removed
It's been gone for a while now.
Availability was from 5/18/17 at 11:00 PT until 6/1/17 at 23:59 PT.
It already is bannable to not play the role you were assigned.Man I feel like not playing your role should be bannable on the situation that you didn't switch with someone else.
I'm not like mad or anything. It was just a normal and a guy flat out refused to play support.
I had to support in ranked and I never support but I didn't bitch about it...
It already is bannable to not play the role you were assigned.
Man I feel like not playing your role should be bannable on the situation that you didn't switch with someone else.
I'm not like mad or anything. It was just a normal and a guy flat out refused to play support.
I had to support in ranked and I never support but I didn't bitch about it...
rough night, but i really like the balance of the game to the point i actually enjoy these few games i lost, ragequitters, people saying i've got autism and all lol
also is warwick really op atm? i saw him 3 times today and he looked really fucking strong
It's very likely for you get banned for flaming and verbal abuse.Warwick is in a weird spot right now, in some games he does really strong and in others he just gets demolished, depends on if they go Full Tank/Juggernaut or if they go full damage.
I see that tank WW works best since he can very easily dive in fights and get away.
EDIT: What is with people thinking that the Report system doesn't actually exist? i've had 3 games in a row where someone thinks that they can get away with being toxic because the "System can't see me"
he feels real strong, like he does a lot of dmg and is really hard to kill or kiteWarwick is in a weird spot right now, in some games he does really strong and in others he just gets demolished, depends on if they go Full Tank/Juggernaut or if they go full damage.
I see that tank WW works best since he can very easily dive in fights and get away.
idk, i'm willing to bet most cases of "ppl getting away with it"are because of ppl not reporting properly (that aren't taking champion select hostage, cos that's something you can't report yet cos ppl tend to dodge out of those)EDIT: What is with people thinking that the Report system doesn't actually exist? i've had 3 games in a row where someone thinks that they can get away with being toxic because the "System can't see me"
thing is, escalating punishments means most people get warned before they get banned and most ppl probably stop thereIt's very likely for you get banned for flaming and verbal abuse.
It's very unlikely for you to get banned for ingame actions such as intentionally feeding, unless it's something you do every game.
was gonna go like wth you talking about but goes to show how unreliable has becomeWW is just pub stomp. That's all. Cho'gath is probably the next jungler to consider banning out.
was gonna go like wth you talking about but goes to show how unreliable has become
(i clicked on jungle on, ignore that it says top) is still using 7.13 stats afaik.
oh so then these buffs just really broke is still using 7.13 stats afaik.
nah they probably don't use pre-patch winratesYep.
They were actually getting better recently at providing timely updates after patches but the pat few they've slacked off again.
Another thing to note is that even isn't accurate in the days following a patch either. Their win rates use an average of the past 7 days, so in the days immediately following the release of a patch you need to look at the "win rate over past 7 days graph" to get an idea of how buffs/nerfs affect any given champion.
What I'm really trying to say is that Cho'Gath's 55% win rate is still taking into account 3 days of his old, pre-rework kit. His actual win rate will settle somewhere around 59% (holy fucking shit).
Is it weird? I read the changes and they are just an insane buff. In the past Cho autos did not really mean anything even with E. On a four second cooldown it will almost always be up since it works for the next three autos, it gets a wild max HP damage modifier that scales with feast stacks, a 50% AoE slow, and even if it decays it does not really matter when you are reapplying with every auto. Now Cho is a super tank with crazy burst that also has no downtime because he can get in and auto for mega damage/CC.oh so then these buffs just really broke him
that wouldn't make much sense
YeahShadow Assassin passive only works on Kayn's AA and spells?
Cho got too much love.
Is it weird? I read the changes and they are just an insane buff. In the past Cho autos did not really mean anything even with E. On a four second cooldown it will almost always be up since it works for the next three autos, it gets a wild max HP damage modifier that scales with feast stacks, a 50% AoE slow, and even if it decays it does not really matter when you are reapplying with every auto. Now Cho is a super tank with crazy burst that also has no downtime because he can get in and auto for mega damage/CC.