idk you could've had this instead
also yeah those malzahar and brand skins are real rough, yipes...
idk you could've had this instead
Full stop that shirt is terrible. if she was standing it would not be holding her boobs in at all.idk you could've had this instead
also yeah those malzahar and brand skins are real rough, yipes...
he comes out like tomorrow. Calm down.
Full stop that shirt is terrible. if she was standing it would not be holding her boobs in at all.
kayle skin looks so great, that's such a fun and well realized design and a great addition to an already awesome (albeit super dated) skin line
i really wish that's how riot did all skin lines, just release em slowly, one or two at a time, wait until they find the right champion and design and making sure they fit a spot left open by other skins in the same, instead of overlapping with them
ziggs skin looks really good and at least has some sort of bomberman reference in it, but i wish they dropped the other two, neither design is original or interesting or fun. malzahar is some generic tron dude and brand just looks kind of awful. it's so lame, this skin line was always kind of hit or miss but this feels like they ran out of ideas
Ziggs recall is straight up rip off Bomberman
yeah all the arcade skins have tons of homages
yeah probably why I kinda like it, definitely homage to Fireman from MM1yeah and that brand skin looks like original megaman boxart
yeah probably why I kinda like it, definitely homage to Fireman from MM1
Martinski alt account? 🙄so out of the past 6 games that had a plat or higher player on the enemy team, my team lost 5 of those
and y'all still pretend like i'm not right lol
played & won 2 games last night
sivir is real fun
dis game is pretty good
champ bundle seems like a good deal, and has a bunch of heroes that seem interesting (below) - thoughts?
Master Yi
Twisted Fate
played & won 2 games last night
sivir is real fun
dis game is pretty good
champ bundle seems like a good deal, and has a bunch of heroes that seem interesting (below) - thoughts?
Master Yi
Twisted Fate
played & won 2 games last night
sivir is real fun
dis game is pretty good
champ bundle seems like a good deal, and has a bunch of heroes that seem interesting (below) - thoughts?
Master Yi
Twisted Fate
All those champs are pretty good and fun to play. I feel like maybe the worst champ in that pack (based on the current meta) is maybe TF?
Thats a good bundle , buy it
Asshe is one of the most fun champions in the game
All those champs are pretty good and fun to play. I feel like maybe the worst champ in that pack (based on the current meta) is maybe TF?
idk you could've had this instead
also yeah those malzahar and brand skins are real rough, yipes...
Its great when someones starting out the game and they're enjoying champions like Vayne etc and then you get to witness when reality hits them.
Unlock her if you feel like she's fun. It's just that Vayne is one of those champions that rely extremely on match ups and how good the player actually is so if you're not a god at Vayne you'll probably have a really bad time vs players who know what they're doingsoo should i not be unlocking her?
insight is appreciated, none of these posts and gifs make any sense to me
soo should i not be unlocking her?
insight is appreciated, none of these posts and gifs make any sense to me
soo should i not be unlocking her?
insight is appreciated, none of these posts and gifs make any sense to me
soo should i not be unlocking her?
insight is appreciated, none of these posts and gifs make any sense to me
soo should i not be unlocking her?
insight is appreciated, none of these posts and gifs make any sense to me
Yo I got a couple of (very different) article to share with you folks today.
The first one is live now, it's a an article on improving at jungling with tips from EU LCS pros
would appreciate your feedback on this one
the next one might bring about more of a discussion tho
This one got me...If youve ever watched TSMs Svenskeren attempt an invade, you know how poorly it can go without proper planning and a knowledge of jungle matchups.
Unlock her if you feel like she's fun. It's just that Vayne is one of those champions that rely extremely on match ups and how good the player actually is so if you're not a god at Vayne you'll probably have a really bad time vs players who know what they're doing
nah she's pretty fun
Vayne is hard to play, high risk high reward
She's an all right champ if you find her fun. Most of the time she shouldn't get picked into difficult lanes since she's a bit weaker early game than other adcs, mostly because she lacks a damage spell. There are supports that can help alleviate her issues.
She's one of if not the single best tank killer in the game too, and if you get out of lane all right you will become strong.
Vayne has a lot of bad matchups, which makes her tough to play against competent players at a similar skill level during the early game. Also she has a reputation for being played by people who try to outplay constantly and fail hard. Check out Vaynespotting
Also semi-related: Fuck vayne. I supported a vayne yesterday who picked Vayne into a blitz lucian lane and couldn't avoid getting hit by hooks.
vayne players have a bad reputation, that's all