There's like 0 chance kick voting wouldn't be abused. People holding lobbies hostage is super fucked up and the only way you can justify it, but I honestly don't know if that's even a significant problem since they ironed out the role selection.
it decreased it significantlyRole selection doesn't prevent Teemo ADC who before the game starts states they're going to feed, and then proceeds to do so.
Yes, I've had this happen to me.
looking for a bruiser type female hero - thoughts ?
sejuani and vi both look very interesting.
i like vi's 'burning knuckle' style move a lot, but sejuani has a pig bear guy.
are they both junglers?
i have a Top i like (Kayle) and 2 Bot heroes (Sivir & Ashe). still figuring out who i like for Middle / Jungle / Support.
so tiring to have not troll about this bullshit every few months
He's right thoSo stop being so fucking wrong.
I would steer clear of Vi. Maybe look at Shyvana.looking for a bruiser type female hero - thoughts ?
sejuani and vi both look very interesting.
i like vi's 'burning knuckle' style move a lot, but sejuani has a pig bear guy.
are they both junglers?
i have a Top i like (Kayle) and 2 Bot heroes (Sivir & Ashe). still figuring out who i like for Middle / Jungle / Support.
I would steer clear of Vi. Maybe look at Shyvana.
So i'm kinda done with Paragon and am lookin' for a new moba. It'll most likely either be LOL or HOTS.
Is the community as bad as some people say? This is really the thing that kills multiplayer for me, especially when you are new in a game and get yelled at for picking a certain character or whatever.
So i'm kinda done with Paragon and am lookin' for a new moba. It'll most likely either be LOL or HOTS.
Is the community as bad as some people say? This is really the thing that kills multiplayer for me, especially when you are new in a game and get yelled at for picking a certain character or whatever.
So i'm kinda done with Paragon and am lookin' for a new moba. It'll most likely either be LOL or HOTS.
Is the community as bad as some people say? This is really the thing that kills multiplayer for me, especially when you are new in a game and get yelled at for picking a certain character or whatever.
Mute everyone unless you are playing with friends. There is no use for in-game chat when pre-30 levels are filled with bronze/silver players who think they are hot shit.
is there a global setting for this?
i haven't come across anyone being a dick but i like to auto mute text chat from everyone except my buds
Premades should only get 1 vote for the premade.ew i autofilled support
hey random person not in our 4 stack, take support or we kick
is there a global setting for this?
i haven't come across anyone being a dick but i like to auto mute text chat from everyone except my buds
There is useful info in the chat window though...You can always drag the chat window off your screen. Much easier than muting.
You can always drag the chat window off your screen. Much easier than muting.
i don't think it's much worse than other games, tho it's not great eitherSo i'm kinda done with Paragon and am lookin' for a new moba. It'll most likely either be LOL or HOTS.
Is the community as bad as some people say? This is really the thing that kills multiplayer for me, especially when you are new in a game and get yelled at for picking a certain character or whatever.
This reminds me, I've meant to ask before, but keep forgetting:
How many of you play full-screen, and if you don't, why not?
They're not 2s at all ranks, they're 1.5 but the tooltip is wrong.Hold the fuck up...Cait's trap are a 2s snare at all levels, and Riot decided to slap around her attack speed scaling? Oh man, that is fucking hilarious!
definitely happier with this nerf, hurts her ability to clear casters a lot less i betOrianna
Command: Attack (Q) damage reduction on ball pass through reverted from 15% to 10%
Command: Dissonance (W) damage lowered from 70/115/160/205/250 to 50/95/140/185/230
i can't see why anyone would find kayn cool
this is real cool
Why? He is very fair. Probably the most fair siege caster. Charge up times, skills can be easily dodged, decent tells on abilities. Super weak to flanks. The way Xerath works is very combo based too, so you need to string stuff together and keep hitting shots. Only way to start a reliable combo is with E or W, which can be played around and open up Xerath to attack. Look at Vel'Koz if you want to see an unfair siege caster that just dumps damage instantaneously.when is xerath getting deleted from this game again?
i like ascension tooDon't care what everyone says
I really like Ascension. One of the most fun mode of the entire game
Why? He is very fair. Probably the most fair siege caster. Charge up times, skills can be easily dodged, decent tells on abilities. Super weak to flanks. The way Xerath works is very combo based too, so you need to string stuff together and keep hitting shots. Only way to start a reliable combo is with E or W, which can be played around and open up Xerath to attack. Look at Vel'Koz if you want to see an unfair siege caster that just dumps damage instantaneously.
Why? He is very fair. Probably the most fair siege caster. Charge up times, skills can be easily dodged, decent tells on abilities. Super weak to flanks. The way Xerath works is very combo based too, so you need to string stuff together and keep hitting shots. Only way to start a reliable combo is with E or W, which can be played around and open up Xerath to attack. Look at Vel'Koz if you want to see an unfair siege caster that just dumps damage instantaneously.
any tips for learning how to jungle?
also, any recommendations for any of these:
(unlocked already)
miss fortune
If you are jungling in low level games I am not sure how reliable teammates will be in helping on the early leash, so I would really just play something that clears easily like Warwick or Nunu. You start at a major buff (red or blue, typically the one on the bot side so that the bottom lane can help with leashing the first camp) and just kind of go around the map. Farm what you can when it makes sense in the jungle. Try to understand which camps your champion should gravitate towards if possible (if you only have single target abilities maybe put off doing the camps with lots of mobs, particularly the razorbeak/raptor camp next to the mid lane). While you are jungling try to look to see which lanes you think you can gank and head there when you see an opportunity present itself. Use wards to follow the enemy jungler and roaming characters so you can know where to be. Objective control for things like Dragon/Baron are important, and if possible try to kill the Rift Scuttler wandering up the river when those are coming up, or you can head to it if you are low on HP and need to kill something that will not attack back early game. Sometimes you have to know when to let objectives go and when to fight for them. For dragons, if it's not Infernal or Mountain maybe don't worry so much about losing it to the enemy team. Smite gives HP back so if you are fighting enemy champions in the jungle you can smite monsters nearby for a slight HP edge. Generally speaking though you are last hitting with Smite to secure objectives in the jungle.any tips for learning how to jungle?