thanks for the detailed response. i wasn't really interested in one-tricking anyone, just a thought experiment.
could you recommend some top-lane champs that are good for learning the game but wouldn't fall off at higher ranks either?
I'm actually fucking terrible at this game, so I'm not necessarily the best person to ask, but here are some champions that I think exemplify specific playstyles:
Juggernaut -- Garen is fine here. Nasus is another good one. Stay in lane all day, splitpush for turrets, build defense and get damage for free. You are bad at teamfighting unless you can get a flank engage, so use your TP very carefully because you need to make them count.
Vanguard -- Malphite is really straightforward. I like Sion also. Maokai is super meta right now. Build tanky, get through lane without overextending, get to midgame, use your hard engage to start teamfights, pop all your abilities and kite back.
Global/Skirmish -- Shen is the main guy I play for this. Instead of combat power you have high mobility or global presence, use it to force uneven fights, get picks, and take objectives where you have local strength. Good for practicing map sense.
Bruiser/Diver -- The archetype here is probably Renekton. Bully in lane, get strong, try to jump on enemy squishies and kill them. You are mediocre at splitpushing and mediocre in teamfights so you had better crush lane and get fed so that you can snowball to victory. Take TP, not Ignite, you savage.