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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Not (acquiring) a smurf would require me to do 1 of 3 things.

1. Playing normals

2. Playing Flex

3. Screwing up my Solo MMR

all of which aren't happening.


Making smurfs doesn't seem like a very helpful way to learn the game...

I don't know... If someone wanted to try out a different role there's only so much you can really get from bot games. Eventually you'll have to play a normal game with others.

Like take jungle. I've been giving it a shot, but I'm not that good yet, and so the enemy jungler is usually much better. I get flamed, called names, blah blah. AND I don't do very well because I'm up against people who are better than I am.

If I play a smurf and practice jungle at level 10 I'm much more likely to run into people at around the same skill level and will be able to learn as I go.

There's something fundamentally wrong with that thinking, isn't there?
Not (acquiring) a smurf would require me to do 1 of 3 things.

1. Playing normals

2. Playing Flex

3. Screwing up my Solo MMR

all of which aren't happening.

Wouldn't leveling a smurf require you to play normals? You already have an account with tons of champions ( I assume), so if you're trying to get better at a new role or champion, just spam some normals until you're ready to play ranked.

edit: I forgot Co-op V AI is a thing, but still- unless you're making another account to get to gold or have in case you dodge, I'd suggest using what you already have to practice.
Normal MMR doesn't matter Ever

trust me

when was the last time you played anyway, breezy? that ioki inhouse doesn't count

I'm pretty sure I played after that guys inhouse

However I uninstalled league because I just couldn't get back into it. I need my dragon master. (To be fair, I haven't played HotS in around the same time. I've been highly enjoying World of Warc-I NEED A FUCKING DPS LEGENADRY GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)


World of Warcraft after WotLK


Legion was fun for the first few days. Then the same quests over and over and over and over. I hate PvE in MMOs because the raids get boring after doing them once, and the PvP (which is what I played WoW for) in Legion is shit tier.

Man I wish Archeage blew up and they didn't make it P2W
I'm pretty sure I played after that guys inhouse

However I uninstalled league because I just couldn't get back into it. I need my dragon master. (To be fair, I haven't played HotS in around the same time. I've been highly enjoying World of Warc-I NEED A FUCKING DPS LEGENADRY GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)

Legendaries still have super low drop drate and rng? cuz thats the main reason I left WoW


i never played wow

for some reason no one made pirate servers of wow here in argieland

anyways, fanart

this akuma chun li ahri thing just looks fucking cool

and i love pixelart so



really cool shit


fuck you riot

really pisses me off they can't just let people that are actually good at making toys make their fucking toys

i don't care if riot eventually becomes a good toy maker, i like riot as a games maker not a toy maker damn it

only one that wins from this whole "we want to make toys ourselves!" thing is riot who doesn't split the money with anyone

we as fans of the game just get toys that look dumb instead of cool toys that look awesome


The first win after a 7 loss streak feels so good.

I got two wins after a five-loss streak (which started with losing my b4 promos, then sinking back to 20-40 LP), but today's two games were back-to-back losses with ridiculous teams, so I said screw it and called it quits for today. Playing again after a bad game or two is passable, but when the losses are awful enough I'd rather retire than play more games while tilted.

It also looks like all my opponents tend to be smart enough to not let me proxy when I go Singed anymore, making playing him fairly in lane is really bad. Therefore, I'll probably go back to Yorick/Teemo top no matter what while spamming Nami whenever I get my secondary support pick. Singed is cool and all, but the map awareness I get when playing him (if I get to proxy) is fake progress, since I'm still blind to what's going on in the map whenever I have to play in lane. I just can't split my thought process between map awareness and game stuff (positioning, csing, trades, pokes, etc), so I'm often really grateful when my teammates use pings, since that does get me to look at the map to check whether the ping concerns me or not.


riot actually did that yasuo figma not that long ago so i wonder why they don't just do proper nendoroids

but yea fuck you riot

Is that Shyvana, it's hard to tell lmao
it's queen of pain from dota 2

it's not hard to tell, shyvana doesn't have bat wings


that pixel art is phenomenal, damn

Looks like it was made by the same guy that made pixel art renditions of the whole Smash Bros cast a while ago. The only ones I don't 100% like there are Ori (her face looks a lot creepier than in her splash art) and Azir (dat spine contortion).

I guess the art is also fairly recent too, since the artist drew post-rework WW.
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