Ooh Riot's learningWe won't be doing small tank reworks for mid-season (weren't happy enough with our track record on mini-updates during class updates previously).
their track record with larger class reworks isn't much betterOoh Riot's learning
i feel like breezy really struggles with the basic concept we've all learned when we were like 8 of "two things can look similar and not be the same thing"I think that's supposed to be Aloy
i feel like breezy really struggles with the basic concept we've all learned when we were like 8 of "two things can look similar and not be the same thing"
like u can do it breezy, aloy is not a copy of robin hood breezy
pls understand
mostly painless failures tho, which is my pointThe Anivia and Syndra "touches" were completely failures, lol.
they did mean to add more counterplay to her, that was the whole point of the cooking passive and the lock on the w returnThe Anivia and Syndra "touches" were completely failures, lol.
Riot needs to be focused on counter play when they do these reworks, or you get into a situation like with LeBlanc where she has zero counterplay and needs to be removed from the game.
Take inspiration from Ahri and make an Academy Illaoi skin. It'd be easy to do because you can leave the tentacles as-is.
Having a sweeper on a 10 second cooldown doesn't sound interesting, it sounds really fucking busted.
that's only true for luxI feel like mages like Lux, Anivia and Ahri just really lack nuance in their kit in general.
Riot Meddler said:Galio
Has just had his update go out. Super early days, so far we're seeing him perform better top and mid than jungle or support. In terms of balance it's too soon to judge much, looks like at minimum he's not weak however. Whether that means he's around balanced or on the strong side we should start to get a clearer picture on soon.
autofill is seriously the worst thing rito has ever done for the game
If they killed Flex and got rid of autofill I wouldn't mind at all.
Wow , Lux got a downgrade on her personality, thanks Riot.
Whats next, making Syndra being just misunderstood?
also the worst mm algorithm in the industry but i've known that for ages
😂we are still owed the Hard vs Neko 1v1. and also an na vs eu 1v1
Sadly it was for a shitty champ.
Sadly it was for a shitty champ.
keep those dank memes to urself kid
had to survive 4/11/5 zac and cull adc velkoz, but we made it through
gotta give it to rito, out of the last 20 games i got mid 19 times