Well, his abilities gain bonus damage depending on his mana, which was boosted by his ult, and his snare is shorter. But you are probably right as they now cost less anyways and he gains some movement speed. I imagined it was a nerf on first sight but maybe someone can crunch the numbers and tell us for sure.
Well, his abilities gain bonus damage depending on his mana, which was boosted by his ult, and his snare is shorter. But you are probably right as they now cost less anyways and he gains some movement speed. I imagined it was a nerf on first sight but maybe someone can crunch the numbers and tell us for sure.
Based on the current changes, his lategame damage got slightly nerfed. Everything else pretty much will remain same, and now with his ult actually granting him additional utility...
Based on the current changes, his lategame damage got slightly nerfed. Everything else pretty much will remain same, and now with his ult actually granting him additional utility...
I like the Annie buff. I was terrible at Ryze, so I'm not sure why he got nerfed so much -- will he still be at all useful, or is he worse than Evekarmasejuani now?
How can someone be bad at Ryze? Did you lose your fingers in some horrible accident? All you have to do is press the buttons. Ryze is sort of like the Skarner of mages. He'll probably be fine, he just won't scale as hard into late game.
I don't understand nerfing Warwick. He doesn't seem to dominate that much, he always ran slowly in the jungle due to heavy wolf hair, and he uses a ton of mana already, which will now get worse.
I hate Warwick in lane right now. He's too easy to play and his counters to tanky champions are too hard. Auto-attack in lane, trade when needed, congrats you won your lane unless you got counter picked. There is no dynamic to his laning game. This also does nothing to address the fact that he's still a subpar jungler in the new jungle.
Sunfire Cape: Maybe. Situational but definitely more viable.
Why would you want champions to get kneejerk nerfed super hard, man? If you had your way, we'd all be playing nothing but Master Yi and Tryndamere and everyone else would be bottom tier. ;(
There is nothing kneejerk to most of these nerfs and buffs. The meta has been stagnant for a very long time and a lot of these things have been needed for ages. Also I don't even like Tryndamere. If it was up to me matchups would be a five Yi team vs. a five Yi team.
What should I be building first as AD Ezreal? I see a lot of guides suggesting Black Cleaver before IE, but I feel like I don't enough damage to enemy champs if I go that route.
What should I be building first as AD Ezreal? I see a lot of guides suggesting Black Cleaver before IE, but I feel like I don't enough damage to enemy champs if I go that route.
I'm not sure if an early IE is the best option for Ez. A good portion of his damage comes from his abilities, and the crit is kind of wasted in that regard.
Black Cleaver at least is applied with your Q, and it synergizes with your passive.
You could of course try it out yourself, but I feel like there are better carries to rush an IE with.
How can someone be bad at Ryze? Did you lose your fingers in some horrible accident? All you have to do is press the buttons. Ryze is sort of like the Skarner of mages. He'll probably be fine, he just won't scale as hard into late game.
Bad comparison -- Skarner has the autoattacks to reduce CDR, but Ryze has timer-based CDR-reducing spells so you want to alternate Q's or whatnot in a certain order to maximize your DPS. And if you do the wrong combination for a certain situation, you might snare too late and an enemy could leave, or you might not get as much spell vamp as you otherwise would, or etc. Skarner might be more similar to Riven in that you would want to alternate AA's, but I claim it's different from Ryze.
I hate Warwick in lane right now. He's too easy to play and his counters to tanky champions are too hard. Auto-attack in lane, trade when needed, congrats you won your lane unless you got counter picked. There is no dynamic to his laning game. This also does nothing to address the fact that he's still a subpar jungler in the new jungle.
The change makes him worse as a jungler, and I don't think I like tanky champions unless they're on my team. They just buffed tanky champions with magic resist, and yet you're complaining that tanky champions can get countered by a tanky champions. Delete all the tanks!
There is nothing kneejerk to most of these nerfs and buffs. The meta has been stagnant for a very long time and a lot of these things have been needed for ages. Also I don't even like Tryndamere. If it was up to me matchups would be a five Yi team vs. a five Yi team.
How is making warwick a worse jungler/less used, or making ryze a less appealing mid lane champion, going to affect the meta? If they wanted to unstagnant the meta they should make all games ARAM, or make champions gain increased XP if they run a tri-lane, but super reduced XP if they run a quad-lane, or add a couple extra dragons around the map, or something.
The change makes him worse as a jungler, and I don't think I like tanky champions unless they're on my team. They just buffed tanky champions with magic resist, and yet you're complaining that tanky champions can get countered by a tanky champions. Delete all the tanks!
Anyone who's not easy to kill is too tanky for me!
I can kind of agree with the argument that Ryze could build lots of tank items and still do damage though. The other day my team killed a bunch of other players, and then there was Ryze left, so we all sat around and attacked him for a few hours until he finally died. It took a long time. It was like that time where a Garen attacked my team in our base area, and it took like 10-15 seconds straight of the team hitting him for him to actually die.
True damage for Sunfire Cape would make it incredibly OP. I think it's fine the way it is: you do get some armour and health, and it's AOE so if you survive 5 seconds against the enemy team that's 200 magic damage to everyone without having to aim/channel/do anything.
Had a really good Dominion game last night. We were down 5-24 and they had 3 points, but we neutralized their bot which stopped the countdown. The other team left top to get bot, which let us cap top and their mid. Suddenly we had 4 points and 1 neutral. Ended up winning 5-0.
Bad comparison -- Skarner has the autoattacks to reduce CDR, but Ryze has timer-based CDR-reducing spells so you want to alternate Q's or whatnot in a certain order to maximize your DPS. And if you do the wrong combination for a certain situation, you might snare too late and an enemy could leave, or you might not get as much spell vamp as you otherwise would, or etc. Skarner might be more similar to Riven in that you would want to alternate AA's, but I claim it's different from Ryze.
I think you're grossly overestimating the skill it takes to play Ryze competently. Ability spam is really just prioritizing your Q, then W, then E. It's the same with Skarner. Ability spam, use speed boost as necessary, E if you need to. There is no auto attack alternating to him.
Ryze is just super forgiving in every respect. Even messing up an ability rotation isn't going to result in some crushing defeat, and there are absolutely no skillshots to him. Compared to someone like Viktor, who can miss his laser easily and lose a fight Ryze could not be easier. Furthermore his builds are all based around tanky mana items. He can build to spam his abilities and have them do more damage at the same time, and gets to go tanky at no cost to himself.
The change makes him worse as a jungler, and I don't think I like tanky champions unless they're on my team. They just buffed tanky champions with magic resist, and yet you're complaining that tanky champions can get countered by a tanky champions. Delete all the tanks!
I want Warwick to be a good jungler. His Q damage is just too strong in lane versus tanky champions. Lately people have continued to complain about tanks and it is extremely annoying in all honesty. If anything top lane bruisers are the weakest role in the game right now. Not to say they aren't important, but the AP carry is going to be the one doing the bulk work in mid game and the AD carry late game with the bruiser providing support to them. There's nothing overpowered about tanky champions, and they only buffed characters to bring them in line with other tanks. My problem isn't that there is a counter to tanky champions, it's that Warwick can do it with so little effort.
How is making warwick a worse jungler/less used, or making ryze a less appealing mid lane champion, going to affect the meta? If they wanted to unstagnant the meta they should make all games ARAM, or make champions gain increased XP if they run a tri-lane, but super reduced XP if they run a quad-lane, or add a couple extra dragons around the map, or something.
Because Warwick is an incredibly popular top lane pick right now if not the most popular because of how safe and easy a pick he is while excelling at countering many other people who take top lane. Ryze is also one of the most popular AP picks next to Ahri. It's bluntly obvious that both champions need to come in line with other picks to create more diversity in what people are playing.
As far as I was aware, hardly anything can really counter Yorick and Olaf top lane. I wonder if they will come back.
And I feel like, lately, the times when tanky champions that are hard to kill are having a huge effect on games and doing a bunch of damage outnumber the number of times a powerful-yet-squishy AP or ranged AD champion is snowballing. It could just be because my ELO is so incredibly low, however.
As far as I was aware, hardly anything can really counter Yorick and Olaf top lane. I wonder if they will come back.
And I feel like, lately, the times when tanky champions that are hard to kill are having a huge effect on games and doing a bunch of damage outnumber the number of times a powerful-yet-squishy AP or ranged AD champion is snowballing. It could just be because my ELO is so incredibly low, however.
Normally you don't try to counter Yorick. Best you can do is maybe get a jungler gank. But if you see him picked, just snag a character that can CS easily under the tower, or can just shrug off his ghouls (chogath, trundle?) and it becomes a passive lane. Late game he tapers off and if bot lane keeps their AD carry in check he's fucked.
I feel that way about Yorick. A few gaffers says Cho hangs with him. I play Cho and every time Yorick is just able to dmg me way more than I can regain life. I just hope for our jungler to gank him often.
Sejuani doesn't seem to be played that often. At release she seemed really weak but since then I've found out how to build her and I'm having a good amount of success. Especially in dominion.
Sejuani doesn't seem to be played that often. At release she seemed really weak but since then I've found out how to build her and I'm having a good amount of success. Especially in dominion.
Kage's Lucky Pick will be amazing item to rush for ap mid, built in to deathfire if enemy team stack health, evil tome if they stack life steal. The evil tome buff is pretty meh, since almost all mid take ignite, and most fight end in burst instead of long period of trading.
Good bye double wota, too expensive unless you have 2 AP in your team =/
Haunting Guise will be amazing for ganging, it is super cheap as it is, 45 ap, 20 magic pen and movement speed to roam around.
Not sure about Athene's Unholy Grail, I guess it is more for swain or ori, abyssal will still be better item if you want magic resist.
Wota still good.. no other decent spell vamp item for APs. Might just wind up getting early hextech, then building other stuff and saving wota for later.
Sejuani doesn't seem to be played that often. At release she seemed really weak but since then I've found out how to build her and I'm having a good amount of success. Especially in dominion.
It's not that she's terrible, but most champs in her class do everything she can but better. She doesn't tank well, doesn't dps well due to ratio/scaling, and her only CC is her ult. But her ult is godlike.
It's not that she's terrible, but most champs in her class do everything she can but better. She doesn't tank well, doesn't dps well due to ratio/scaling, and her only CC is her ult. But her ult is godlike.
I even have problems with her ult. Unlike say... Amumu's her's can be blocked, and/or mitigated by good positioning. It's great for ganking, but in teamfights unless they're all bunched up it's lackluster.
I even have problems with her ult. Unlike say... Amumu's her's can be blocked, and/or mitigated by good positioning. It's great for ganking, but in teamfights unless they're all bunched up it's lackluster.
Yah, I agree, she's terrible in teamfights. What I find forgiving about her ult is that it's ranged, has a huge radius even if you whiff(people shouldnt be, but I do!) so there's that. She's only "good" for ganking but there's just so many other better overall gankers than Sej. Hope she gets some buffs.