What is the connection with the dragon drinking chocolate milk though?
Isn't the dragon drinking the cup...and threw away the chocolate milk? O_O
New chalice item looks interesting, I've already been experimenting with boots 3 -> chalice on some of the more mana hungry AP mids and I quite like it. I would definitely want to to try it on champions like brand, orianna or anivia.
Is that a referral reward for Athene, perhaps?Upcoming item changes + new item?
New chalice item looks interesting, I've already been experimenting with boots 3 -> chalice on some of the more mana hungry AP mids and I quite like it. I would definitely want to to try it on champions like brand, orianna or anivia.
TotalBiscuit recently passed 10,000 referrals. Which earns him to this I guess:Is that a referral reward for Athene, perhaps?
It's pretty odd that he'd receive it before TotalBiscuit, considering that TB earned (check description) his referral- reward way before Athene even joined league...
The item itself however looks appealing.
All expenses paid trip to visit Riot Games and develop a champion with the Riot Design Team
New Skins in the Store
- Blight Crystal Varus
- Frost Blade Irelia
- Dacian Knight Pantheon
- Rune Wars Renekton
- Blackthorn Morgana
League of Legends v.
Varus, the Arrow of Retribution
- Living Vengeance (Passive) Varus gains temporary attack speed for killing minions. This effect is doubled in strength and duration for killing champions.
- Piercing Arrow Varus prepares his next shot to fire a long ranged physical damage skillshot that gains range and damage the longer it is charged. He moves slower while charging. The shot is fired with a second cast of this ability.
- Blighted Quiver - Varus's basic attacks apply blight dealing bonus magic damage. These charges stack up to three times and are consumed by his other abilities dealing the target bonus percentage health magic damage.
- Hail of Arrows - Varus fires a targeted area of effect spell that deals physical damage to all enemies in the effect and leaves behind desecrated ground that reduces healing effects by 50% for a few seconds.
- Chain of Corruption (Ultimate) - Varus fires out a skillshot that deals magic damage and snares the first enemy hit. This effect can spread to nearby enemies dealing the same damage and snare to them.
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Curse of the Sad Mummy cooldown decreased to 150/130/110 seconds from 170/150/110
- Base health increased to 460 from 424
- Incinerate mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/95/110/125/140
- Molten Shield
-- Duration reduced to 8 seconds from 15
-- Armor and magic resist increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 10/20/30/40/50
-- Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25
-- Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 30
- Base movement speed increased to 320 from 315
- Void Ooze slow reduced from 28/36/44/52/60 % to 20/28/36/44/52 %
Lee Sin
- Ironwill lifesteal and spell vamp reduced to 5/9/13/17/21 % from 5/10/15/20/25 %
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Glitterlance
-- Ability power scaling reduced to 0.6 from 0.7
-- Mana cost increased to 40/50/60/70/80 from 40/45/50/55/60
- Wildgrowth tooltip updated
Master Yi
- Alpha Strike bonus minion damage now always applies to a minion if it was targeted initially. Subsequent minion targets still have the same chance to proc the bonus damage.
- Meditate mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 70/85/100/115/130
- Highlander duration increased to 8/10/12 seconds from 6/9/12
Miss Fortune
- Double Up bonus damage increased to 120% from 115%
- Bullet Time damage changed to physical from magic
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Reckless Swing cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 8/7/6/5/4
- Updated recommended items
- Basic attack frame speed increased
- Overload
-- Damage adjusted to 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.4 per ability power) (+6.5% of max mana) from 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.2 per ability power) (+7.5% of max mana)
-- Ranged decreased to ??? from 675
-- Mana cost reduced to 60 from 70
- Rune Prison
-- Mana scaling reduced to 4.5% from 5%
-- Snare duration reduced to .75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
-- Mana cost reduced to 70/85/100/115/130 from 80/95/110/125/140
- Spell flux
-- Now has 1% mana scaling
-- Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
Desperate power
-- Removed mana component
-- Now gives 35/55/75 movement speed on activation
- United We Stand range reduced to 5500 from global
- Base health increased to 487 from 448
- Starcall
-- Mana cost increased to 20/35/50/65/80 from 20/30/40/50/60
-- Magic resist shred duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8
- Base armor increased to 17 from 15
- Rake mana cost reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 from 60/65/70/75/80
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Hungering Strike
-- Target health scaling lowered to 6/9/12/15/18 % from 8/11/14/17/20 %
-- Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 70/80/90/100/110
- Sunfire Cape's Area of effect damage per second increased to 40 from 35
- Chalice of Harmony's Passive effect does not stack with Athene's Unholy Grail
- Randulin's Omen's active's base slow decreased to 1 second from 2
- Updated Force of Nature's tooltip
- Will of the Ancients
-- Recipe changed to Hextech Revolver + Blasting Wand from Hextech Revolver + Amplifying Tome
-- Total gold cost increased to 2500 from 2100
- Haunting Guise
-- Recipe changed to 2 Amplifying Tomes from Amplifying Tome + Ruby Crystal
-- Ability power increased to 45 from 25
-- Health has been removed from this item.
-- 8% movement speed
- Deathfire Grasp
-- Recipe changed to Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + Kage's Lucky Pick from Fiendish Codex + Kage's Lucky Pick
-- Ability power increased to 80 from 60
-- Mana regeneration per 5 has been removed from this item
-- Active ability's base percentage of current health damage decreased to 25% from 30%.
- Morello's Evil Tome
-- Recipe changed to Kage's Fiendish Codex + Kage's Lucky Pick from Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand
-- UNIQUE Active: Inflicts target enemy champion with Grievous Wound, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 6 seconds (20 second cooldown).
- New Item: Athene's Unholy Grail
-- Recipe: Chalice of Harmony + Fiendish Codex + Amplifying Tome
-- Total gold cost: 2950 (combine cost: 380)
-- +80 Ability Power
-- +40 Magic Resist
-- +15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
-- +15% Cooldown Reduction
-- Passive: Restores 12% of your max Mana on Kill or Assist.
-- Unique Passive: Increases your Mana Regen by 1% per 1% Mana you are missing. Does not stack with Chalice of Harmony.
- You can no longer purchase more runes of the same type if you have enough to fill a rune page.
- All chat can now be disabled ingame under the more options menu. It is disabled by default.
That can't go live.Lol at Rake mana cost.
I might start maining Talon if it does.That can't go live.
Lol at Rake mana cost.
That can't go live.
I actually thought that was one of the good changes in patch.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2058443
Shen still lives! I don't think Talon Rake is going in either :|banned
These crazy koreans are way to good at this game, it really does make all other teams look pathetic. They already have SC, cant they give someone else lol?
- Base armor increased to 17 from 15
- Rake mana cost reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 from 60/65/70/75/80
These crazy koreans are way to good at this game, it really does make all other teams look pathetic. They already have SC, cant they give someone else lol?
Why would you want champions to get kneejerk nerfed super hard, man? If you had your way, we'd all be playing nothing but Master Yi and Tryndamere and everyone else would be bottom tier. ;(A lot of those changes are really good. If only other champions would get nerfed as hard as Ryze. Yi clear times are going to be insane.
Omg, talon buff, ryze nerf, shen global nerf? Those item changes?? Wow. What a patch this will be.
I'm guessing CLG lost to MiG? I missed it![]()
Ryze is weird in that they both nerfed and buffed him if you read into that. It's more like a small retooling verses a straight nerf. Some of his base ability damage actually went up which should mean he'll be better at earlier levels when you don't have a ton of mana stashed up anyways.
Could make him stronger pre 6 but weaker post 6.
PS: Sunfire Cape could easily be fixed. Just switch the damage done to true damage, and boom the item is useful again.
Precisely, just anything to make the damage more than an expensive side note that helps kill minions, or something that requires the tank to sit there for 10 seconds. I guess they're afraid of sunfire Eve again or something.PS: Sunfire Cape could easily be fixed. Just switch the damage done to true damage, and boom the item is useful again.
Precisely, just anything to make the damage more than an expensive side note that helps kill minions, or something that requires the tank to sit there for 10 seconds. I guess they're afraid of sunfire Eve again or something.
One or more people in this thread were saying that brutalizer + last whisper is bad because one is flat reduction and one is % reduction and you reduce your own effectiveness or something. Does the same apply to sorc shoes + void staff, and if you intend to get void staff you should get different shoes?
Where can I see the new skins?
Wow... amumu has mr per level now... no reason for sej at all now.
This really confuses me. I mean I know I'm the world's worst Ryze, but Ryze is certainly not a point and click champion, he's a champion that requires practice/understanding to pull off the proper spell cycles and timing. Furthermore, he has no gap closer or escape and is thus susceptible to ganks (unlike say, Ahri). He has no hard crowd control unlike some other AP mids (unlike say, Ahri).SHEN'S GLOBAL NERF IS NOT GOING INTO THE GAME
In other news, yay Ryze nerfs, no more point-and-click.
Was there ever one before? Poor Sejuani, should be completely remade.or slashed to 1350 IP
Sunfire Cape back to 40 damage, oh the memories.