Just had another epic game with tristana

our team was being out killed but the map was pretty even. They had taken out 2 of our inhibitors the three base towers while we had taken out 1 inhibitor and one tower next to the nexus.
The other team had just scored an ACE and they were pushing hard into our base. I decided what the heck. 3 team mates were busy defending so i said what the hell and went for it.
Sneak attack into their base and took out a second inhibitor from behind a tower

Quickly jumped to top lane to help a nearby Team make push top all the way down to the tower which was quickly taken out.
I could now see 3-4 red circles in my own base so i knew i was pressed for time. I jumped down to the turret with my teammate (tryndamere) before our minions got there and started attacking... i hit my 'Q' and the tower died almost simultaenously taking out tryn.
I was surrounded by creeps and elite creeps... But i knew what had to be done... I Started attacking the nexus... i got down to like half and I jumped to the other side of the nexus and continued the assult. an elite ran up to me... and I used my ult to knock him back ... at the same time I saw that heimerdinger was racing down the steps to attack me. RIGHT THEN my Q came back online and i punched it and brought the nexus down Solo dolo... EPIC moment. I wish i had a replay.