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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Just tried the new Summoner's Rift. The performance improvements are immense. Real pleased with this patch.
Indeed, didn't even dip below 60 fps in my games today. Felt disturbingly smooth.

E: Turned off v-sync/fps- cap, and got up to 270-300 fps. Lol.

Not the biggest result on the web, but for my comp that's literally over double the fps.


I've always been playing with every video setting to "very low".
I played the new Summoners Rift on the beta servers earlier with everything on "very low" and it all looked like how it always looked on the HD streams(where they only use the highest settings). I am satisfied!


I kind of miss the "fast terrain" option. My crappy setup gives the new SR a fishbowl effect. It's hard to gauge distances and land skillshots.


I played about 4 games on SR last night and they were all a glitch fest. In each of my game as Lee Sin, I freeze in the air with my Q kick at least twice. And I'm not sure if it's even lag. I'm literally stuck in that pose Matrix style. Auto attack won't...autoattack. I'm right clicking like mad on an enemy and I do nothing at times. Multiple players experience a freeze on their characters. Blah!

Darius seems kinda weak in lane. He lacks an escape tool if he plays aggressively and his dmg was fairly weak. That ult cd though is sick.

LoL-GAF teach me the ways of Cho-Gath top lane!

He's the newest character I'm trying to learn, and I'm sort of stumped on what to build/do. His silence seems cool, and his ult being true damage scales great into late game. He seems to lack a ton of true hard CC though as his Q is sooo slow.

Also he seems slightly tankier than most bruisers, but I'm not sure if he's got the chops to be a full on tank with his spells. Plus he seems to do slightly less damage. Do I just build tank items on him? Try and stack HP? Should I build AP items for his abilities or not?

Also how do I maximize his toggle E spell to get the most use out of it?

His Q is good for initializing but yeah, it's really slow. The easiest way to land it is to Q in a bush so they don't see your start up animation. The other way is once enemies "settles in" their position during fights. This is because "settled" characters are autoattacking at this point and are distracted from the chaos, usually making Q easier to land. To get the most dmg during laning phase, whenever the enemy hits you and pulls aggro from minions, try to stun him. He will eat a crapload of dmg from them alone.

You build him as a hybrid tank/ap. He becomes naturally tanky due to his Feast stacks. Rod of Ages helps him further tank and adds some ap. Frozen Heart for armor and cdr. I like Abyssal Scepters on him for some mr and more ap. The recommended items on him are pretty much the way to go.

Pretty much leave his E on at all times unless you don't want to take aggro from towers. Another exception is if you want to last hit minions and E will ruin your last hit for you. Toggle it off.


got my elo robbed tonighttttt

go legendary with my duo Q in top and mid then bot lane and jungle feeds BUT me and my duo buddy still win all the team fights




People are stupid. You gotta get up to 2600 elo before that stops, doncha know.

Also I feel like the UI is kind of weird and laggy now, and I got the mouse cursor stuck with the gold bag cursor for a little while.

I'm not sure I like the new details and everything. Dragging the camera on the minimap felt laggy too, and I think I turned framerate cap to 60 fps instead of stable, and that seemed to help some, but I would have to turn vsync off to make it smooth. I don't remember having to do that before.

I also felt like holding spacebar a lot more than previously, not sure if that was just me, or whether things feel different in general. Overall, just kinda weird.
Yeah new SR has a few bugs. In one game, I had "Blocked!" stay in the centre of my screen for the whole game (courtesy of Pantheon).

Didn't pay much attention to new Ashe but she looks slicker.


Haven't played a no-death game in a while, feels good.

Guess Taric is going to be one of my mains from now on.

Reminds me of a game I had recently. I rarely get no death games but I was having a particularly great Ezreal game and I was 8/0 or something and playing very well. I had just recalled and saw a teamfight in our jungle. I threw out my ult and clicked the minimap to get there. I forget exactly what I was looking for but while I was walking I wanted to change something in the options and was in the menu looking for it. Suddenly I saw my screen go red a few times then gray. Turns out the enemy team won, pushed to our mid and I walked right into them while looking at the menus :(

It ended up being my only death the entire game. We won and I finished 15/1. I was soooo annoyed at myself that I let that happen lol.


Mundo calls solo top. Gets mad that I can't babysit his lane because he's against Darius and Garen.

Give Swain blue. Loses it 10 seconds later to Malzahar.

Get called a noob. I'm going to take a long break from this game.

Oh yeah, Swain and Mundo could never land any Nevermoves or cleavers.


Mundo calls solo top. Gets mad that I can't babysit his lane because he's against Darius and Garen.

Give Swain blue. Loses it 10 seconds later to Malzahar.

Get called a noob. I'm going to take a long break from this game.

Oh yeah, Swain and Mundo could never land any Nevermoves or cleavers.

I main jungler and I have learned that whether its your fault or not the jungler always gets the blame.


The jungler's job is to take the blame for everything, yes.

I should have stopped playing while I was ahead. I lost a lane to a twisted fate of all things...well not really lost, I was keeping even or outfarming him, but he kept ganking side lanes and I would not push and kill his turret quickly enough. Instead I made the mistake of trying to help side lanes (or hold top lane) and dying in them.

Also, I like how they nerfed Lulu and yet everyone continues to play Soraka, who even nerfed seems to outheal everyone. I like Soraka, but still.


Mundo calls solo top. Gets mad that I can't babysit his lane because he's against Darius and Garen.

Give Swain blue. Loses it 10 seconds later to Malzahar.

Get called a noob. I'm going to take a long break from this game.

Oh yeah, Swain and Mundo could never land any Nevermoves or cleavers.

Junglers and Supports have it the worst, they can't do enough for the team to appreciate them.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Junglers and Supports have it the worst, they can't do enough for the team to appreciate them.

Support has perfect warding allowing for your team to catch enemies off guard, meh.

Area wasn't warded for whatever reason, WTF SHITTY SUPPORT WHY AREN'T YOU WARDING WTF!!!1111


I actually played a game yesterday. New improved framerate is awesome. Kudos to riot on that. The new map textures look more modern but I'll miss the retro feel of the old. I noticed they added a flash to the level up a skill icon, is it so much to make it flash again when you choose a skill?


Character that require expensive AP item and farm to do well should never be use as support.


What's with LoLGaf, I logged on tonight and see only 1 other person in gaf chat....

LOLgaf dead confirmed?
I was in chat, raging as I lost games. :( I stop playing for a couple days and do terrible when I get back.


Anyone else having problems with moving around items in your inventory? Picking them up feels "stickier" now. Don't like it.

Until the next server maintenance that is...

The items feel the same way for me too. I have to drag the item around a bit to get them to move.

And I dunno if it's just me, but the animations feel like they're missing a few frames (my framerate usually stays around 30-40). That and the camera feels sticky too.


Another 3 more games where i went godlike in lane I still couldn't carry any of my teams today sighhh

too many people getting caught out of position, people who farm and not go for objectives

I want to quit this game so much..... getting matched with the worst players sighhh

Guild wars, why won't you release faster!


Another 3 more games where i went godlike in lane I still couldn't carry any of my teams today sighhh

too many people getting caught out of position, people who farm and not go for objectives

I want to quit this game so much..... getting matched with the worst players sighhh

Guild wars, why won't you release faster!

August, man. August.


Another 3 more games where i went godlike in lane I still couldn't carry any of my teams today sighhh

too many people getting caught out of position, people who farm and not go for objectives

I want to quit this game so much..... getting matched with the worst players sighhh

Guild wars, why won't you release faster!

I know the feeling. 19/6 as akali in midlane. Shut down ahri even though their second toplane decided to double up in middle lane with her. Still couldn't win the game. I had 75% of my team's kills :( I was trying so hard to organize us. The few times we got in a teamfight we would win but mostly they would just roam around singly and get picked off. The opponent Master Yi even bought an oracles to try and survive. Unfortunately for him my gunblade and ult made getting away very difficult, even for a Master Yi. That oracles didn't last long.

I guess I can't carry a game as Akali. Time to go back to normal APs :(


The items feel the same way for me too. I have to drag the item around a bit to get them to move.

And I dunno if it's just me, but the animations feel like they're missing a few frames (my framerate usually stays around 30-40). That and the camera feels sticky too.
I think dragging the camera is weird if you have vsync on and stable frame rate. Try using a 60 fps cap instead.

I tried turning vsync off, but that makes scrolling when I hold spacebar too jerky so I think I turned it back on.


Playing through D3 trial and while a fun game, I still need that competitive game that is LoL.

Played a game as Malph jungle last night and I swear my team was derp from the start. I rush to the middle of the map to catch anyone trying to invade. Sure enough, I catch one person trying to invade, with his teammates lagging behind. My teammates are around the same distance. I contest the first guy and he hesitates and steps back briefly. Then his team starts moving in. My teammates just stand idle near the tower and watch them invade for free. I gave them an earful. They were right there and could've prevented an invasion or at least try to contest it but instead they were just derping around watching.

We still ended up dominating the game with me going 10/1 but damn! Protect jungle if able.

I still experienced glitches. My ult would go halfway the distance through open field or autoattack wouldn't work. They need fix these glitches.


Should I get Lich Bane first or Deathcap first on TF? I've been going boots > 2x Doran Rings > Sheen > Lich > Deathcap. I like Lich Bane early for the extra stats to help in lane.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Another 3 more games where i went godlike in lane I still couldn't carry any of my teams today sighhh

too many people getting caught out of position, people who farm and not go for objectives

I want to quit this game so much..... getting matched with the worst players sighhh

Guild wars, why won't you release faster!

Can't rush perfection mang.


Should I get Lich Bane first or Deathcap first on TF? I've been going boots > 2x Doran Rings > Sheen > Lich > Deathcap. I like Lich Bane early for the extra stats to help in lane.

DC for sure, without the DC, Sheen-> Lich isn't even that much of damage upgrade since you lost the attack damage proc bonus.


I'm sorry, if you've got a godlike score 4 times in a row and you can't lead your team to victory, part of the problem is yours man. You need to be the playmaker and the one making the calls if you're so far ahead.


Should I not get Sheen until after DC then?

That would depend how often you got to use the proc to harass in lane. If you ended up spending most of the laning phase throw card from long range to harass, you can skip sheen. If you can bully your opponent with sheen proc early, go for the sheen after dorans.

Alternatively if you are losing lane, or against burst champ, you can also get the magic resist part of lich early.
Personally, I find it harder to carry 1v5 in LoL than other MOBA games. Maybe it's because every hero can be viable with items. Getting rocked by an AP carry? Stack MR. AD got you down? Armour up. CC'ed forever? QSS/Merc treads.


I'm not saying that if you're godlike that you should 1v5 the enemy team (though if you could, you should). I agree that it's harder to 1v5 carry in LoL compared to other Mobas. What you said kinda highlights the problem I wanted to point out though - godlike players tend to create for themselves an individual mentality - an "I'm the best, my team sucks" mentality, and they try to rely only on themselves and bemoan a loss and blame their team.

Yes, it was your teams fault that you lost, but it's also your fault you thought yourself above them. However, everybody wants to win, even the "bads" on your team - if you're carrying, chances are they will listen to you. This is why as a clear score leader, you have to LEAD. You dont just run around as an individual and ignore your team. If your team is actually stronger, make plays, if your team isn't, catch the enemy team out of position and take objectives. People with carry mentality need to play support sometime.

People are always here complaining how they did well and their team got caught out of position bla bla, that's sad and all, but there was always something they could've done to help. If you think your team is stronger, why are you guys not pushing? If you were pushing, your team members wouldnt get randomly caught in a bush somewhere. The fact that your team members are getting caught randomly makes it sound like you were already losing or you guys weren't making the correct strategic choices - like you're off farming somewhere because you think your team is crap.


this is pissing me off

LoL players are forgetting what kind of game they are playing, every game I lose, the other team goes NOOBS, same goes for the other people I play with when we win.

like the IQ of the people who play the game must be dropping since it is getting close to summer


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
this is pissing me off

LoL players are forgetting what kind of game they are playing, every game I lose, the other team goes NOOBS, same goes for the other people I play with when we win.

like the IQ of the people who play the game must be dropping since it is getting close to summer

No kidding, usually if you started playing at 11PM or later, you could avoid (most) of the kiddies. But now, no timezone will be safe.

At least we still have D3.
Character that require expensive AP item and farm to do well should never be use as support.


What's with LoLGaf, I logged on tonight and see only 1 other person in gaf chat....

LOLgaf dead confirmed?

Personally, I've been travelling since Thursday with nary a chance to play.
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