He is OP as hell. Surprised more people don't ban him. I expect nerfs eventually, no reason for him to do that much damage.
I'm glad I don't play against you guys, Naut is one of my fav champs. I'm glad he doesn't get banned. I play him as support though. He gets so freaking tanky at later levels and his slow scales up so well.I actually do ban naut every chance I get. OP
isn't he one of the god tier junglers ?
some people say he have mana problems otherwise he is good
Fast junglers are rewards due to short spawn times. Fiddle also fell out of favor after the remake - I'm not quite sure what the recent buff to his Dark Winds has done to his jungle time.
I haven't seen a lot of jungle GP either.
I think that was done primarily to help his laning but I could be wrong.
I think Fiddle is great mid vs anyone that doesn't have a stun or silence.
When dragon and baron received shred- immunity, it pretty much killed Trundle. That ult was his one major perk that defined him from other junglers.He's just fallen out of favor after the jungle was redesigned and counterjungling became trendy. I don't recall him getting any direct nerfs.
Lolwut? Trundle is still very good. You don't see him that much anymore because the newer junglers like Naut are much easier to play and have more utility plus they're much more inclined to donate blue earlier. Trundle is one of the few junglers that if fed and just dominate a team by himself.
Enemy Renekton pushing bot tower. About 1/4 health.
I approach as Riven from the river.
Ult, shield, stun, Q.
FPS suddenly drops from 40-ish to under 10.
I miss my Q. My R goes wide.
Renekton rushes back under his tower.
My FPS goes back to normal.
Ahri disagrees
The redmake was that they mostly made the mobs easyer to kill and respawn faster. So you dont need a champion with as much sustain as you did before.I didn't start playing until after the jungle was redone. How did the changes to the jungle reduce the attractiveness of playing Trundle? Was counter-jungling destined to become prevalent one way or the other, or did the changes to the jungle directly influence its rise in popularity?
Yeah but she has a disable, which is pretty much a stun.
I'm not saying that if you're godlike that you should 1v5 the enemy team (though if you could, you should). I agree that it's harder to 1v5 carry in LoL compared to other Mobas. What you said kinda highlights the problem I wanted to point out though - godlike players tend to create for themselves an individual mentality - an "I'm the best, my team sucks" mentality, and they try to rely only on themselves and bemoan a loss and blame their team.
Yes, it was your teams fault that you lost, but it's also your fault you thought yourself above them. However, everybody wants to win, even the "bads" on your team - if you're carrying, chances are they will listen to you. This is why as a clear score leader, you have to LEAD. You dont just run around as an individual and ignore your team. If your team is actually stronger, make plays, if your team isn't, catch the enemy team out of position and take objectives. People with carry mentality need to play support sometime.
People are always here complaining how they did well and their team got caught out of position bla bla, that's sad and all, but there was always something they could've done to help. If you think your team is stronger, why are you guys not pushing? If you were pushing, your team members wouldnt get randomly caught in a bush somewhere. The fact that your team members are getting caught randomly makes it sound like you were already losing or you guys weren't making the correct strategic choices - like you're off farming somewhere because you think your team is crap.
The update is okay, I just feel weirdly disconnected from the controls more than before, like slight lag aside from obvious glitches. I haven't tried completely without vsync and frame cap off, though.
Also I -finally- had some decent katarina games again, I needed them so badly. 15/3/9 and 9/3/6 back to back (one ranked one normal). 70.9% wins out of 103 ranked katarina games, also.
My recommendation is don't start, unless you're 1000 elo or below. I'm down to 68% ranked wins with her now, and I had like 7 normal losses in a row (not ranked thankfully).You're making me want to start playing Kat![]()
Speaking of Galio, are there any good champions that actually shut him down? Say, sending an AD range mid? Because I felt like I sent him back to base or did a good bit of damage, but with teleport he could just keep farming, and ended up with like 954 AP. That's a lot of AP!
Mostly the issue is that the QE Galio combo seems to rapidly kill entire minion waves so he had like 350+ minions, and I'd have to dodge it at the same time and try to avoid taking minion damage.
Speaking of Galio, are there any good champions that actually shut him down? Say, sending an AD range mid? Because I felt like I sent him back to base or did a good bit of damage, but with teleport he could just keep farming, and ended up with like 954 AP. That's a lot of AP!
Mostly the issue is that the QE Galio combo seems to rapidly kill entire minion waves so he had like 350+ minions, and I'd have to dodge it at the same time and try to avoid taking minion damage.
I was just about to buy Anivia. I hated her last time she came up on a free weekend but I didn't build her like the mana starved champ she is, and I didn't use her ult to farm creeps as much as I should have. I'm gonna use this opportunity to learn the shit out of her.
Katarina is great as long as you know what you're doing and your team knows how to handle team fights. She is great when your team has a LOT of hard CC (3 or 4 stuns). That is my experience anyways.
Some combination of katarina plus amumu/wukong/galio/malphite/nunu/nautilus/alistar is good for this as well.i just got the perfect team
galio (me) mid
amumu jungler
nunu support
miss fortune ad
the chain of ulti never fucking ends.
Been playing a lot of Leona lately... I learned just yesterday that her Q stun doesn't stop fiddle's ult. Makes no sense to me. I wonder what other fun surprises are in store.
Fiddle's ultimate is not channeled once activated, and cannot be stopped. Your choices are to run or kill.Been playing a lot of Leona lately... I learned just yesterday that her Q stun doesn't stop fiddle's ult. Makes no sense to me. I wonder what other fun surprises are in store.
Yep. Kennen is the same way I thinkFiddle's ultimate is not channeled once activated, and cannot be stopped. Your choices are to run or kill.
You become untargetable like Vlad's pool or Fizz's jump, so you will redirect the tower's target to someone else.If you use zhonyas while under a turret will it's attack move to someone else or will you be able to tank it using it?
Has GAF given up on the likes of Hecarim/Sejuani? I haven't seen those two since release week.
Speaking of Galio, are there any good champions that actually shut him down? Say, sending an AD range mid? Because I felt like I sent him back to base or did a good bit of damage, but with teleport he could just keep farming, and ended up with like 954 AP. That's a lot of AP!
Mostly the issue is that the QE Galio combo seems to rapidly kill entire minion waves so he had like 350+ minions, and I'd have to dodge it at the same time and try to avoid taking minion damage.