I guess they were right, Vladmir changes are controversial if that's the thing you're going to complain about. Base stats are what makes champions strong in the mid game before they really start building up items. Vladmir should be fine when it comes to damage once he gets those items under his belt. It really is too easy to keep full stacks up, and Vladmir is obviously too strong right now.Hotfix patch preview
"We want Vlad to be a late game carry
... so we're nerfing his damage in later levels"
Significant buffs for MF and Cait.
Rengar W AP ratio nerfed but it also comes with a crap load of buffs.
I'm a big fan of the Ziggs change. I think he's a cool champion and I'd love to see more of him. This is the kind of change I think bring more to him without throwing his damage out of whack.
I like that cast times are being pulled off of abilities they really didn't need to be on increasingly. It speeds up the game and make champions feel more responsive.
The Yorick nerfs are pretty sizable, but I can't say I disagree with them. He's just way too save in lane and offers so much harass at such little cost.
Because the idea is to have counterplay. This isn't hard to figure out. When someone slaps a 13 second silence on you your options are pretty limited, and it really is anti-fun. At least to me.well league has this aversion to any hard cc
who knows why
The role of support in League is often undersold severely. The impact that they can have on the fight can be huge though, and the control of map vision, a prime responsibility for supports, is one of the most game changing things. If you really think of supports as baby sitters rather than aggressors you're conceptually mistaken.After dropping 500 hours into DotA2 I feel like supports in that game often bring more to the table than in LoL, but it comes down to a bunch of differences in design.
Personally I'm not really a fan of creep pulling. It feels like a rather droll duty thrown on a person in a manner that makes them seem like the weakest and least essential member of the team.
We already know about Heimer's rework. It sounds much more interesting than Venomancer, who is an incredibly simplistic and boring hero.One thing I was thinking about, I wonder if Heimerdinger could be retooled so his turrets worked more like Venomancers plague wards, could be too OP.