League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Kha'Zix looks like the xenomorph from Alien.

I don't get why Riot, considering that LoL is the most played game in the world, doesn't try licensing some skins from other IPs. I bet they would sell a bunch!

Big Daddy Nautilus would be cool.


Kha'Zix looks like the xenomorph from Alien.

I don't get why Riot, considering that LoL is the most played game in the world, doesn't try licensing some skins from other IPs. I bet they would sell a bunch!

Big Daddy Nautilus would be cool.

Because imitating the different franchises is cheaper (King Rammus).


I think Riot said they were looking to release something like two supports a year. There really doesn't need to be more.

The support role isn't really something that needs to be vastly expanded, and a pretty sizable chunk of the roster is already support capable or dedicated.

I'd like to see Riot's designers learn to make a support champ that brings utility to a team besides being either a healer or a stun bot.


Irelia v Riven is one of the best top lane matches.

Believe it or not, Irelia is favoured in that matchup - statistically and theoretically.

Irelia is favored after ~9. The early game is in Riven's favor and rather dramatically. Play aggressively at 1-4 and an early kill will most likely win you the lane. If the lane goes relatively even, Irelia will outscale you :(

One of my favorite matchups right now, though that's from the Riven perspective.

He's not as all powerful as people make him out to be. Not to say he isn't strong, but he can actually be dealt with, and his impact on games kept to a minimum as long as you know how to lane against him.

Basically what my opinion on him was when he released. The mana cost change to his E is most likely necessary but he's manageable in lane. Contrary to what people seem to think, he's weak to pressure.

Except you don't level that first because you have no wave clearing ability.

You level Q first in msot matchups

Usually. E is better for most hard trade situations (basically any of the bruisers or good duelists). Honestly, after more time with him, I think I'd rather just go E first most of the time. Hammer QE harass is basically free damage and without pushing your lane nearly as much. Swap, QE, auto, disengage, rinse, repeat.


I'm curious, what would a non-healing or stunbot support be? More shields? A buffbot? And those are exactly what you'd expect from the support holy trinity (Healing/Prevention, CC, Buffs/Debuffs) anyway. Legitimately curious as to what a "unique" support would be.

Perhaps a different execution of the support holy trinity but, at the end of the day, it'll still be a sustainbot, stunbot, or buffbot. That said, I would like to see an offensive debuffer of some kind for a new support.


Second-rate Anihawk
I'm curious, what would a non-healing or stunbot support be? More shields? A buffbot? And those are exactly what you'd expect from the support holy trinity (Healing/Prevention, CC, Buffs/Debuffs) anyway. Legitimately curious as to what a "unique" support would be.

Perhaps a different execution of the support holy trinity but, at the end of the day, it'll still be a sustainbot, stunbot, or buffbot. That said, I would like to see an offensive debuffer of some kind for a new support.

This guy.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Supports in League of Legends kind of suck. My major gripe with the game.

But it's okay because I'm FIRED UP AND READY TO SERVE


Irelia is favored after ~9. The early game is in Riven's favor and rather dramatically. Play aggressively at 1-4 and an early kill will most likely win you the lane. If the lane goes relatively even, Irelia will outscale you :(

One of my favorite matchups right now, though that's from the Riven perspective.
only because its bugged matchup, if it would have been in riven favored but not dominant like it is right now because of a bug.



Glimpse seems intriguing (defensively, a knockback; offensively, a pull) but the kit is basically pseudo-CC and a disable. Not to say it isn't a non-stunbot/heal/buffbot, but it also doesn't seem that "different" y'know? But a 5s area silence is goddamn. Fiddle ult with his silence ohgod.

Honestly, I kind of wish Syndra was given a more utility based ult. She'd be an interesting offensive support then. Zone control with her orbs, area of effect slow, a knockback (with the possibility of a stun), ... and then a damage ult. She can early ult to set up an area of effect stun, I guess, for team fights though. Hm.

Of course, there's already people playing her as support so maybe it'll stick anyway.

only because its bugged matchup, if it would have been in riven favored but not dominant like it is right now because of a bug.

Being able to Q out of Irelia stun helps, sure, but Riven just has a strong early game. QW start is a lot of pressure by Level 2 and EW is super safe harass at 3 and beyond. Better mobility and just high damage output. If this gets fixed, Irelia would still lose every low level trade.

That said, Broken Wings has a lot of quirky bugs with it with CCs in general. Be it the probably-as-intended ones (getting CCd during Q doesn't stop the momentum) or the unintended ones (using it during hard CCs sometimes lets it go through). It also occasionally still tries to move towards enemies rather than your cursor, which is rather annoying when you're trying to escape with it.


I'm curious, what would a non-healing or stunbot support be? More shields? A buffbot? And those are exactly what you'd expect from the support holy trinity (Healing/Prevention, CC, Buffs/Debuffs) anyway. Legitimately curious as to what a "unique" support would be.

Perhaps a different execution of the support holy trinity but, at the end of the day, it'll still be a sustainbot, stunbot, or buffbot. That said, I would like to see an offensive debuffer of some kind for a new support.


Passive: Stuns and deals magic damage to the enemy champion who deals the killing blow for 1 second. Damage: (50/100/150) Levels with ulti.

I've loved this idea and can't believe something like it hasn't been implemented in the game yet. You get punished for hitting someone.
Warden's mail is the only thing that comes close but its all RNG there.

Q: Anivia wall - Doesn't grow in size but the duration of it staying on the field increases with ranks.

W: Silence+grievous wound - Deny pots all day

E: Cripple target making them take x0.5/1.0/1.5 damage from auto attacks for 4 seconds and slowing them for 1 second.

R: Single target true damage nuke (100/150/250) - no scaling + 15/30/60 armour+mr shred giving nearby allies half of the shredded armour+mr

I see this champion as a bulky, short plant type of thing. The Q will have vines growing from the ground, W will be a vine whip with the guy shouting silence, etc...

No ap scaling on anything so it doesn't become another lulu.


I'm curious, what would a non-healing or stunbot support be? More shields? A buffbot? And those are exactly what you'd expect from the support holy trinity (Healing/Prevention, CC, Buffs/Debuffs) anyway. Legitimately curious as to what a "unique" support would be.

Perhaps a different execution of the support holy trinity but, at the end of the day, it'll still be a sustainbot, stunbot, or buffbot. That said, I would like to see an offensive debuffer of some kind for a new support.
Maybe a support that gives stealth to themselves and an ally, or all allies within a certain range. Basically a walking bush for your team. :p

Or a scouting support, that builds like tiny stealth robot versions of themselves and sets them lose in theirs or the enemy's jungle providing vision. Little things would just walk around till destroyed or after like 5-minutes. So basically a mobile ward.

Also maybe a champ that has an instant teleport to base skill. Use on ally and it teleports them out of harms way to your fountain. Used on an enemy and it sends them back to their fountain, taking them out of the fight.

Those are just off the top of my head that I think would be interesting support skills for champs.
I'd like to see Riot's designers learn to make a support champ that brings utility to a team besides being either a healer or a stun bot.

Maybe a support that gives stealth to themselves and an ally, or all allies within a certain range. Basically a walking bush for your team. :p

Or a scouting support, that builds like tiny stealth robot versions of themselves and sets them lose in theirs or the enemy's jungle providing vision. Little things would just walk around till destroyed or after like 5-minutes. So basically a mobile ward.

Also maybe a champ that has an instant teleport to base skill. Use on ally and it teleports them out of harms way to your fountain. Used on an enemy and it sends them back to their fountain, taking them out of the fight.

Those are just off the top of my head that I think would be interesting support skills for champs.

The answer to both your questions is Teemo. Speed buff+slowing wards(shrooms) for scouting purposes, invisibility, blind, poison harrass.

I'm not saying he's a good support or anything but he's viable as a support at certain elo ranges I would say(at least in my ELO)



Passive: Stuns and deals magic damage to the enemy champion who deals the killing blow for 1 second. Damage: (50/100/150) Levels with ulti.

Haha, I actually had a similar passive in mind; something that is practically useless in a solo lane but can punish in bot lane/team fights if they're focused first.

Like, I'd like to see a support with a QW that debuffs the target and returns a self-buff. An E that lets them mark who gets that self-buff. Ultimate makes them go full area of effect (including the on-death passive). It's a boring play in theory, though, as it's just harass and, essentially, (de)buffbot but just surprised we lack a debuff Sona, basically.


Being able to Q out of Irelia stun helps, sure, but Riven just has a strong early game. QW start is a lot of pressure by Level 2 and EW is super safe harass at 3 and beyond. Better mobility and just high damage output. If this gets fixed, Irelia would still lose every low level trade.

That said, Broken Wings has a lot of quirky bugs with it with CCs in general. Be it the probably-as-intended ones (getting CCd during Q doesn't stop the momentum) or the unintended ones (using it during hard CCs sometimes lets it go through). It also occasionally still tries to move towards enemies rather than your cursor, which is rather annoying when you're trying to escape with it.
i just red that the same bug happen with when lux do her q against riven.
im sura riven vs lux is a very good matchup for riven in all levels.


I like to think of Riven's Q as jumping over obstacles since she can't go through walls with dash. =(

Haha, I actually had a similar passive in mind; something that is practically useless in a solo lane but can punish in bot lane/team fights if they're focused first.

Like, I'd like to see a support with a QW that debuffs the target and returns a self-buff. An E that lets them mark who gets that self-buff. Ultimate makes them go full area of effect (including the on-death passive). It's a boring play in theory, though, as it's just harass and, essentially, (de)buffbot but just surprised we lack a debuff Sona, basically.
Sona can debuff though, right? She has a slow and a damage reduction debuff in addition to buffs.


Sona can debuff though, right? She has a slow and a damage reduction debuff in addition to buffs.

She can (Power Chord W, E) but I meant a champion that debuffs primarily. Sona just came to mind as the closest to a buffbot for the comparison.


I think I've gotten to the point where dragon times just come naturally to me. I don't even know what minute it spawns or how long it takes to respawn, but I almost always think "hey we should check dragon" and in that exact second it respawns.

It's my "superpower", I can also take a bus, go to sleep and wake up at my stop for some reason.


I think I've gotten to the point where dragon times just come naturally to me. I don't even know what minute it spawns or how long it takes to respawn, but I almost always think "hey we should check dragon" and in that exact second it respawns.

It's my "superpower", I can also take a bus, go to sleep and wake up at my stop for some reason.

I have wraiths fairly well timed in my head after getting back to a few games of playing mid. I'm sorry junglers, I'm stealing them every goddamn time
unless you tell me not to


the only thing that fiddle got for him is his damn ultimate, Tier 2 junglers cant destroy him with counter jungling.
The power just went out here.. right after we went into the load screen. A second earlier and it would have dodged. Anyway, sorry Nutty and the other people.


Too bad about them removing the IP reward of the Tribunal. Can't say it was my main reason to do it (it was mostly for laughs) but it sure was nice to check your emails and see you had an extra 500 IP.


Too bad about them removing the IP reward of the Tribunal. Can't say it was my main reason to do it (it was mostly for laughs) but it sure was nice to check your emails and see you had an extra 500 IP.

Sometimes I like to check my email and see that I had an extra 4000 RP.

This never happens.


I'm curious, what would a non-healing or stunbot support be? More shields? A buffbot? And those are exactly what you'd expect from the support holy trinity (Healing/Prevention, CC, Buffs/Debuffs) anyway. Legitimately curious as to what a "unique" support would be.

Perhaps a different execution of the support holy trinity but, at the end of the day, it'll still be a sustainbot, stunbot, or buffbot. That said, I would like to see an offensive debuffer of some kind for a new support.

I spent some time thinking about this after my post last night and the answer is, I'm not sure.

After dropping 500 hours into DotA2 I feel like supports in that game often bring more to the table than in LoL, but it comes down to a bunch of differences in design.

In DotA2 some of the best jungle heroes are supports, and they tend to bring one of pushing, ganking, or initiation power to a team. That isn't to say there aren't baby sitter supports too.

I guess with things like creep pulling, and smoke ganks, I feel like there is more I can do at times in DotA2 as a support then simply babysitting and warding.

One thing I was thinking about, I wonder if Heimerdinger could be retooled so his turrets worked more like Venomancers plague wards, could be too OP.

I think overall I'm just tired of the stagnant meta of LoL.

well league has this aversion to any hard cc

who knows why

I've been trying to think which DotA2 heroes would be most broken in LoL. Chaos Knight would probably be one of the most "Anti-Fun" heroes possible. Tide Hunter's Ravage would be pretty crazy too.
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