League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Is EUW LoL down... again??? :-(
It's working for me.

It didn't work for DOTA 2, I can't see how it would work for League.

People will just trade honor.

(The only way this system wouldn't get abused to hell is if you were limited to giving honor in-game.)
One of the designers mentioned that they have in-built measures to prevent people from trading, or exploiting it with premades.

He goes more into detail in the forums and the reddit- thread. Judging from the responses, it definitely shows that they are aware of potential abuse- cases.

Whether or not it will work out though, we'll have to wait and see.


Junior Member
Damn it, something is really up with my internet. Got it fixed and got rid of the extension cabel, instead relying on a long Cat5 cable now since tech support said that one value in the connection was borderline. That hopefully will make things stable now. Huge 5 second lag spikes suck. And transfer rates that look like the alps :p

Btw, I don't think anyone loves his/her character as much as this girl:

Gogo Kennen.


@Dominion - The top tier champs are considered to be Kassadin, Jayce, Lulu, Rammus, Darius, Malphite, Poppy, Wukong, Yorick (bot), Pantheon, Jax, and Urgot (bot).

Worth noting that the Dominion premade scene is shifting away from the bruiser heavy setups and getting more "traditional" groups (e.g., bruiser, ranged carry, utility, fill). And then just solo queuing it doesn't really matter too much as most people just pick whatever-they-want.

lux gonna lux with dota2 gaf

It's remarkable how one can go 2/10 and still have an ego about things.

And with terrible cs. What did he do all game? Besides die, anyway.


Second-rate Anihawk
It's remarkable how one can go 2/10 and still have an ego about things.

And with terrible cs. What did he do all game? Besides die, anyway.

Yeah, he's horrible. Bad attitude to boot. Fits the typical Dota player to a tee.


Low Tier
It's remarkable how one can go 2/10 and still have an ego about things.

And with terrible cs. What did he do all game? Besides die, anyway.

Probably blame his team and wonder what he did to end up where he is. These self-entitled dota players all have that same kind of attitude, where everyone else is doing something wrong and they're 100% in the right.
Draven looks cool right, so I bought him on sale last week.. Didn't like his kit at all and then tomorrow I read about the refund-system. Awwwwwwww yeaaaahh!

He takes a while to get used to. I had to play about six games before I understood how to use/space Q with W.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Probably blame his team and wonder what he did to end up where he is. These self-entitled dota players all have that same kind of attitude, where everyone else is doing something wrong and they're 100% in the right.
Oh lawd.


tried cdr jungle ap rengar, very bad beginning but he picked up in the mid game and excels at the late game objective (destroying turrets, control dragon and baron).

fastest creep pusher in the late game.
fast jungle clear after getting kage lucky pick.
destroy squishes with dfg and lickbane.
good sustain and status gain from w.
can do some insane ganks with ultimate or by hiding in the bush.

1 trick pony (depend on w to survive or deal damage).
bad early game, cant fight 1v1 against some counter junglers (shyv/mundo/nocturne).
oracles destroy him if his team dont have good cc's to cover for you.


He takes a while to get used to. I had to play about six games before I understood how to use/space Q with W.
One thing that bugs me when I play Draven is being able to outrun the landing spot of your spinning axe. For example, I chase someone with bloodrush and I gain so much speed that I actually run ahead of where my axe is going to land. It's an annoying situation, because I'd have to slow down in order to catch the axe(s), and that's not an ideal solution for a chase- scenario.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
any good league of legends podcasts out there?
One thing that bugs me when I play Draven is being able to outrun the landing spot of your spinning axe. For example, I chase someone with bloodrush and I gain so much speed that I actually run ahead of where my axe is going to land. It's an annoying situation, because I'd have to slow down in order to catch the axe(s), and that's not an ideal solution for a chase- scenario.

Agreed, I personally think he's one of the worst champions because his Q forces him to sacrifice his positioning. Unless you have hard CC or a good slow they will usually get away from your axe juggles. His scatter helps and he can take down dragon extremely quick but I overall his Q makes him one of the least reliable AD carries you can have.

PS i want to see a re-imagining of the League take of Wombo Combo with Ez, Ashe and Draven.


Junior Member
Take it from me, it's tough being a girl gamer.
You have quite the personality to show for it, though. School of hard knocks?

Also, gogo Sona ulti. Gogo warding. Eventhough I had to fight bot solo until level 6 because my laning partner was afk. Then our Fiora got so fed. The End.


Neo Member
Agreed, I personally think he's one of the worst champions because his Q forces him to sacrifice his positioning. Unless you have hard CC or a good slow they will usually get away from your axe juggles. His scatter helps and he can take down dragon extremely quick but I overall his Q makes him one of the least reliable AD carries you can have.

Yep, I experienced that during the three games I tried him in already, was really distracting. Gotta keep track of enemy's movements and the axes' paths and manage Blood Rush's steroids. Just not for me and that's why I refunded him already. Maybe getting Nautilus or something when he is in sale but then again I read about the nerf to his abilities and I'm not so sure about him either.


So since I sold Riven I'm stuck with only Malph as my top laner, so I figured I'd buy Jax for the time being. How do you guys build him?


any good league of legends podcasts out there?

Trinity Force podcast is the cream of the crop. However they recently started to suffer from Bombcast syndrome. They start the podcast with 15 minutes of personal chat that is mostly unrelated to LoL and a pain to listen to. Once you get past that though, they tend to know what they are talking about.


Junior Member
By the way, what are nasty bottom combos. All I hear of is Kogmaw/Nunu thanks to Bloodboil and the slow.
I sometimes hear Vayne/Alistar mentioned, true? Anything else?


Blitz/Vayne I think is another popular one.

I like my own Draven/Sona combo. We get so fed it doesn't matter Draven isn't so good out of the laning phase.


Bottom lanes:

If the Leona is good, Leona + Pantheon is funny. Or if you have a pro Jarvan, Leona + Jarvan.

I'd like to try Blitzcrank + Jayce again some day if I can find someone to play Blitzcrank.

I saw some people win a low level game with Alistar + Sion, so you're welcome to try that too. :p

Otherwise yes, if you're playing an actual meta bottom lane and wanting to win, Graves and Taric. Tons of people run Soraka + Ezreal too, I guess for the mana.


So since I sold Riven I'm stuck with only Malph as my top laner, so I figured I'd buy Jax for the time being. How do you guys build him?

I run exhaust/ignite summoners, 19/11/0 masteries, and MS quints, AS marks, armor seals, mr/lvl glyphs

I start with boots and 3/4 pots, or maybe cloth 5 pots if you're against heavy AD champs and you don't think you'll win harass. I normally build a hextech revolver first and then get FM. Then the rest of the match changes based on how things are going? Need more damage on the team? Sheen & finish gunblade. More tank? Randuin's/GA/FH.

Also been trying out rushing a Triforce first but I think I like the hextech more for the sustain. I typically don't get past a 3rd or 4th item so I couldn't really say what else to get. Wit's End seems pretty good? You could probably build whatever you want and still do well with Jax.

Keep in mind you get more tanky against the stat that you build up, so if you're facing AD teams you may want more AD items, and likewise for AP teams.


Okay, I guess Graves/Taric is stun into burst. Corki/Leona is?

Also, am I right that Alistar Vayne is good or mistaken?

Corki/Leona I hear works well because if Corki E's, then he'll manage to proc all of Leona's sunlights w/o having to worry about timing her abilities for massive burst.


Her apartment. Not only guys play LoL ;-)

Oh, that's a girl? I thought the girl was the person who made the Kennen plushie for the player. My bad.

Recently I had a chance to interview Ego Ignaxio, a man who has close to 4000 games played on Kennen alone, he is above 2000 Elo on the NA server, boasts the highest normal game elo and has been playing the game for over 2 years. I was able to pick his brain on many things Kennen and even his personal outlook on his playstyle and the game itself.

I can't find anything that refers to Ego as a female.


It's remarkable how one can go 2/10 and still have an ego about things.

And with terrible cs. What did he do all game? Besides die, anyway.

it's not my fault teemo is a broken champion who has everything you could ever ask for in his skill set I am playing as olaff if I fight him 1v1 that guy kill me in 4 shots with 4 of my axes I barely do any damage maybe just a quarter of his health and I have a attack runes page plus masteries lvl 16 whats wrong with him? will he get nerfed?

no because riot is ass-backwards thats why they giving a champion with max attackspeed max movement u cant catch him he just plants mushrroms everywhere that slow u to 10% ms and u and then this udyr just walks up and kses me and wiats for me to die before taking my creeps. That sounds balance to you? i had to pick up the fucking crumbs off of jungle wolves all game to afford my boots at 15 minutes and its not like i can just buy wards because teemo just goes permainvis. If this team didnt have my axes 2 slow the enemy they would never have been able to take inhibitors or towers ....

also i got more gold earned than Blitzcrank so BAM son


Neo Member
Soraka remodel unveiled! and it looks really good




it's not my fault teemo is a broken champion who has everything you could ever ask for in his skill set I am playing as olaff if I fight him 1v1 that guy kill me in 4 shots with 4 of my axes I barely do any damage maybe just a quarter of his health and I have a attack runes page plus masteries lvl 16 whats wrong with him? will he get nerfed?

no because riot is ass-backwards thats why they giving a champion with max attackspeed max movement u cant catch him he just plants mushrroms everywhere that slow u to 10% ms and u and then this udyr just walks up and kses me and wiats for me to die before taking my creeps. That sounds balance to you? i had to pick up the fucking crumbs off of jungle wolves all game to afford my boots at 15 minutes and its not like i can just buy wards because teemo just goes permainvis. If this team didnt have my axes 2 slow the enemy they would never have been able to take inhibitors or towers ....

also i got more gold earned than Blitzcrank so BAM son

Get good kid.


Soraka remodel unveiled! and it looks really good



RIP "Soraka's clothes are changing colors whyyyyy"


Splash art:

dat impossible waist
Soraka is a starchild, and their waists are clearly not like human waists, just like they have horns and we don't!

Also, did they really change her model so that she bends back and arches her breasts towards the screen when she recalls, like Zyra and (new) Katarina? Or am I just imagining this trend. :p


Soraka is a starchild, and their waists are clearly not like human waists, just like they have horns and we don't!

Also, did they really change her model so that she bends back and arches her breasts towards the screen when she recalls, like Zyra and (new) Katarina? Or am I just imagining this trend. :p
If you fapfapfap to a champion you'll develop an emotional attachment that'll lead up to the spending of moar RP. Economics 101, chump.

Also, it's pretty sick that they removed all her african-features :p


Bottom lanes:

If the Leona is good, Leona + Pantheon is funny. Or if you have a pro Jarvan, Leona + Jarvan.
It's a pretty brutal combo, especially when they both hit 6. Just brutal.
Now bot lane will be filled with Arcade Sonas and Sorakas.


Actually, I'm okay with this.

Had to fight this in ARAM 3 times last night, the beginning is always awful.


Whoa whoa what? Ego's apartment burned down? That guy is like THE Kennen player and like the single most helpful person when it comes to understanding that champ. Hopefully this is somewhat olderish news and he's recovered everything since then. Would hate to see him gone for so long


Quite the difference.

The crescent moon is facing the wrong way!


If you fapfapfap to a champion you'll develop an emotional attachment that'll lead up to the spending of moar RP. Economics 101, chump.

Also, it's pretty sick that they removed all her african-features :p

If you can fully fap to a champ in the time it takes to finish recalling, you have bigger problems than an unhealthy attachment to digital characters.
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