League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
From 99/2000 to 2005, woo!

I keep thinking about the new champion and how they would look awesome on all fours.
I'm trying to read this in a way that doesn't sound dirty and I can't.
How do you stay positive in this game? I was a 1447 elo a few days ago. I am now a 1339. I'm getting feeders after DCs after troll. I'm just not sure how to play it anymore.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How do you stay positive in this game? I was a 1447 elo a few days ago. I am now a 1339. I'm getting feeders after DCs after troll. I'm just not sure how to play it anymore.
Play normals and just have fun. Or yeah, take a break and play Dota2 or something I dunno.


How do you stay positive in this game? I was a 1447 elo a few days ago. I am now a 1339. I'm getting feeders after DCs after troll. I'm just not sure how to play it anymore.
You either play games that are singleplayer, or you accept that since it's a team game, there's no way you can stop people from griefing your games (or disconnecting because of internet problems). In theory if you have hundreds of ranked games played it will average out appropriately, but it can take forever to get there. :p

Also if I understand correctly, the ranking system is supposed to be designed so that you can't/won't have more wins than losses, so you end up at 50/50 somewhere. I don't really like that either but yeah.


Mk just bought torchlight 2 taking a break. LOL thanks for the tip. It's just annoying.....unless you guys wanna do a normal :D
Playing with friends or GAF people can help, but even then you will have people with bad games (even I, the world's best LoL player, sometimes have bad games), or you'll have people with inexplicable network problems. I know two people who used to play 3v3 all the time, and presumably won most of their games, yet apparently whenever one of them would get in a 5v5 games, they would get 1-5 seconds lag and their game would become unplayable.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mk just bought torchlight 2 taking a break. LOL thanks for the tip. It's just annoying.....unless you guys wanna do a normal :D
I can't right now, but sit in the GAF chat. We're usually looking to fill a group of five. What's your name in game?
So since I sold Riven I'm stuck with only Malph as my top laner, so I figured I'd buy Jax for the time being. How do you guys build him?

When I play Jax, I go Boots - Malady - T2 boots - Guinsoo - Trinity(Phage->Sheen->Zeal) - Hextech and then whatever you want to finish off. I usually get a Wit's End as the game is over soon enough if you get this far and you'll be getting Triples and Quadras out the ass.

I also max W first, then Q and I don't use E until after I use my W-Q combo. Let someone engage and then leap onto the squishy and melt them, then whoever you want from there.
When I play Jax, I go Boots - Malady - T2 boots - Guinsoo - Trinity(Phage->Sheen->Zeal) - Hextech and then whatever you want to finish off. I usually get a Wit's End as the game is over soon enough if you get this far and you'll be getting Triples and Quadras out the ass.

I also max W first, then Q and I don't use E until after I use my W-Q combo. Let someone engage and then leap onto the squishy and melt them, then whoever you want from there.

No, do this:

boots + pots

phage -> vamp

sheen -> triforce

hextech gunblade


armor/mr depending on enemy team (randuins/banshees)

get GA after triforce if 2-0/3-0


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

This is going to be one of those games.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Quite the difference.

Holy shit, this is actually pretty god damn incredible.

It's amazing how Riot's artists have improved over time (or maybe they hired a new guy, I'm not sure). I love it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
We won. Mostly because Zyra switched to Talon after I begged for real DPS, and because my Ez is too stronk.

(I'm starting to feel that flash is just as good in Dom as it is in SR. A truly dangerous train of thought if there ever was one)



We won, mostly because, Zyra switched to Talon after I begged for real DPS, and because my Ez is too stronk.

(I'm starting to feel that flash is just as good in Dom as it is in SR. A truly dangerous train of thought if there ever was one)

flash is good in dom, gotta confirm those kills.


Flash is still good to have though a lot argue that Ghost is overall better due to map coverage for capping points. I still have a preference for Revive/Garrison instead of Revive/Flash.


Flash is still good to have though a lot argue that Ghost is overall better due to map coverage for capping points. I still have a preference for Revive/Garrison instead of Revive/Flash.

don't need revive if you never die

can't go into the mentality that you're going to die


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
We won. Mostly because Zyra switched to Talon after I begged for real DPS, and because my Ez is too stronk.

(I'm starting to feel that flash is just as good in Dom as it is in SR. A truly dangerous train of thought if there ever was one)
I dunno, Zyra DPS is pretty real.


The crescent moon is facing the wrong way!


If you can fully fap to a champ in the time it takes to finish recalling, you have bigger problems than an unhealthy attachment to digital characters.

Quite the difference.
Looks like the chick from Avatar now...yuck...

No, do this:

boots + pots

phage -> vamp

sheen -> triforce

hextech gunblade


armor/mr depending on enemy team (randuins/banshees)

get GA after triforce if 2-0/3-0
Yeah this sounds like what I was thinking, mercviper's build too. I want him to be kinda tanky.

Also, Orianna is fantastic, thanks to all that suggested her :)

Looks like the chick from Avatar now...yuck...

Yeah this sounds like what I was thinking, mercviper's build too. I want him to be kinda tanky.

Also, Orianna is fantastic, thanks to all that suggested her :)

Lol, I never follow the meta or typical builds, but he is quite tanky. With ult you have a tonne of armor and MR, and 3k HP. You shouldn't really be in a position to be focused which is why I don't go the typical route. You leach back a shitload of health because of how hard and fast you hit, as well.


Mecha Kha'Zix...

I just hope the champion is fun.

So Pentakill Olaf and Conquerer Tryn means Teacher Fiora is real.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I really like everything about Kha'Zix aesthetically. Interesting kit too.

Edit: Wowwwwwwwwwwwww, watching a stream and he's so cool. Like seriously. SERIOUSLY.


I really like everything about Kha'Zix aesthetically. Interesting kit too.

Edit: Wowwwwwwwwwwwww, watching a stream and he's so cool. Like seriously. SERIOUSLY.

He's amazing, seriously. Really fun and actually a champ I can see being used a lot in Pro play. Gonna be really interesting to see they use him.
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