League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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This game was pretty tough. MF was constantly onto me, him and Sona constantly harassing me while farming. Even almost killed me at one point. If it weren't for Janna- saves and well-timed counter ganks from Shaco/Kassa, MF might have had the chance to snowball early on and win the game.
Fortunately we pulled through, and managed to keep a slight gold lead (they weren't far by much, MF constantly matched me with items). Even then, most of our team fights were pretty clutch. We even lost a couple of fights (pretty much the only times I died as well).

Overall, pretty satisfying game.
I find the whole face rolling joke about her to be a bit exaggerated. She's an easy-to-use champ but not that easy. If you face roll before you get good mana regen or to a higher level you'll run dry on mana so quick and become useless during a gank.
I'd say her passive- rework made her a little bit more interesting to play. I find the slow to be particularly useful for chasing off stragglers or setting up a gank early game. I've never found practical use for the damage reduction though.


I find the whole face rolling joke about her to be a bit exaggerated. She's an easy-to-use champ but not that easy. If you face roll before you get good mana regen or to a higher level you'll run dry on mana so quick and become useless during a gank.

I usually go Q>W>E and then max out Q as priority. The heal and speed buff are nice nice and all but they are both mana hogs at early levels. The bonus armor+magic resist and speed buff are only useful for when getting ganked or locked down by the enemy support because with rune pages most people have the armor pen to get by that armor buff. The only reason I drop a single point in W and E at lvl 2/3 is because of the attackspeed/slow debuff effect you get on your next auto attack.

edit: mercviper that's the combo I use too! :D

Yeah the only spell that scales well early for Sona is Q. Any additional levels in W or E are very minor and they're really only useful for their power chords. W will decrease recovery time after trades, but also drain your tiny mana pool like crazy, of which you will want at least 1/3-1/2 of available in any given engagement. Fortunately, with a faerie charm and regen masteries you should be able to shore up enough mana by the time jungle can gank after an engage, or at least recognize when you should hold off harassment when a jungle gank is near.

I should try getting E at 3 and see how that fares. It makes sense that the additional slow for another auto from you and your carry will make up for the less 50 damage from rank 2 and extra 38 damage from power chord.

I'd say her passive- rework made her a little bit more interesting to play. I find the slow to be particularly useful for chasing off stragglers or setting up a gank early game. I've never found practical use for the damage reduction though.

I definitely agree. If I recall, before the rework her power chord just did damage after the 3rd stack, none of this nonsense about reduced damage or movespeed.

Regarding the damage reduction, exhaust wins the trades bot lane, and having mini exhausts on their carry attacking yours gives you a slight advantage on each trade imo. Not to say that it isn't a niche reason, most trades bot I find to be players firing off their harass skills and then backing off to farm more, in which case I find the slow to be more practical as it lets you get more hits off while they retreat.


Yeah the slow is great, I like it for chases and to stop guys like Skarner that want to be clever and charge towards my carry. NOT ON MY WATCH MISTER


It's all about that auto, Q, Power Chord. Roughly 150-200 damage at level 1 lol.

Or auto, E, Power Chord, Q, auto once you've got them on the run @ level 4. This one you can spam every 6 seconds too.

If the opposing AD carry chooses to trade with you you will lose that fight.
If the opposing AD carry chooses to trade with you you will lose that fight.

And then the enemy team will be short an AD carry after your AD easily finishes them without taking much damage. Then your AD proceeds to get easy CS against the enemy support while the enemy while the enemy AD is spawning and walking all the way back to bot. When the AD comes back with his new gear from picking off your support you B out and come back with something bigger from the kill + extra CS. Of course there is the enemy support to consider, but it's not about the trades but rather the debuffs your support is putting on the opponent AD that will turn the tide in your favor all things being equal in most matchups


More junglers... maybe this one will stick...

Ugh, and more stealth... really these guys start to sound redundant...


If the opposing AD carry chooses to trade with you you will lose that fight.

If you're both at 100% hp, 1v1, of course you will lose the fight, which is why it's harass for zoning and nothing you commit to.

I did say "once you've got them on the run", which I suppose I need to specify and say that means that your presence and harass causes them to run away instead of stay and fight. The point of the slow is to keep them in your crosshairs for additional damage, but if they are going to stay anyway you're better off using the shorter auto, Q, power cord harass and then run back and W twice to prep for the next volley.

If they still decide to stick it out and chase then your carry ought to be nearby to help, otherwise you've overextended to harass and that's on you. There's a lot of nuances that I skipped mentioning for successful harass that I think are common enough I do not need to mention because that would be a post more about how to play support properly. I can list them if you'd like.


I feel obligated to use Void Scyther.

I am curious about this though:

Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.

So he can see who's out of position/alone? Go to mid lane and don't see the target marked? Must mean jungler is nearby!


I feel obligated to use Void Scyther.

I am curious about this though:

So he can see who's out of position/alone? Go to mid lane and don't see the target marked? Must mean jungler is nearby!

Well it's probably a bit harder than that because minions are counted as allies. Also I think the radius for detection is probably smaller than you'd think and won't extend to side mid brushes. Could be useful when ganking top/bot to see if jungler came in via lane, but those lanes don't exactly fast clear minion waves either and focus more on freezing them imo.



I asked for an easy-to-use OP dominion hero in a lobby yesterday but no one had any suggestions besides Darius.

I then went AP Eve anyway and was #1 for three games in a row (though I lost 2), so she's probably a good cheap choice.

I need like 500 IP for the double rune page but I'm afraid I'm not going to get it. Do I have to have 6300 IP by midnight PST tonight? Or does it go through tomorrow?


More junglers... maybe this one will stick...

Ugh, and more stealth... really these guys start to sound redundant...

Yeah, they're really on a duality kick. Coming up next, Solaria the Light Sovereign. A support that heals with lightwells.

After reading his kit I'm going to have to see it in action. Doesn't sound that intuitive.


There is not one.

But...the most OP off the top of my head are Jax, Darius, Alistair, Ezreal, Kassadin, Wukong, Malphite, Urgot, Jayce, Yorick (pre-nerf?), Cassiopeia, Rammus, Akali, and Talon.

I'd say overall probably Kassadin, though he is a bit team comp dependent, Jax probably next behind him.

How does Zyra fair on Dominion?

Great for area denial, not so great at much else. Still probably a top tier AP pick.


Second-rate Anihawk
I asked for an easy-to-use OP dominion hero in a lobby yesterday but no one had any suggestions besides Darius.

I then went AP Eve anyway and was #1 for three games in a row (though I lost 2), so she's probably a good cheap choice.

I need like 500 IP for the double rune page but I'm afraid I'm not going to get it. Do I have to have 6300 IP by midnight PST tonight? Or does it go through tomorrow?

AP Eve can't carry. :(


As someone who hasn't indulged in any new champs since Jayce, I will make love to my Xenomorph Scyther top lane and y'all can't do nada aboot it.

I think the passive marking will be much more helpful top lane to be warned of ganks than jungling, but we'll see how far the range is.


Especially since this particular Eve isn't packing a DFG.
I don't mean to be rude, but you were missing three key things -- #1, getting DFG, #2, getting sorc shoes (probably those two as your first two items), and #3, void staff. The maxed magic penetration DFG + ult (IN THAT ORDER) %health combination should do a good bit of damage.

Decent/good Eve game scores tend to range in the 11/3 or so range in my opinion, and you probably shouldn't have more than 5-6 deaths.


I don't mean to be rude, but you were missing three key things -- #1, getting DFG, #2, getting sorc shoes (probably those two as your first two items), and #3, void staff. The maxed magic penetration DFG + ult (IN THAT ORDER) %health combination should do a good bit of damage.

Decent/good Eve game scores tend to range in the 11/3 or so range in my opinion, and you probably shouldn't have more than 5-6 deaths.

Void Staff typically isn't a big deal in Dominion as rarely do you see enough MR to warrant using it.


There's a TSM vs CLG face off match going on right now:


Edit - actually it might not be live according to the chat there.

edit 2, yeah apparently it was a show match from a few days ago. Still something to watch if you're looking for something.


Void Staff typically isn't a big deal in Dominion as rarely do you see enough MR to warrant using it.
Yeah but as dimb was probably referencing, I think someone ran the numbers and Eve scales better with magic pen than pure AP due to the double %HP attacks. Almost the whole idea of AP Eve is having those two attacks do as close to true damage as possible. Adding on a deathcap/zhonyas/whatever after you have all of the above is fine, of course, but I try to aim for the magic pen first.


You want mpen. even if the enemy isn't building mres.

And this is Dominion. You'll typically have 49/15% MPen. Void Staff just isn't typically necessary as a rushed item or something you always build for Dominion.

Yeah but as dimb was probably referencing, I think someone ran the numbers and Eve scales better with magic pen than pure AP due to the double %HP attacks. Almost the whole idea of AP Eve is having those two attacks do as close to true damage as possible. Adding on a deathcap/zhonyas/whatever after you have all of the above is fine, of course, but I try to aim for the magic pen first.

And you're usually at (or near) true damage without it. That was my point.


And this is Dominion. You'll typically have 49/15% MPen. Void Staff just isn't typically necessary as a rushed item or something you always build for Dominion.

And you're usually at (or near) true damage without it. That was my point.
I guess I don't consider void staff after sorc shoes, deathfire grasp, and abyssal to be rushing...it's just sort of a core item. Someone who knows more than me can run the numbers on whether it actually improves the %HP damage compared to an AP item of equivalent price.

*edit* My Soraka, that's a big...stick you have?


I guess this is Soraka. I dunno, it's hideous.


I guess I don't consider void staff after sorc shoes, deathfire grasp, and abyssal to be rushing...it's just sort of a core item. Someone who knows more than me can run the numbers on whether it actually improves the %HP damage compared to an AP item of equivalent price.

To be fair, I thought you were saying rushing a Void Staff before/instead of Abyssal.

Also, remember the order of operations here as well:

Flat MR Reduction
Percentage MR Reduction
Flat Magic Penetration
Percentage Magic Penetration

If we assume a target has 75 MR (base MR + MR/level + Merc Treads), you have these two scenarios:

Abyssal Scepter:
-20 MR Reduction (55)
-0% MR Reduction (55)
-29 Magic Penetration (26)
-15% Magic Penetration (22.1) or 81.90% Damage Taken.

Void Staff:
-0 MR Reduction (75)
-0% MR Reduction (75)
-29 Magic Penetration (46)
-55% Magic Penetration (20.7) or 82.85% Damage Taken.

This is basically the break even scenario. Most people don't run MR/level or play champs with scaling base MR, however, so sub-75 MR is pretty common. Many don't even get Merc Treads. Abyssal also serves as a nice defensive item to force Void Staff itemization for most enemy casters so it's generally more efficient.

Granted, if your targets get to 80+ MR, Void Staff is the better offensive item ... though I'd still opt for Scepter for Evelynn since the defensive stats make up for the difference. You could make the argument for adding Haunting Guise to hit true damage instead of Void Staff since:

Abyssal + Void Staff:
-20 MR Reduction (55)
-0% MR Reduction (55)
-29 Magic Penetration (26)
-55% Magic Penetration (11.7) or 89.5% Damage Taken.

Abyssal + Haunting Guise:
-20 MR Reduction (55)
-0% MR Reduction (55)
-49 Magic Penetration (6)
-15% Magic Penetration (5.1) or 95.1% Damage Taken.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I guess this is Soraka. I dunno, it's hideous.
Wait, is this the re-model or a new skin.

If it's the remodel then everything I said below is irrelevant. I thought it was the re-model :(

You motherfuckers, I been waitin for this.

Where's the bent legs?
Where's the unicorn? (although that staff is hot, like the hammer design for the head!)
Where's the sickle?

I need to see this from another angle, but that looks like a higher res night elf ported into League.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Who does not run MR/level? There are no other blues except flat MR if you're mid.


Who does not run MR/level? There are no other blues except flat MR if you're mid.

Dominion? It's a lot of heavy offense setups.

Edit: Not to say there aren't some still (I run it on most my Dom setups) but it's not an always scenario.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Even in Dominion. If anything you want MR/level more because you auto-level up.


I used to go AP/level but now I like MR/level better. I'd say it's normally worse but it's acceptable.

Also that Soraka is terrible, makes new Lux look good by comparison...


Our new self-service refunds on champions and skins are now available in the League of Legends Store. In lieu of emailing Player Support and having to wait for a reply, each account now has three refund credits available over the course of its lifetime.


Of course, the two champions I wanted to get rid of (Zyra and Rengar) I can't because bundles can't be refunded. :I


Even in Dominion. If anything you want MR/level more because you auto-level up.

I used to go AP/level but now I like MR/level better. I'd say it's normally worse but it's acceptable.

I don't disagree, I'm just saying they're not that common :x And, even if they are, it's more-or-less the breakeven point and that value is where you're going to weigh the decision between them.

Our new self-service refunds on champions and skins are now available in the League of Legends Store. In lieu of emailing Player Support and having to wait for a reply, each account now has three refund credits available over the course of its lifetime.

You'll never need more than 3!


I'm pretty sure I make more than 3 mistakes in a lifetime; was hoping it would be something like 3 a year.

Perhaps I will refund Corporate Mundo, Nunubot, and Battlecast Cho since I barely play these guys.


Returned Riven so I could buy another rune pages bundle. Now to buy her again...

Too bad I can't return Graves :/
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