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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Thanks for the tips! I actually just had draven selected then chickened out and switched to graves at the last second. He seems pretty straightforward.


Look at Corki. Meh...then TF...now amazing. And he wasn't touched the patch he became popular.

He became popular shortly after his mana cost change. He rapidly moved into everywhere status with the TF change but he was still on the rise before that.

Not that I disagree with your point though :x
I've been on the search for a MOBA lately. I'm currently downloading LoL, I've tried DOTA2 for roughly an hour just to see and I've played Awesomenauts for a little longer than that.

While LoL is downloading I've been reading about different characters and was thinking of trying out a support character first.....would anyone like to share some tips/insight for a beginner? Thanks!


Scumbag Newt and Achtius, destroy base while everyone DCs.



OT Hard Carry
While LoL is downloading I've been reading about different characters and was thinking of trying out a support character first.....would anyone like to share some tips/insight for a beginner? Thanks!

- does the game download still install that pando media booster? if so delete that shit after you're done

- do the tutorial when prompted to. it's boring and obsolete and kinda useless but you get a one time IP bonus if you do it at a low level

- the first win of the day IP bonus (150) remains unchanged no matter what mode you got it in

- most guides out there assume you're summoner level 30 with full runes and masteries, don't be disappointed if results vary

- try all of the free champions until you find one that you really, really like before buying. play with or against as many champions as possible to learn what they can do

- with regard to runes, i'd suggest skipping on tier 2 runes and saving for tier 3. tier 1s are like half as effective but come at a fraction of the cost so you can experiment and upgrade them with 3s when you hit level 20

- if you play support in pvp you're going to want to buy a lot of green wards and put them on bushes around your lane (and later, map keypoints) so you can keep tabs on the enemy. the sightstone item will help with that. pink wards are for revealing stealthed units (ie evelynn, twitch, rengar) and the enemy team's own wards so you can destroy them

- bind the ping keys for easy access so you can immediately tell people when enemies are missing or when they should most certainly NOT facecheck that innocuous bush

- do not, under any circumstance whatsoever, expect your random teammates to bring any semblance of intelligence or common sense to the match. welcome to the real kitten herding simulator, you're on your own


Piss they increased his cooldowns on his ult.

That was a Dominion change.

I don't want to double post so I'll just put it here. I don't understand why I still play this game. It's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's not anything to me. It's just frustration after frustration in every queue. I have gone from accepting my fate in ranked lately, to just outright wanting to scoop my fucking eyeballs out with a spoon to avoid having to watch myself go through this. I'm sure I could do better, I'm sure everybody else could too, but to just drudge on and on like this isn't doing anything but turn my stomach to bile and make me wish death upon myself. I should probably just stop, but I know I'll keep playing. I just don't understand anymore. It's like I fucking hate you League, but I love you.


That was a Dominion change.

I don't want to double post so I'll just put it here. I don't understand why I still play this game. It's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's not anything to me. It's just frustration after frustration in every queue. I have gone from accepting my fate in ranked lately, to just outright wanting to scoop my fucking eyeballs out with a spoon to avoid having to watch myself go through this. I'm sure I could do better, I'm sure everybody else could too, but to just drudge on and on like this isn't doing anything but turn my stomach to bile and make me wish death upon myself. I should probably just stop, but I know I'll keep playing. I just don't understand anymore. It's like I fucking hate you League, but I love you.

i love you too bind <3


For a while when I stopped playing, I really did see my life become happier, filled with more spare time, exercise, and so forth. I play all the time but I guess it's super rare that I actually consider the game "fun".

It's a weird psychological thing that people like me are messed up, I suppose.

On a more positive note, after our previous talk about counterjungling, I walked to red as Sejuani (per soda cop's advice to start red), and the entire enemy team with Lee Sin jungle was waiting there. I gave up first blood, especially since without flash I'm not flashing out. :p

But after scumbag lee taking the red, and our team starting 0/3, I went 4/1/17 and won, so the counterjungling didn't even pay off for them!


Junior Member
That was a Dominion change.

I don't want to double post so I'll just put it here. I don't understand why I still play this game. It's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's not anything to me. It's just frustration after frustration in every queue. I have gone from accepting my fate in ranked lately, to just outright wanting to scoop my fucking eyeballs out with a spoon to avoid having to watch myself go through this. I'm sure I could do better, I'm sure everybody else could too, but to just drudge on and on like this isn't doing anything but turn my stomach to bile and make me wish death upon myself. I should probably just stop, but I know I'll keep playing. I just don't understand anymore. It's like I fucking hate you League, but I love you.

At least stay to see the new Heimerdinger.


i dont have any fun in league

so i dont play it

also summons sejuani doing work
I lost miserably. I had maybe my best Sejuani game yet. Basically every gank worked early. First blood bot, gank/kill mid, gank/kill top, killed Nocturne and took his second blue or so, our team was literally like 11-1. I was 2+ levels ahead of Nocturne.

And naturally as is the way of things, we lost and never even got a base tower. I blame myself because I kept missing point blank ults (Corki, like Ahri, is really hard to hit because he will dodge in the ult cast delay). Corki had 406+ AD and three tanks in front of him so no one but me could reach him, and he pentakilled. No one was able to outdamage Corki and Swain.


Any tips for when you are ahead? I try to get people to follow for dragon and towers, but it is hard to get people to safely push and attack towers.


No locket or any big MR items on the team against double AP and corkii. Of course, you'd be screwed in fights.

And you can't push against that team. Swain, corkii and morde? That's just instant wave clear. You had to split push or catch someone out with an oracles


Screw his stupid build, how do you not take any towers with a 11-1 lead?

Arent you pushing the lanes to the tower after a successful gank?

Oracles and moba boots are snowball items for jungler's


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What a nerd omg, he's banned from the clubhouse forever now!


learn how to build. you should have just protected rene.
I'd love advice, but please more than "learn how to build" -- what items would you have suggested at which point? You mentioned in IM that frozen heart was bad against an ability AD champion which I agree on. I should have gotten randuins probably...I think I started frozen heart as panic since part of it was the cheapest AD I could build or something.

No locket or any big MR items on the team against double AP and corkii. Of course, you'd be screwed in fights
Corki had the aforementioned 406 AD. I think my team was dying to the AP and AD damage (Corki didn't even build sorc shoes), and I wasn't dying from it much, and Corki was hitting me for 1300 crits through 256 armor. Locket would probably have been good, but I might have thought Janna was building it...though I suppose sometimes having it for both support and jungle is good. I think soda cop suggested aegis/locket isn't very good anymore. Would you disagree? The shield amount seems very low to me even late game.

Ultimately I could see that locket would probably at least help protect teammates a little bit, but I'm not sure what I could have done in a fight, since the swain snare and triple tank front line would still be letting us be poked as a group by Corki.

At any rate I am trying not to blame and just learn from the mistakes each game. I appreciate when people suggest things that may seem obvious to them as platinum or diamond, but which I may not even think about.


Screw his stupid build, how do you not take any towers with a 11-1 lead?

Arent you pushing the lanes to the tower after a successful gank?

Oracles and moba boots are snowball items for jungler's

No locket or any big MR items on the team against double AP and corkii. Of course, you'd be screwed in fights.

And you can't push against that team. Swain, corkii and morde? That's just instant wave clear. You had to split push or catch someone out with an oracles

What Rex said -- for one thing, it's rare to be able to coordinate people in silver, especially early game, to rush towers when enemies die. For another thing, the wave clear and farm could make it difficult to safely push towers, and Corki was always just behind the enemy towers guarding them. His dash makes it difficult to instakill him too.

Anyway I moved on and had a 0/0/13 Nami support game so hopefully next jungle game is better too. :)

Argh double post, I meant to edit!


push the wave yourself then

also, if you cant take towers, do what the koreans do, get oracles because youre rolling in the dough or pinks and get a pick


Diving at level 2 non-stop, running into blind spots without help, etc. Dying 9 times in 10 minutes is pretty hard to do, but Sion managed it (followed by afking for the last 10 minutes) followed closely by Fiora. Usually when you burn your hand once or twice, you stop repeating the same actions that burned your hand. Nope. and Fiora seemed to think that with no items, her ult was going to kill something. Mmmmmnope. Naturally, both blamed me for every one of their deaths (they were partied up), and yelled KS every time I got a kill (which often came after they got murdered running in like psychos.

Enemy Fizz said I was the best Vlad he's seen. Certainly not, but I tried to carry it anyway. Too heavy, GAF. Too heavy.
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