if you ever wanna play SR again, ill 1v1 you
nah shes amazingAbout to buy Nami without ever having played her.
Convince me not to.
yes plz. I need lessons, coach.
edit: also, that moment when you realize there was an easier way to combo than the way you've been doing it? Geez. I was reading that the optimum way to use Talon is E --> W --> aa --> Q and whatever after that. The E backstab always kinda put me out of sorts a bit and i'd sometimes panic a bit and miss a W or something trying to get it all in before they flash away or something. Then half way through my last match (3rd with him i think), I realized I could just pop the Q first...then go in with the E and never miss the Diplomacy strike (or even have to think about activating it). derp. I went in with Q --> E --> W after that and well...things went quite smoothly. 15/4/11 and everything felt right. Solo'd an ulted, full health Vayne with half hp. She was chasing me so I had to fight and expected to lose. Man she got vaporized with just the QEW.
I know the other order gives you one aa more damage, but the other way was just easier for me to manage. If I pick him up and play him more, I'm sure I'll develop more confidence with the other order.
QQ I'm the worst everything.
Ask the ally support whether s/he can play against blitzcrank in champ select since i'm banning
s/he says blitzcrank is nothing
Goes 0/8/0 in less than 20minutes. Facepalm...
Ask the ally support whether s/he can play against blitzcrank in champ select since i'm banning
s/he says blitzcrank is nothing
Goes 0/8/0 in less than 20minutes. Facepalm...
I lost miserably. I had maybe my best Sejuani game yet. Basically every gank worked early. First blood bot, gank/kill mid, gank/kill top, killed Nocturne and took his second blue or so, our team was literally like 11-1. I was 2+ levels ahead of Nocturne.
And naturally as is the way of things, we lost and never even got a base tower. I blame myself because I kept missing point blank ults (Corki, like Ahri, is really hard to hit because he will dodge in the ult cast delay). Corki had 406+ AD and three tanks in front of him so no one but me could reach him, and he pentakilled. No one was able to outdamage Corki and Swain.
Any tips for when you are ahead? I try to get people to follow for dragon and towers, but it is hard to get people to safely push and attack towers.
Do we really need 10 wins total for the 5v5 reward? Formed a 5v5, went 4-2, got Gold.
Hell no.Is Vi good top?
Is Vi good top?
Hell no.
Shocklingly her kit is better suited for mid, but even then I wouldn't do it.
I've had moderate success with her. Dirty farming (with E) seems the way to go. You can't trade very well with her, but her passive should allow you to keep up on cs without getting too low. Becomes a lot easier when you pick up a few items.Is Vi good top?
Not even close. Hell, people thought she was underpowered on release because they were taking her top, now after the nerfs even more so.Is Vi good top?
Meh, sometimes duo queue players do really well. Most ranked games I play are duo queue.i honestly think duo que should be separate from solo que. tired of people bringing in their shit friends and losing the game for us.
our vlad was mid and his friend was bot support as zilean. i picked ashe for adc, i know she isn't the best but i do well with her and her ult is so great as an initiate. within 10 minutes this zilean gets hooked 3 times by thresh and their graves is now fed.
this zilean didn't ward at all, didn't dodge a single skill shot, and just ended up being useless really. the whole team blamed them for our loss since vlad didn't seem to care that graves was now unstoppable and just verbally abused all of us.
i am trying my hardest to get to gold I and this guy thinks it's all a joke. i play my best, but it doesn't matter apparently. i work a full time job so i get about 1-2 games in per day. i'd rather not waste my time if someone else is dicking around.
Whoever said support is the best role for winning ranked games is probably right.wooooooooooooo
Carried myself from Silver 2 to Plat 5 by playing support exclusively. Got Plat last night. It was a long journey but hey, I got there in around 500 games. A bit longer than I want but it is what it is.
Congrats, who did you use? I plan on getting there with exclusively Draven when possible.Finally Platinum.
They key is to playing broken champ only.
Finally Platinum.
They key is to playing broken champ only.
Top: Nasus/Rumble/RenektonCongrats, who did you use? I plan on getting there with exclusively Draven when possible.
Carried myself from Silver 2 to Plat 5 by playing support exclusively. Got Plat last night. It was a long journey but hey, I got there in around 500 games. A bit longer than I want but it is what it is.
Took me 77 games to get from Gold 5 to Plat 5. Much quicker than Silver 2 to Gold 5 lol.
Finally Platinum.
They key is to playing broken champ only.
They are buffing his lvl 1 ulti and making his q harder to dodge.So pretty much Lucian is still going to be his mediocre self, and Corki's going to be a little weaker, but still definitely viable.
That will help...They are buffing his lvl 1 ulti and making his q harder to dodge.
1-9 in my last 10 ranked games. Time to shower off some filth.
Finally got into Gold V after many failed promotions.. gonna try and surpass kiunch
woo first post on gaf, after all these years of lurking
these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship
these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship
these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship
these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship
Such a snowbally game. Shutdown bonuses aren't enough.