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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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if you ever wanna play SR again, ill 1v1 you

yes plz. I need lessons, coach.

edit: also, that moment when you realize there was an easier way to combo than the way you've been doing it? Geez. I was reading that the optimum way to use Talon is E --> W --> aa --> Q and whatever after that. The E backstab always kinda put me out of sorts a bit and i'd sometimes panic a bit and miss a W or something trying to get it all in before they flash away or something. Then half way through my last match (3rd with him i think), I realized I could just pop the Q first...then go in with the E and never miss the Diplomacy strike (or even have to think about activating it). derp. I went in with Q --> E --> W after that and well...things went quite smoothly. 15/4/11 and everything felt right. Solo'd an ulted, full health Vayne with half hp. She was chasing me so I had to fight and expected to lose. Man she got vaporized with just the QEW.

I know the other order gives you one aa more damage, but the other way was just easier for me to manage. If I pick him up and play him more, I'm sure I'll develop more confidence with the other order.


About to buy Nami without ever having played her.

Convince me not to.
nah shes amazing
and cait+nami is the easiest support lane you will ever have
yes plz. I need lessons, coach.

edit: also, that moment when you realize there was an easier way to combo than the way you've been doing it? Geez. I was reading that the optimum way to use Talon is E --> W --> aa --> Q and whatever after that. The E backstab always kinda put me out of sorts a bit and i'd sometimes panic a bit and miss a W or something trying to get it all in before they flash away or something. Then half way through my last match (3rd with him i think), I realized I could just pop the Q first...then go in with the E and never miss the Diplomacy strike (or even have to think about activating it). derp. I went in with Q --> E --> W after that and well...things went quite smoothly. 15/4/11 and everything felt right. Solo'd an ulted, full health Vayne with half hp. She was chasing me so I had to fight and expected to lose. Man she got vaporized with just the QEW.

I know the other order gives you one aa more damage, but the other way was just easier for me to manage. If I pick him up and play him more, I'm sure I'll develop more confidence with the other order.

Another noob order against somebody who cant insta wtf burst you 100-0 - you can E them, start auto attacking them until they pick a direction to run, then W, then use the slow to catch up for an AA-Q.
QQ I'm the worst everything.

In our second matchup we played badly early but brought it back to a win for game one, then just destroyed the second game. I personally didn't dominate or anything, but I discovered I should play Gragas more. I just found him very safe and handy enough to waveclear with. And the ults are just so disruptive.

We're still so losing, because the team that beat us got beaten badly by an even better team (with a Plat top laner :/). But I don't feel quite so bad about the first night, now.


Ask the ally support whether s/he can play against blitzcrank in champ select since i'm banning

s/he says blitzcrank is nothing

Goes 0/8/0 in less than 20minutes. Facepalm...
Ask the ally support whether s/he can play against blitzcrank in champ select since i'm banning

s/he says blitzcrank is nothing

Goes 0/8/0 in less than 20minutes. Facepalm...

Every elo is elo hell.

Though to be honest I'm personally not afraid of Blitzcrank. I very rarely get grabbed by one during lane phase, and I put extra effort in harassing him. My support is 50/50 between being untouchable and walk into every grab.


Ask the ally support whether s/he can play against blitzcrank in champ select since i'm banning

s/he says blitzcrank is nothing

Goes 0/8/0 in less than 20minutes. Facepalm...

Everyone gets grabbed some games, that's the beauty of Blitz. Sometimes it can be harder to play against a bad Blitz, since his grabs don't fire at the logical places. The mindgames!


I lost miserably. I had maybe my best Sejuani game yet. Basically every gank worked early. First blood bot, gank/kill mid, gank/kill top, killed Nocturne and took his second blue or so, our team was literally like 11-1. I was 2+ levels ahead of Nocturne.

And naturally as is the way of things, we lost and never even got a base tower. I blame myself because I kept missing point blank ults (Corki, like Ahri, is really hard to hit because he will dodge in the ult cast delay). Corki had 406+ AD and three tanks in front of him so no one but me could reach him, and he pentakilled. No one was able to outdamage Corki and Swain.


Any tips for when you are ahead? I try to get people to follow for dragon and towers, but it is hard to get people to safely push and attack towers.

Just from a quick look at enemy team comp, I would have rushed locket instead of sunfire and then if Corki was such a threat later I would have looked for randuins. The active slow plus the health and armor could have helped quite a bit. Frozen heart was probably pretty useless. The attackspeed slow wasn't affecting anyone on their team and the mana while nice, isn't that big of a deal.

As far as pushing a lead. Like the other guys have said, push towers yourself if you have to. If enemies come to stop you, all the better, start pinging the other towers where your teammates are. Ward aggressively and buy an oracles. Choke out their vision and establish yours.


Champion and skin sale: 9.20 - 9.23


Vi 487 RP
Nocturne 440 RP
Teemo 292 RP

Darkforge Jarvan IV 487 RP
Apocalyptic Brand 375 RP
Sherwood Forest Ashe 260 RP
So who are the Koreans playing right now? It took a while for the US to pick up on Kennen, so there must be someone who's secret OP and just needs exposure.


I've always considered myself pretty dexterous when it comes to video games, but damn it if Lee Sin's dive to ward jump to kick combo isn't way harder than it looks. I feel like I'm learning to play Guitar Hero again. It feels so good when you land it to kick the carry into the middle of your team and just watch them get melted though.

I played with a Vi mid the other day. She lost her lane pretty bad but was still useful after the laning phase. All the other lanes won really big so I guess it is tough to tell.


Is Vi good top?
I've had moderate success with her. Dirty farming (with E) seems the way to go. You can't trade very well with her, but her passive should allow you to keep up on cs without getting too low. Becomes a lot easier when you pick up a few items.


i honestly think duo que should be separate from solo que. tired of people bringing in their shit friends and losing the game for us.

our vlad was mid and his friend was bot support as zilean. i picked ashe for adc, i know she isn't the best but i do well with her and her ult is so great as an initiate. within 10 minutes this zilean gets hooked 3 times by thresh and their graves is now fed.

this zilean didn't ward at all, didn't dodge a single skill shot, and just ended up being useless really. the whole team blamed them for our loss since vlad didn't seem to care that graves was now unstoppable and just verbally abused all of us.

i am trying my hardest to get to gold I and this guy thinks it's all a joke. i play my best, but it doesn't matter apparently. i work a full time job so i get about 1-2 games in per day. i'd rather not waste my time if someone else is dicking around.

Carried myself from Silver 2 to Plat 5 by playing support exclusively. Got Plat last night. It was a long journey but hey, I got there in around 500 games. A bit longer than I want but it is what it is.

Took me 77 games to get from Gold 5 to Plat 5. Much quicker than Silver 2 to Gold 5 lol.


i honestly think duo que should be separate from solo que. tired of people bringing in their shit friends and losing the game for us.

our vlad was mid and his friend was bot support as zilean. i picked ashe for adc, i know she isn't the best but i do well with her and her ult is so great as an initiate. within 10 minutes this zilean gets hooked 3 times by thresh and their graves is now fed.

this zilean didn't ward at all, didn't dodge a single skill shot, and just ended up being useless really. the whole team blamed them for our loss since vlad didn't seem to care that graves was now unstoppable and just verbally abused all of us.

i am trying my hardest to get to gold I and this guy thinks it's all a joke. i play my best, but it doesn't matter apparently. i work a full time job so i get about 1-2 games in per day. i'd rather not waste my time if someone else is dicking around.
Meh, sometimes duo queue players do really well. Most ranked games I play are duo queue.


Carried myself from Silver 2 to Plat 5 by playing support exclusively. Got Plat last night. It was a long journey but hey, I got there in around 500 games. A bit longer than I want but it is what it is.
Whoever said support is the best role for winning ranked games is probably right.
Supports have super high win rates for a reason.

No one wants to support, good supports carry games. You never have to worry about not getting your role and if you're good you can carry your way out easily.
Yeah, a good support can make your mediocre AD into an amazing one. I played a lot of Thresh before he got popular and banned every game. Nami is my go to support with Sona and Lulu being my other choices. I will play Ali or Leona if need be. Same with Janna. That being said, Ali is my favorite. Just so fun to play.

Maybe now I will try different roles lol.


Congrats, who did you use? I plan on getting there with exclusively Draven when possible.
Top: Nasus/Rumble/Renekton
Mid: Kayle/Lissandra
Adc:Corki (only played this role recently)
Support: Sona with Custom rune page/Blitzcrank


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Carried myself from Silver 2 to Plat 5 by playing support exclusively. Got Plat last night. It was a long journey but hey, I got there in around 500 games. A bit longer than I want but it is what it is.

Took me 77 games to get from Gold 5 to Plat 5. Much quicker than Silver 2 to Gold 5 lol.

Aagh. I want to hit Plat before the deadline but I barely get time to play. Still rocking a 66%+ winrate on Nami in Gold 3 so I know I can do it if I put the time in.

I need team coast to carry me to plat.


PBE changes.


Base mana regen increased to 7 per 5 seconds ( +.7 per level ) from 6 per second (+.65 per level )


Vicious Strikes ( W ) tooltip now reads "1% increased healing by 2.5% of health is is missing" rather than "of health he was missing when Vicious Strikes was activated".


Total cost increased 100g
Attack damage reverted to 20 from 15.

Trinity Force

Total cost increased by 100g
Attack damage reverted to 30 from 20.

So pretty much Lucian is still going to be his mediocre self, and Corki's going to be a little weaker, but still definitely viable.


i primarily play jungle/top/adc, and at the beginning, my support was just absolutely garbage. But after honing my adc skills, I realized what was needed and now play an adequate support. so to get better at support, playing a little adc helps.

i'm thinking of training my support somewhat more, but my support pool is so limited (janna mainly). thinking of either going sona or nami as my next support pick up.

after i buy vladimir and gragas with my ip that is huehuehue.

(on that note, anyone wanna tell me why mid is...so difficult to play. i'm damn good at top/jungle/adc, so i thought mid would be ...okay to play but i literally get stomped everytime i have to play mid)


1-9 in my last 10 ranked games. Time to shower off some filth.

Besides me working on my cs and possibly roaming more idk what I couldve done in my last game. Biggest issues im having in these losses is getting my team to group.
I ended up even warding for us since we didnt have any coverage then completing my build early and grabbing oracles.

Im going to gambit style bootcamp myself in normals for a while.
these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship

every game i watched i had the feeling that it was done after 10 minutes. pretty disappointing. especially when you have to watch 20 more minutes of one team just collecting everything until the lead is big enough to win it.

that might be the reason for the parity, you only have to get ahead a bit and you pretty much secured your win. much easier to do than be the better team all game long.


these statistics are kind of embarrasing regarding the state of the game: http://lol.gamepedia.com/Articles:Snowballing_in_the_Group_Stages_of_the_S3_World_Championship

I'm willing to bet that if someone collected data from previous seasons, even with the old farm up then teamfight meta, they'd find similar results. So not sure why they'd be embarrased by the current state of the game. Snowballing is largely inherent to most MOBAs, unless someone would like to have an actual comeback mechanic in place.

(I do)

Such a snowbally game. Shutdown bonuses aren't enough.

They honestly don't do much. An 8/0/x whoever carry probably has a +1000g at least over most other champions so getting an additional +200g after he's rampaged through your team in the latest fight is doing fuck all.

I've been giving this lots of thought lately and I don't understand why the LoL community is seemingly so resistant to changing this (i.e. snowballing is inherent). In a game of basketball, all other things being equal, a team going on a 15-0 run doesn't affect the possibility of the other team doing the same at some point later in the match. Hell, happens all the time, pro basketball games can be very streaky. Imagine for a moment that when you score 10 points in row in basketball without your opponent scoring, every basket you earn for the rest of the match now nets you +1 point - this is essentially what happens in MOBAs. It's stupid.
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