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Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Remaster in Development, May Be Announced This Year


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver may be getting a remaster, if a new rumor is to be believed. XboxEra co-founder Nick (@Shpeshal_Nick) mentioned the rumor in the latest episode of the XboxEra Podcast, saying that he had an anonymous source tell him there’s a Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver remaster in development, and that it may be announced sometime this year.

This will be a dream came true
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Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver may be getting a remaster, if a new rumor is to be believed. XboxEra co-founder Nick (@Shpeshal_Nick) mentioned the rumor in the latest episode of the XboxEra Podcast, saying that he had an anonymous source tell him there’s a Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver remaster in development, and that it may be announced sometime this year.

This will be a dream came true
One of my all time favorite series! Bring it, I'm ready.
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I really hope this is true, I would buy this for my dad as it was one of his fave games on the dreamcast, hope it's a full on remake to the quality of re2 and 3.

Along with resident evil 4 on game cube, dino crises 1 & 2, vagrant story on psone and onimusha genma on Xbox, and all the awesome sega games we played together when I was younger :)

Sadly after he preordered and played Dino crises 3 he didn't really game anymore after that.

But i gave him my one x last year when I got the series x, and he has played through resident evil 4 a couple times, resident evil remake, 0, and the remakes of 2 and 3, he flew through them, never seen him play so often when he was playing them.

I really hope they remake re4 as well, to quality of re2 remake too :D

Sorry for rambling on, pretty excited about this now and the memories of watching my dad playthrough the game.


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I can't see this being a remaster. Remake would make much more sense.
Yes, though I think it would still be kinda fun even if it was just a remaster. I hope they keep the original VO either way!


Maybe if it was a complete remake, because that game was janky as fuck controls and mechanics wise. I don't think I could stomach hearing vae victis screamed 8 million times in a row these days. I get that the story was interesting but the combat, exploration and general gameplay just sucked even for that era. Soul reaver had interesting mechanics and combat to go with the story.

Hope they bring Amy Henning back to bring all the cut content back to life.


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Alright... Everyone here shouting for blood omen, I challenge you to watch this and remove your nostalgia goggles. And not just 30 seconds, really watch it.

This game is not even close to being acceptable mechanically. Could make a good game, but it is beyond just a remaster or remake. It would need a reimagining at the very least.

Soul Reaver for reference:

Fun fact: These games came out less than 3 years apart.
Why would there be a remaster of a short game from the PSone era that ended with a lame cliffhanger? Now, a ME Trilogy style release would make at least some sense.


Remaster? LOL

A remaster wouldn't do much at this point. Only a fully fledge remake with AAAA budget could only hold a candle to the original.

Anyway, Idon'tbelieveyou.gif

Btw, how many posts until someone asks for Amy Henning like she's the only writer on Earth
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That's awesome if true, reminds me i got fun just picking the weapons of the game (the different spears) and backtrack to a precedent level to just place them against a wall, just doing a sort of collection of all the spears i could found, the game tracks where you put them and save their position, young me found this incredible, one day a friend came at my house so I show it to him but he deleted my save by accident I don't remember what caused it, maybe starting a new game or saving on top of my previous save, well so much time wasted lol (played on PS1) anyway such a brilliant game !


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Remaster? LOL

A remaster wouldn't do much at this point. Only a fully fledge remake with AAAA budget could only hold a candle to the original.

Anyway, Idon'tbelieveyou.gif

Btw, how many posts until someone asks for Amy Henning like she's the only writer on Earth
I called for them to consult Amy six posts before yours. Credit where credit is due, she doesn't have to make a remake, but having her on staff to give insight into the process that brought us this game just makes sense.


Alright... Everyone here shouting for blood omen, I challenge you to watch this and remove your nostalgia goggles. And not just 30 seconds, really watch it.

This game is not even close to being acceptable mechanically. Could make a good game, but it is beyond just a remaster or remake. It would need a reimagining at the very least.

Soul Reaver for reference:

Fun fact: These games came out less than 3 years apart.

Both Blood Omens>The Soul Reavers


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No it's not and what you failed to mention is how the Soul Reaver games are almost identical to each other in many ways zzzzzz

Unlike the Blood Omen games.
I actually think the second blood omen game is alright. But to try and lump the two together is a horrible idea. The first game has story and tone, but is nigh unplayable by today's standards. Even though blood omen 2 is a good game it's a far cry from soul reaver.

I wonder why they would just try and repeat a game that was universally beloved 🤔🤔🤔

Old Retro

Gives me good memories of late 99. Not sure why I never finished the Playstation or Dreamcast versions. :pie_confused: Definite day 1 for me if it does drop!


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Turds get polished all the time.
Why are you quibbling anyway? They are literally in the same series and btw blood omen 2 is just soul reaver 2 with less puzzles. In fact it was even made by Crystal Dynamics' b team while the main team worked SR2 and had less polish than SR2. So I guess that "turd" could have used a bit more polish. Maybe you don't remember all that well or are dead set on denying reality. Kain is a bit of an edgelord throwing a hissy fit because Raziel surpassed him in evolution, maybe that speaks to the adoration some give the BO entries.


What time is it?
Massive fan of Soul Reaver but I'm just not sure how well it would hold up. Soul Reaver 2 felt incredibly dated mechanically (box puzzles and clunky combat) at the time of release. The narrative and voice acting are superb but I fear another play through. It probably needs a complete overhaul rather than a remaster.


Why are you quibbling anyway? They are literally in the same series and btw blood omen 2 is just soul reaver 2 with less puzzles. In fact it was even made by Crystal Dynamics' b team while the main team worked SR2 and had less polish than SR2. So I guess that "turd" could have used a bit more polish. Maybe you don't remember all that well or are dead set on denying reality. Kain is a bit of an edgelord throwing a hissy fit because Raziel surpassed him in evolution, maybe that speaks to the adoration some give the BO entries.
I am a fan of the series but the KAIN games are better period.


Oh look, it's another prediction nailed by this post:


That said, unless the term used here is improper, that's a shame, really. The game deserves a proper remake, not just a remaster.
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Is it fair to say that Soul Reaver is the most impressive PS1 game from a technical standpoint?

It has large, interconnected environments that can be traversed without any loading screens (the game uses similar tricks to hide load times as modern games), as well as a surprising amount of environmental interactivity. You can pick up weapons, vases, torches and other kinds of objects that can be found all over and throw them at enemies. If you throw spears, they stick to walls (and stay there until you pick them up again), you can kill enemies by throwing them into fire, into deep water or against spiked walls etc, and of course there‘s the famous dimension warping ability, which transforms the whole environment in real time. The animations are also pretty good, probably on par with the average PS2 game.

It’s probably one of the few PS1 games that wouldn‘t need to be completely overhauled to be considered a good game by modern standards, since the game‘s mechanics hold up pretty well. All it would really need is modern graphics, improved combat and a modernized control scheme (though the original still plays pretty well compared to most other games from that era).


Is it fair to say that Soul Reaver is the most impressive PS1 game from a technical standpoint?

It has large, interconnected environments that can be traversed without any loading screens (the game uses similar tricks to hide load times as modern games), as well as a surprising amount of environmental interactivity. You can pick up weapons, vases, torches and other kinds of objects that can be found all over and throw them at enemies. If you throw spears, they stick to walls (and stay there until you pick them up again), you can kill enemies by throwing them into fire, into deep water or against spiked walls etc, and of course there‘s the famous dimension warping ability, which transforms the whole environment in real time. The animations are also pretty good, probably on par with the average PS2 game.

It’s probably one of the few PS1 games that wouldn‘t need to be completely overhauled to be considered a good game by modern standards, since the game‘s mechanics hold up pretty well. All it would really need is modern graphics, improved combat and a modernized control scheme (though the original still plays pretty well compared to most other games from that era).
Imagine discovering this game out of the blue on a demo cd
what a time to be a gamer.
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