Hang on a second now, a certain amount of the right alcohol is actually recommended for your health, something I've never heard about marijuana.
Now I could be wildly wrong on this (and I'll accept it if I am), I'm no doctor and have researched anything about this, but from what I hear, a moderate amount of alcohol every so often will have no lasting damage on your system. It's not going to destroy your liver a little bit each time in other words (again, depending on how much you drink).
If you're smoking a joint however, it's going to add tar to your lungs, which, as far as I'm aware, will be there for the rest of your life. And of course, each time you smoke, you add a little bit more.
Is this not correct? Am I completely out with what I've picked up over the years from news reports and hear'say and god knows where else you pick up these things without ever trying to?
As a side point, another reason I probably won't try smoking weed is that I might get addicted to it. I know people get addicted to alcohol, and it's not really any more likely with weed than with that, but I was drinking before it even registered that you could get addicted to it. So I've been lucky with alcohol (it might be better to say I've not been unlucky given that the chances of becoming addicted don't seem that high), and I'd probably be ok with marijuana, I just don't feel like taking the chance. In fact I hate risks in...everything! Hah, no wonder drugs aren't for me.