Bullshittttt AB
Dusk of the First Day
Seated on a cosmic couch with an endless supply of popcorn, the three goddesses watch the drama unfold on Lyrule. Well, drama might be a stretch.
”When are they going to start killing each other?" asks Din impatiently.
”Mortals are wired to survive. They won't defend themselves unless someone acts first," explains Nayru.
”Yeah and it's just the beginning, which means no weapons," adds Farore.
Din stands up. ”Let's change that. How about a treasure chest? Item box? Smash ball?"
”Loot box?" suggests Farore.
Nayru shakes her head. ”No third-party items, remember?" Din quickly hides her Steam controller into her bowl of popcorn. ”I am all-seeing, you know."
Din blushes. ”Force of habit."
”Look, something's happening!" Farore calls out. Nayru and Din turn their attention to Lyrule.
”Turn it up, I can't hear," whispers Nayru.
Din pulls out her butter-covered [REDACTED] controller and presses a few buttons.
”Stop the Payload" a voice rang out. Farore and Nayru sigh.
”Whoops," says Din, abashed. She presses a few more buttons and the sounds of Lyrule can be heard.
”Lock him up, lock him up," goes the citizens' chant. They surround acohrs, tie him up with a few feet of rope, and then put him in a very large makeshift jail.
Din's face falls. ”So they're just going to put acohrs on trial with falsified charges, commit gross miscarriages of justice, and then sentence him for life with no parole or chance of appeal? Might be better to just kill him outright."
Farore shoots Din a look. ”And I thought I was the cynical one."
Nayru points. ”No, it's much worse than that. They didn't leave him any food or water. He's going to starve to death."
Din makes a face. ”Eww. I'm going back to my [REDACTED] game."
The goddesses have chosen you. Vanquish those who would stand in your way. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Pig Ganon, a Mafia 3-shot Ninja. How does a giant beast have the agility and size to remain undetected? Well it did manage to spend all that time as a guy with red hair and no one noticed.
As the mafia team, you share a faction kill that you may perform once per night with the command KILL: Player. As the ninja, you may perform the mafia faction kill instead with the modifier Ninja: Player. This will make the kill go undetected. You can use this modifier up to three times.
You are aligned with mafia and win when the mafia team has a majority (50%+1) of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Your fellow mafia members are around. You share a mafia chat somewhere.
The game thread is right here.
Dawn of the Second Day
Night falls on Lyrule. With its citizens sleeping, the goddesses turn their attention elsewhere. Nayru hops on a treadmill to work off those popcorn calories (”They're imaginary!" ”You're imaginary"), and Din continues to ignore the Switch in favour of [REDACTED]. Farore started going over the day's prayers and tributes.
”I swear, if I see another ”how do I ask this girl out" prayer again..."
”Well, you are the Goddess of Courage..."
Back on Lyrule, in a not-so-hidden area, Sorian the Great Fairy languishes, waiting for someone to use a very specific item to enter her domain.
Bored, she summons avatars of her fellow Great Fairies so they could commiserate on a group chat.
”Anyone free yet?"
”Nope, still stuck underwater with these small Fairies. I think they're judging me."
”How can you tell? They don't talk."
”When you've been cooped up here as long as I have, you start hearing voices."
”That's just us."
Suddenly, an explosion can be heard in the distance.
”What was that?"
”Not me."
”Can't be me. My fountain's at the last level. Sigh."
Sorian perks up. ”Finally, my time to shine. How's my laugh?" Clearing her throat, she launches into her signature laugh.
”Perfect, if you're slowly going mad stuck in an enclosed space."
Glaring, the Great Fairy closes the chat and prepares himself. Any minute now, the hero will summon her to fulfill their dreams...
Throwing protocol into the wind, Sorian bursts out of the fountain. The sight that greets her is so surprising, her laugh gets caught in her throat.
Franconp the wolf is perched at the fountain's edge, lapping at the water.
”What? How? Don't drink that!" the Great Fairy blusters.
The wolf looks up, sees the Great Fairy, and starts howling.
”Stop that," she admonishes. ”How did you get in?"
Franconp starts barking.
Surprised she can understand the beast, Sorian nods. ”A bomb conveniently found nearby. Yes, I suppose that would work. You don't need opposable thumbs to use all items, after all."
The wolf barks excitedly.
”More bombs outside? Why would there be so many-"
A series of massive explosions can be heard outside. The cavern starts shaking and rocks start falling from the ceiling. Before Sorian or Franconp can react, they're buried in an avalanche of stone.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are the Oddly Attractive Great Fairy, a Doctor. Let's just say your 3D representation made some young children (and horrified parents) wonder how Ocarina of Time got a ”Kids to Adults" rating. Eat your heart out, Lara Croft.
Once per night you may protect another player from death with the command BLESS: Player. You cannot self-protect.
You are aligned with town and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is here. You're reading it right now.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Wolf Link, an Ordinary Non-Speaking Character (this means Vanilla Townie). Yes you will eventually be the legendary hero, but first, collect some Tears of Light while being ridden by an Imp.
Like the beginning of a particular franchise, you have nothing at your disposal. Not even a jump button. The only thing you can do is VOTE.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is obvious.
Because you were around for the last however long and you just casually dropped a tying vote at 2 minutes to go in tandem with the person your vote was protecting.how the fuck are you trying to put this on me?
I voted scum
I guess
Anyhow, them unvotes... why?
Vote: CCS
It's come down to these two, and frankly, acohrs is playing a lot more sloppily here compared to Pop Mafia where he actually was scum. But if CCS flips town, I will vote for acohrs on D2.
vote: Bronx-Manthis is a scummy af vote imo
RIP Sorian and Fran. Any ideas on why we have two deaths? Are there any scum roles that could have resulted in Sorian dying just by choosing them to protect?
RIP Sorian and Fran. Any ideas on why we have two deaths? Are there any scum roles that could have resulted in Sorian dying just by choosing them to protect?
A real early vote and coasted on it as well.I think melon could still be scum, her read of acohrs in her list was about a typical scum on poorly performing scum team mate read I can think of, she was also absent during day end, and planted a vote on CCS.
If you really need to ask you didn't look at the votes closely. When I went to unvote it was a tie. I wasn't going to let that happen - hence my comment being "no". I knew there was only a minute left and it was the only play I had. Ty voted at essentially the same exact time which had I known about I would not have unvoted. Go look at the time stamps. I was on acohrs before anyone else, I argued for him to be lynched multiple times.
Yeah, I'm pretty happy with Natiko's play, and I had them down as scummy for a long time yesterday.
If acohrs is town: "see I told you guys focusing on those two was ducking stupid, let's move on to something else"
If acohrs is scum: "no way they were w/w CCS is in the clear"
I don't think acohrs gets the same benefit of a CCS flip either way and think both are possible scum/harmful town
If you really need to ask you didn't look at the votes closely. When I went to unvote it was a tie. I wasn't going to let that happen - hence my comment being "no". I knew there was only a minute left and it was the only play I had. Ty voted at essentially the same exact time which had I known about I would not have unvoted. Go look at the time stamps. I was on acohrs before anyone else, I argued for him to be lynched multiple times.
Happened in mini. Never count it out. Worse case for a scum acohrs flip is scum CCS getting pass between this and his abnormal behavior straight to end game.Yeah...what?
You think a wolf/wolf dual wagon is possible?
Well if Day 1 taught us anything, it's that we can trust your reads.
Well the keeps us from doing the usual and lynching the doctor at least.
Rip you two.
Vote: CCS
For now at the very least.
Need to look at the day end shenanigans and see what can be gleaned there. (As long as it wasn't w/w like mini 1)
Happened in mini. Never count it out. Worse case for a scum acohrs flip is scum CCS getting pass between this and his abnormal behavior straight to end game.
Yep, unless something better comes up today 100%True but brutal
Man, you're really set on lynching me, aren't you babe?![]()
Percentages don't generally chance that much my dude. Otherwise poorly balanced game. Which I'm not gonna besmirch Sawneeks poor name just yet.Mini was a lot less players.
I see bad town in CCS, not scum.
Yep, unless something better comes up today 100%