They were the two biggest scum reads I had. I was certain at least one of them was caught red-handed.Strange conclusion, what made you so sure of that?
They were the two biggest scum reads I had. I was certain at least one of them was caught red-handed.Strange conclusion, what made you so sure of that?
They were the two biggest scum reads I had. I was certain at least one of them was caught red-handed.
I find it extremely unlikely that we managed to catch two scum in one day. The fact that both of you have had multiple scum reads on yourselves and are pushing me to focus on someone who almost was lynched yesterday is pretty suspect.
On day 1 reads though? It wasn't exactly typical scum behaviour either...They were the two biggest scum reads I had. I was certain at least one of them was caught red-handed.
Why do you consider it unlikely we caught two scum though? Purely by the odds?
The math argument. It is unlikely, yes, but possible. You are very quick to assume a defensive stance with the shade throwing. Why so deflective? You avoid straight answers to our questions and instead choose to discredit us, with accusations that could be thrown at anyone. I'd say that there is nothing strange about examining CCS over again. His behavior was strange, confusing, anti-town at best.
Fine, if you guys are all so certain about this.On day 1 reads though? It wasn't exactly typical scum behaviour either...
This just feels weirdly confident, and you're similarly certain that they aren't both scum.
I voted late, and by pure chance voted during Acohrs's vote. I even explained in my vote why I picked CCS over Acohrs, even though I wasn't sure either was scum. My vote and unvote (when I realized my vote caused a mess), were two GAF minutes apart, and given GAF's minute post timer I unvoted as fast as I could.Because you were around for the last however long and you just casually dropped a tying vote at 2 minutes to go in tandem with the person your vote was protecting.
And now that person has flipped scum.
ice coldWell if Day 1 taught us anything, it's that we can trust your reads.
FWIW though I agree with you here. I cannot imagine both Acohrs AND CCS are scum, otherwise why discuss Rugby of all things in the game thread and not scum chat?Mini was a lot less players.
I see bad town in CCS, not scum.
I made a mistake during end day, honestly. I had multiple tabs open trying to track the thread while I posted. It is how I ended up posting a count that was wrong by the time I posted it.
I first was given an item. It was a beneficial one for town. I then had it stolen in a separate night action.
The only thief I have played with previously was in Star Wars, and they were neutral. Given that the thief stole an item you label a "beneficial one for town", I find it unlikely that the thief is town-aligned.Would thief be a neutral role or a town role? Hopefully the item is still with town.
Fine, if you guys are all so certain about this.
Fine, if you guys are all so certain about this.
Hey guys what's up?
I think melon could still be scum, her read of acohrs in her list was about a typical scum on poorly performing scum team mate read I can think of, she was also absent during day end, and planted a vote on CCS.
A real early vote and coasted on it as well.
If I die: trust acohrs and cab. Don't trust melon and natiko.
Yeah, I'm pretty happy with Natiko's play, and I had them down as scummy for a long time yesterday.
The only thief I have played with previously was in Star Wars, and they were neutral. Given that the thief stole an item you label a "beneficial one for town", I find it unlikely that the thief is town-aligned.
say hi to scum chat from me, i miss it
What do you mean by that? I thought thieves worked by picking a person and stealing whatever (if anything) they were carrying.
I agree though that the thief is probably not town. I meant to ask if thieves were scum or neutral because the second kill hints at a neutral killer which to me makes a neutral thief more unlikely thus scum thief more likely.
I still trust Natiko so I believe there is a thief. Ofc, if he's lying this could be a play to make us think there's a thief.
So, I'm understanding. Someone picked Natiko to give an item and someone else also picked Natiko to attempt to steal from on the same night, correct?
That is what Natiko is claiming, yes. One person gave him an item, one person stole that item.
What do you mean by that? I thought thieves worked by picking a person and stealing whatever (if anything) they were carrying.
I agree though that the thief is probably not town. I meant to ask if thieves were scum or neutral because the second kill hints at a neutral killer which to me makes a neutral thief more unlikely thus scum thief more likely.
I still trust Natiko so I believe there is a thief. Ofc, if he's lying this could be a play to make us think there's a thief.
Bronx J. Manin other news bronxman is now blaming others for his poor play, isnt this fun.
For the record my curiosity about if the thief could be town was due to the fact that this item in question likely wouldn't be of much use to scum (there's an edge case where it could be but that's about it). The main use it has for scum is in denying us the use of it. Also, I really have no incentive to lie here because claiming I got hit by both would be an unnecessary lie as it accomplishes very little. I'm as baffled as everyone else that I managed to attract two night actions to myself in one night and that they then happened to counteract each other. Also if it wasn't clear this item was not offered to me, I just received it without any input.
You need not specify what it does, but you are certain the item does what it says?
I.E. it's power was mod-confirmed and not like what you did in Persona, or ambiguous like what I received in Gafia 2.5?
That's all that really matters regarding this specific topic.
Bronx J. Man
Struggling Stanley (one of Retro's least favorite Mafia players) has baselessly insulted my play! Unfair! Gafia is a safe space for all!
Banana / fruit vendor flashbacks?
Also, I dunno if CCS is scum, but I'm still not amused by his vote on me during that mess of a Day 1 end. I kind of wonder if that wasn't an attempt to try push the lynch onto me.
On the flipside, cabot does make a point (however weak) that CCS did claim very early on, which doesn't make much sense for scum... Of course that doesn't make much sense for town either, so...
Not sure how I feel about Bronx
wait, what else could it have been?
You need not specify what it does, but you are certain the item does what it says?
I.E. it's power was mod-confirmed and not like what you did in Persona, or ambiguous like what I received in Gafia 2.5?
That's all that really matters regarding this specific topic.
"Nah, I thought he was scum. But if not, I'll take off the vote."
"No. I'll put the vote back on CCS then if you believe so."
OK. Changing tactics. However, here is where Im at after reviewing the thread.
Acohrs it has been already pointed out that this one has been all over the place. Very little content and not really engaging with anyone, despite multiple attempts from various people. Claiming ignorance and downplaying experience, despite winning their previous game as scum, and earning lots of kudos. D1 isnt that different from other days, so the defense rings a little hollow to me. My vote would for Acohrs however I not convinced Acohrs is scum, I starting that Acohrs wants people voting for him and possibly a neutral. Because as town, I want Acohrs to cut it out and get serious, if I was scum, I want Acohrs to cut it out and stop drawing so much attention D1. Neutral.
All that said,
Give me some thoughts.
I need to do some more rereading to get some coherency to my thoughts but I think we can all agree that balgajo is the MVP of this game. Entirely sums up my state of mind,
"What is going on with this thread?"
Also, Cabot, I answered your dumb question would be nice if you followed up ever.
Or not. I really don't care.
says the guy voting for someone for unvoting lol
Fine, if you guys are all so certain about this.
This part is kinda garbage, to be fair
What do you mean by that? I thought thieves worked by picking a person and stealing whatever (if anything) they were carrying.
I agree though that the thief is probably not town. I meant to ask if thieves were scum or neutral because the second kill hints at a neutral killer which to me makes a neutral thief more unlikely thus scum thief more likely.
I still trust Natiko so I believe there is a thief. Ofc, if he's lying this could be a play to make us think there's a thief.
Jesus christ what do you guys want? I get shit for voting CCS, I get shit for not voting CCS. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I want you to stop worrying about how it all looks to others and start looking for the scum.
Also, I dunno if CCS is scum, but I'm still not amused by his vote on me during that mess of a Day 1 end. I kind of wonder if that wasn't an attempt to try push the lynch onto me.
On the flipside, cabot does make a point (however weak) that CCS did claim very early on, which doesn't make much sense for scum... Of course that doesn't make much sense for town either, so...
Not sure how I feel about Bronx
If everyone reaches a majority consensus that scum likely possess the item I'll go ahead and say what it is. Otherwise it's likely best that I leave it unsaid.
It makes less sense for scum than for town. You're instantly bringing attention to yourself on Day 1, which is exactly the opposite of what you want as a scum, only the skilled players can make that play as scum.
CCS is still in his my first mafia diapers.
Yes, it's draped with skid marks.
I'll make sure someone cleans you, CCS![]()
So an Item Giver's role priority is before a Thief's?
Vote for who you think is scum. You're voting for who you think will remove suspicion from yourself, you don't see a problem with that?Jesus christ what do you guys want? I get shit for voting CCS, I get shit for not voting CCS. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Omg he didn't give a reason this is so unfair the post was about other stuff and then he just drops a vote on me with no explanation what is this nonsenseVOTE: *Splinter
Omg he didn't give a reason this is so unfair the post was about other stuff and then he just drops a vote on me with no explanation what is this nonsense
Oh, lol. I assumed that was an open questionRead above the vote, lover.
I want you to tell me how likely CCS as scum is.
Oh, lol. I assumed that was an open questionlike a non crazy person would do
20 players, probably 4 scum. So I think your 20% estimate is exactly as useful as an RNG pick.
I think CCS is more likely town than scum, although the weirdness of yesterday doesn't fit any alignment. I'm in favour of taking the risk in lynching him because:
1) Scum are never going to kill him
2) It let's us examine the D1 votes with more certainty
3) He totally could still be scum.
Now I type point 1 I guess we could see if a vig/neutral wants to kill him? But given the N1 choices I'm not expecting the extra kill to be pro-town.