Nice snark, but I find having full player list out in front of everyone can illuminate blind spots one may have.should i paste the rules
Nice snark, but I find having full player list out in front of everyone can illuminate blind spots one may have.should i paste the rules
Nice snark, but I find having full player list out in front of everyone can illuminate blind spots one may have.
I did mine up above. You're welcome to contribute yours as well.Player List
1. [f] Sophia
2. [m] StanleyPalmtree1
5. [f] Melonrabbit
6. [m] Ty4on
7. [m] AbsolutBro
8. [m] Natiko
9. [m] CzarTim
10. [m] CCS
11. [m] *Splinter
13. [m] Cabot
14. [m] Kyanrute
15. [m] Kawl_USC
16. [m] Ynnek7
17. [m] Nin1000
18. [m] Bronx-Man
19. [m] Pop-O-Matic -> [m] Terrabyte20xx
20. [m] MagnumBoy20xx
let us all be illuminated then
Looking at that, I find that I have no feelings towards ynnek, an, and the XX bros.
Need to look over and see if I can remedy that.
Having no feelings generally means a scum lean just for sheer wallflowerness.
Okay. I'm on lunch presently. Has CCS ever posted those full reads? Any sign of Magnum or Ynnek? Terra is still catching up and Nin had his passive agressive drive-by post every few pages.
I see your vote Cabot.
If you want to go down this route we can.
Vote: Cabot
Ab damn you autocorrect
No kyan said this was useless. Don't use that list please.Oh look at that, someone posted the player list, lol
So I missed Ynnek, Magnum and Terra. All solid nulls.
Oh okNo kyan said this was useless. Don't use that list please.
Ab damn you autocorrect
I did mine up above. You're welcome to contribute yours as well.
Oh ok
Sorry kyan
Absolut, Magnum, Terra, ynnek are the ones that I really have no idea about. Could perhaps remove Magnum from the list because of his Absolut vote on day one. I found the reasoning behind the vote illogical and the vote itself was completely detached from the 2/3-way at the end. An illogical vote by an inactive for an inactive. The three others are blanks simply because of low post count, though at least there is something from Absolut.
What the fuck did you say to me you little bitchnp kawl posted a useless list in a shitpost, i posted the good correct quality one
feel free to use mine
So you're removing magnum from ???
Potential scum list?
list you have no idea about?
What the fuck did you say to me you little bitch
turned on.
What the fuck did you say to me you little bitch
I know you aren't a meme queen like me and Bronx, but yea it's the first line of the navy seal copy pasta. Don't mean any real aggression by that.Well that escalated quickly
I assume you're joking Kawl but wtf
From "fuck i dunno there is so little to think about" into "fuck there is little to think about but that little does seem iffy as hell". In more clearer words, from null into slight scum lean. Would like to hear more certainly because the read is based on very little.
But I would ask for those 4 or 5 posters flying under everyone's radar, please contribute when you can. Just hurting good towns folks otherwise by providing cover for scum. Odds say that there's scum among you, give us something to work with to separate the wheat from the chaff.
That scene would really unnerve me if I was a less confident man....join us, Doctor.
before you die.
join us, Doctor.
before you die.
That scene would really unnerve me if I was a less confident man....
No kyan said this was useless. Don't use that list please.
Hurts don't it?
Now that you know how it fucking feels you won't be so quick to mock others' hard work.
Hey CCS, what changed that made Bronx go from one to the other?
Just so CCS sees this, and it doesn't get lost in this carnival of stupid.
so you're equating your notes work to posting a player list?
Doctor, Doctor...
I put in work, bro. Unlike Karl.
And also, the people I would like to hear from are all hiding while we all turn against each other.
Just so CCS sees this, and it doesn't get lost in this carnival of stupid.
1. [f] Sophia
acting crazy