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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports


I would bang a hot farmer!
Finally went back and 100% it today.


Also, spoiler for after you get 100%.



just 100%ed it - my son isn't far behind either.

Really really enjoyed it, definitely my favourite lego game ever.

some of the items were a bit too carefully hidden IMO - a couple in paradise sands needed far too much 'walk forward a bit, use data scanner, rinse and repeat' for my liking and probably would have been impossible to find without it

I cleared all districts and stories, watching the gold brick counter edge towards 450, but then it stopped. My son helped me by pointing out the grand canal - would never have noticed it was a district of its own.

Then I got everything - all districts done etc - but the lego city summary was showing 1 disguise missing. But all districts and stories were cleared? I checked twice. Turns out it was the bloody mario star I hadn't finished off, and which doesn't show up in any of the on-screen totals.

100% bonus is a lot of fun, especially driving around :)

the loading was a pain - if they only let you buy red bricks/disguises/vehicles without going into (and loading) the police station it'd be much more tolerable


So I chased this phantom destination arrow across town in a
Rex's fuck-awesome
helicopter to find it pointing right here. What the heck?


(No, I didn't set a waypoint. I actually tried setting one, and could, but when I cleared it again this arrow came back.)


You probably set a way point by accident. I've done it a few times.

(No, I didn't set a waypoint. I actually tried setting one, and could, but when I cleared it again this arrow came back.)

I had rouge waypoints pop up a couple of times, too, all after I had completed the story. Usually fast-traveling or causing a load got rid of them.
Makes sense. LEGO games! *shakes fist* (Seriously, though, this by far the best, most bug-free experience I've ever had playing one.)

Incidentally, I built Super Build 65/65 that same night. Was kind of depressing; even if they were mostly just scripted eye candy, they were pretty cool.


Woohoo.....60 bloody hours!! Great game, fingers crossed for a sequel.


Is Lego Batman 2 any good, or would it be a big step back after LCU?


There goes my plan with short burst playing. 100%! Fantastic experience. Super bricks apparently don't count since I'm missing at least one. Hard to get, too, so I can still play some more. Already did, actually. Tried some disguises and played around with the cheats for fun. Looking for missing things >90% wasn't as tedious as I feared. All in all I had a lot of fun. Some things were even challenging, but maybe I'm just a bad gamer, lol. Getting everything in Astronaughty and in the Museum gave me some trouble. The final item to completion was the last shine, the one in Paradise Sands. And what a great final chord that was. :)

However, my favorite part of Lego City turned out to be Auburn. Ironic, that the area that I originally thought of having the least potential turned out to be the best one. And it's even better if you include the bridge. Kudos to the designers of the area. However, Cherry Tree Hills is the most beautiful. The train station is somehow my favorite building in the city. I wish some real train stations in my home area would look like that instead of being more or less faceless concrete things. And imagine the garden of your house is fenced off by a natural rock cliff on one side, wouldn't that be cool?

So thanks to the designers for the more than 90 entertaining hours so far.


So, a few hours in, and I love this game. My only real complaint, which isn't really the games fault, is that I'm playing on on a 4:3 20" 480i TV... which means, by the time it is put into letter box, the diagonal size of the viewable area is less than 18", which results in me having a hard time seeing some details from my couch and especially a hard time reading the text. Had to move a chair halfway between my TV and my couch to make it playable.

Cannot wait until this TV dies so I can justify the purchase of a 40"+ flat screen.

I think you just have to bite the bullet and get some sort of HDTV. Keep the SDTV for playing your older consoles. I still have my 235lb 36" Sony Wega TV to use for the PS2/PS1/Saturn.

I'm about 3 hours in and it's a lot of fun. My 10yr old daughter enjoys watching me play the game. I thought the first mission of having to capture the 3 circus clowns was cute.

I definitely understand people's complaints about the loading times. I have found the vehicle handling to be a bit awkward as others have mentioned. One issue I had was trying to enter the vehicle using the X button. It wouldn't do it. I finally figured out that you have to quickly press the X button. If you hold it too long, you choose your disguise.

Fun game and I'm definitely looking forward to playing it for 1-2 hours each night.


I forgot to ask how this game compares to the previous Lego games like Star Wars or Indiana Jones? Are they all similar or is this vastly different from the others? I've played the others briefly and they do have similar concepts like smashing objects and building them.

I need to consult the game manual but I also wonder what is the purpose of collecting those little pegs you find around the world.


I need to consult the game manual but I also wonder what is the purpose of collecting those little pegs you find around the world.

Do you mean studs? The little round mostly-silver-and-gold things? Those are currency; you'll use them to purchase items you've unlocked. Purchasing happens in the basement of the police station.



Do you mean studs? The little round mostly-silver-and-gold things? Those are currency; you'll use them to purchase items you've unlocked. Purchasing happens in the basement of the police station.

Yes, those. Thanks for the explanation.
Finally finished it, damn that was epic. Now to collect EVERYTHING.

BTW, where's the red brick that lets me change my color gun at any time?


I forgot to ask how this game compares to the previous Lego games like Star Wars or Indiana Jones? Are they all similar or is this vastly different from the others? I've played the others briefly and they do have similar concepts like smashing objects and building them.

LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Indiana Jones are essentially small hub areas that connect you to all the various levels.

LEGO Batman 2 was TT first attempt at an open world and plays similiar to LEGO City, however the variety of things you can do in the open world are no where near as expansive.

I haven't played LEGO Lord of the Rings, but that, too, has an open world Middle Earth from what I understand.

LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars has an attempt at a real time strategy, sorta, but isn't that great. I would skip it and skip LEGO Indiana Jones 2 (no Free Play levels).
Well after playing the 3ds one and sixty one or so odd hours later im 100% complete. What a ride i already want a sequel or lego medieval or space. Can anyone tell me if Lego batman 2 is like this game?


Drew my own trophy on miiverse


So many great memories in this game.

Just finished the Story part of the game last night, oh my god that last level was epic, I was just having an amazing time with it. Would have finished it sooner but got sidetracked before the second to last level getting blocks and red bricks. Also when it came to build the Rocket I didn't have enough Building Blocks to make it and I had sort of already cleared out the Island of them :/ so had to go all the way back to the city and hunt for some more.

So after the credits had finished (awesome credits music btw) it told me I was on like 48% complete, so now the real game begins. I will miss hearing from Frank and the others. Would be nice if they could just have them randomly call you.

Also I'm kinda hoping that they may do DLC for the game or something to that extent, I just want more adventures with these characters, maybe we'll get a follow up or something in a few years time.

One more thing where do I find the Super Wrestler Disguise, would soo be all over that.

And with that Lego Cities Undercover is completely finished. It's always kinda sad when you get to the absolute end of a game you've loved and have nothing left to do. Gotta say I had a god damn blast with it, was just long enough when all was said and done. I do wish the loading times hadn't been as much, made it a little bit of a drag in the end when I was trying to quickly go to area's to finish stuff off. Other then that I loved it, am looking forward to playing the 3DS version soonish, I know it wasn't nearly as well received but I am keen to play it. Easily my favorite Wii U title at the moment. Hopefully we may get a sequel one day, although I don't think the Wii U version sold too well but the 3DS one did so who knows.

But yeah blast to play, best thing on the Wii U IMO.



And with that Lego Cities Undercover is completely finished. It's always kinda sad when you get to the absolute end of a game you've loved and have nothing left to do. Gotta say I had a god damn blast with it, was just long enough when all was said and done. I do wish the loading times hadn't been as much, made it a little bit of a drag in the end when I was trying to quickly go to area's to finish stuff off. Other then that I loved it, am looking forward to playing the 3DS version soonish, I know it wasn't nearly as well received but I am keen to play it. Easily my favorite Wii U title at the moment. Hopefully we may get a sequel one day, although I don't think the Wii U version sold too well but the 3DS one did so who knows.

But yeah blast to play, best thing on the Wii U IMO.

Well done. I'm still only 55%. I agree, it's pretty much the best game on Wii U.



And with that Lego Cities Undercover is completely finished. It's always kinda sad when you get to the absolute end of a game you've loved and have nothing left to do. Gotta say I had a god damn blast with it, was just long enough when all was said and done. I do wish the loading times hadn't been as much, made it a little bit of a drag in the end when I was trying to quickly go to area's to finish stuff off. Other then that I loved it, am looking forward to playing the 3DS version soonish, I know it wasn't nearly as well received but I am keen to play it. Easily my favorite Wii U title at the moment. Hopefully we may get a sequel one day, although I don't think the Wii U version sold too well but the 3DS one did so who knows.

But yeah blast to play, best thing on the Wii U IMO.
I think both have sold relatively close to each other -- at least in North America. Given the Wii U base, I'm sure it sold well enough.


Started this yesterday, my god what a great game. The loading times can suck but other than that it's perfect. Definitely worth getting a Wii U for.


I bought this on launch and played the first mission, haven't touched it since...played a bit more today, just fucked around exploring...graphics are really clean. They did a great job with that.

Can't say much else, but the load times are ridiculous.

Wish I could get into it more.

Can't believe I bought it Digitally...this is a regret purchase (not taking anything away from it, I"m just not terribly interested in it). $50 kinda wasted.
I think both have sold relatively close to each other -- at least in North America. Given the Wii U base, I'm sure it sold well enough.
Ahh. all I know is I think the 3DS one stayed in the UK charts for a few weeks and I'm sure that the 3DS one made it into the NPDs.

I bought this on launch and played the first mission, haven't touched it since...played a bit more today, just fucked around exploring...graphics are really clean. They did a great job with that.

Can't say much else, but the load times are ridiculous.

Wish I could get into it more.

Can't believe I bought it Digitally...this is a regret purchase (not taking anything away from it, I"m just not terribly interested in it). $50 kinda wasted.
Yeah the Load times are abit much, it was such a pain to have to go into the police station just to unlock stuff. If there had of been an option to do that would have speed things up heaps.


I've never really enjoyed the LEGO games so I was reluctant to play this one. However it was on my GameFly Q so I was like fuck it. Popped in the game and came so close to sending it back because it felt shallow and childish. However my wife was enjoying watching me play it so I gave it the old college try again. Thank Jebus that she stopped me from sending this right back to GF. I absolutely LOVE this game. I going to keep this bad boy because there is no way I'm not going to try and get 100%. It's funny, it's time killing, it's smart, it's full of things to do and just an overall well made and thought out game. No gamepad only play stinks but that's the least of my concerns. Great game. Best I've played on the Wii so far.


Bought this for my son's birthday. He loves it. He just said this game alone made his birthday a "ten out of ten." Seems fun for an adult gamer as well. I've enjoyed what I've seen/played briefly.
I just got to the prison section, and I love the game so far, but why does it take 2 loooong load screens to start playing? 1 for the game select screen, and then another one to load my file! :-(


Finished it yesterday with 49 %, now for some collecting. I love the game, probably will beat GTA V for me as GOTY. And great Nintendo easter eggs.
Okay, I'm rather overwhelmed now... I finished the game at 18% (I was powering through because it was my second playthrough and wanted to get to the point of exploring and collecting as soon as possible).

Now I'm exploring in the city, starting with the Police Station and the completionist in me is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to find and do.

Does anyone have any advice for a methodical approach to combing through the game world? Also, while the Gamepad can help you find the hidden Lego blocks, is there any other sort of hint system for finding things like the 17 freakin cats to rescue?? :) Please help me!


The Birthday Skeleton
Does anyone have any advice for a methodical approach to combing through the game world? Also, while the Gamepad can help you find the hidden Lego blocks, is there any other sort of hint system for finding things like the 17 freakin cats to rescue?? :) Please help me!

Well, I started with smaller districts, like Apollo Island first. And then just go from block to block. If you zoom in on the gamepad it tells you what's to be unlocked in that area, but no more than that. You just need to search every damn item very carefully.
Well, I started with smaller districts, like Apollo Island first. And then just go from block to block. If you zoom in on the gamepad it tells you what's to be unlocked in that area, but no more than that. You just need to search every damn item very carefully.
Ahh, so the tasks are confined to individual districts. That helps. I was worried the cats were going to be spread out across the entire city.


The Birthday Skeleton
No, the cats are spread across the city, one in each district or so. Again, if you zoom in a district on the gamepad you see what tasks are there and which of those you already completed. Also, you can replay each mission from the story, in case you did not complete it 100% (police badge, unlockables etc).
No, the cats are spread across the city, one in each district or so. Again, if you zoom in a district on the gamepad you see what tasks are there and which of those you already completed. Also, you can replay each mission from the story, in case you did not complete it 100% (police badge, unlockables etc).
Ahh, thanks. I know what I'll be doing when I get off work. :)


I would bang a hot farmer!
Also, you can use the game pad as a scanner and it'll show you where things are if you're close to them. I think you have to unlock that ability though.
Also, you can use the game pad as a scanner and it'll show you where things are if you're close to them. I think you have to unlock that ability though.

I thought that was only for Super Bricks (and Gold Bricks? are they the same? and then there are Red bricks too, which I don't know what they do...)
I thought that was only for Super Bricks (and Gold Bricks? are they the same? and then there are Red bricks too, which I don't know what they do...)

The red bricks are the ones you definitely want. They're special abilities and extras, such as stud multipliers, being able to have vehicles appear instantly when you want them etc. The gold bricks don't do anything, they're just a collectible.

You can upgrade the scanner by finding red bricks, and then you're able to scan for anything.


Look out for red bricks first, some of them will give you scan upgrades for the gamepad. There's one for finding clues, one for other red bricks and one for character challenges, very useful. The map will also show what is still open in a specific area.

But you can also find a lot of stuff on your own quite easily. Look for buildings to climb. On your way and on the roofs is plenty of things to do.


Did anybody here get an update? It installed automatically and when I started the game it said "preparing...". The game has version 1.1.0 now.
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