41058 Heartlake Shopping Mall currently 17% off. Ships Aug 1st.
*edit* well, nevermind... price already changed to MSRP!
*edit* well, nevermind... price already changed to MSRP!
Stealing link from TMNT thread in OT
TMNT season 3 trailer
My mouth is drooling at all the possible Lego sets. Especially aTurtle Mech
I think this will be my final entry in the contest, the Spearhead Fighter:
Another nice model. Good job!
How are you holding the wings in place? Do you just have studs on the sides of the body or is there something else going on?
I think this will be my final entry in the contest, the Spearhead Fighter:
Sweet !I think this will be my final entry in the contest, the Spearhead Fighter:
Lego Digital Designer or an is it using LDraw stuff?
I wish LEGO would put more resources into expanding on LDD, not just in parts but in features... what if they made it into a minecraft-like?![]()
I guess that's your workspace shown in the video?
LEGO just posted this stop-motion video that really shows off Smaug and I like it!
LEGO just posted this stop-motion video that really shows off Smaug and I like it!
Also, just putting this out there, but i'm in the market for a Clone Wars Ahsoka minifig (with lightsaber(s)) so if anyone wants to rid themselves of one at a reasonable price hit me up with the details! I thought about going bootleg but... honestly I can't find a bootleg of her (or clone wars stuff in general), plus i just have a feeling that bootleg Clone Wars prints would look worse than usual bootlegs.
LEGO just posted this stop-motion video that really shows off Smaug and I like it!
I guess that's your workspace shown in the video?
LEGO Gaf I need some advice.
I bought myself the Back to the Future kit a few weeks back when it was cheap on Amazon and it looks like the LEGO bug has gotten me again. I don't know what to buy next, I really want to buy Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, Spaceship! however I'm a huge Guardians of the Galaxy fan and have a huge urge to buy all 3 of the sets. Ultimately it will be a case of buying all of the above, but what do I get now, either Spaceship or all 3 of the GoG sets?
So, would anyone have any objections to 31019 - Forest Animals being the next set for an MOC contest?
Also I don't want to step on anyone's toes so whilst I'm happy to run it, Flix/Phonciple are welcome to facilitate the contest if they'd prefer to.![]()
LEGO Gaf I need some advice.
I bought myself the Back to the Future kit a few weeks back when it was cheap on Amazon and it looks like the LEGO bug has gotten me again. I don't know what to buy next, I really want to buy Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, Spaceship! however I'm a huge Guardians of the Galaxy fan and have a huge urge to buy all 3 of the sets. Ultimately it will be a case of buying all of the above, but what do I get now, either Spaceship or all 3 of the GoG sets?
This is a FANTASTIC Chima themed MOC. The eagle rock is brilliant.
Whew! Sorry it took so long to post my Comic-Con update, but my sister-in-law is currently in labour and I finally have a few minutes to post.
Something needs to be done. Please, LEGO, do something about this. ANYTHING. Anything would be better than this. Your regular fans are getting shafted. Even a random draw would be preferable. As long as the exclusives are being distributed in this manner, I will not even ATTEMPT to acquire any of the exclusive sets the next time that I happen to attend SDCC.
Digging the $10 off $40 purchase for in-store pickup deal Target has going. Anyone have thoughts on the X-Men vs Sentinel set that retails for $50? I find the brick price ratio appalling, but I'm an X-fan and Have been collecting the super hero sets. Not sure I'll get this set for less than $40...
Whew! Sorry it took so long to post my Comic-Con update, but my sister-in-law is currently in labour and I finally have a few minutes to post.
Just to summarize, I was in line yesterday (Sunday) morning very early (about 6:30 a.m.) and there were only about 500 people ahead of me to get into the main exhibit hall. Considering that there were 250 vouchers available for each exclusive set, I figured that my chances were pretty good. Just the day before, my brother and I were in the same line at 8:45 a.m. and there were about 15000 to 20000 people ahead of us and yet I still managed to grab a Jabba the Hutt exclusive figure from the Hasbro booth.
LEGO Gaf I need some advice.
I bought myself the Back to the Future kit a few weeks back when it was cheap on Amazon and it looks like the LEGO bug has gotten me again. I don't know what to buy next, I really want to buy Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, Spaceship! however I'm a huge Guardians of the Galaxy fan and have a huge urge to buy all 3 of the sets. Ultimately it will be a case of buying all of the above, but what do I get now, either Spaceship or all 3 of the GoG sets?
Thanks. Yeah, TLG just needs to to SOMETHING different than the way that they're doing it right now. Literally ANYTHING would be better than the current system. And no, I didn't make it down to BrickFete this year. Probably next year though as it's been a few years since I went last time.First off: congrats on the impending niece/nephew!
I am sorry that you had such a shitty experience. I am amazed at TLG's inability to manage things like this.
Did you go to BrickFete?
Awesome! Congratulations. Good to hear that one of us snagged them. It seemed to me that you definitely had to have some kind of combination of luck and insider information in order to pull it off. Enjoy!Yeah, it seems like getting the LEGO exclusive sets were insanely hard this year. I got a tip that some were gonna be sold on preview night. I managed to get to the booth about 5 minutes after the convention opened. By then the line was wrapped around the booth and capped off. I just hovered around the area for 20 minutes and jumped in line once the security person left. After 2.5 hours of waiting in line and chasing off the line cutters, I managed to buy all 3. There was like only 5 Rocket Raccoon sets left after I finished my purchase.
I wonder if LEGO will not be invited to NYCC again this year?
Regardless, whomever in marketing that is in charge of these decisions should be fired.
I wonder if LEGO will not be invited to NYCC again this year?
Regardless, whomever in marketing that is in charge of these decisions should be fired.
Cool. I think I spent $81 for all of series 1 on eBay a couple years ago. I don't care at all for the bricks. The Kreon look OK as robots, but the human Kreons are kinda ugly. I'm waiting for some of the D&D ones to go on a good sale or clearance and pick some of the Kreons up. They seem to have interesting accessories.
Have we still not seen any leaks or info on the alleged PIRATES sets for next year?
Have we still not seen any leaks or info on the alleged PIRATES sets for next year?
Damn. I didn't even try for the minifigs. I was pissed big time after what I went through, but it sounds like you had an even worse experience than I did. Ugh, I just get pissed off more and more each time that I think about it. I would've gone postal if I hadn't mitigated my rage by getting some other SDCC exclusives such as the Hasbro Jabba, the NECA Pacific Rim set and the Gentle Giant giant-sized Star Wars carded action figure. So at least I did get some of the cool exclusives that were there.After Preview Night, it was just fucked for regular people. I spoke to someone who SLEPT OVERNIGHT and was one of the first people in the door, he RAN to the Lego booth and it was already completely swarmed with people.
I tried my luck for the sets on Thursday, and it was a total shit show. Didn't try it again after that. There's just no way. Sleeping in the hall over night and still not getting them? FUCK OFF.
Stood in line for 2 hours on Friday, in a line that went for possibly a mile long, watched 4 people in a row get Clown Batman, guy in front of me got one, guy behind me got one. Left empty handed
Stood in line AGAIN for two hours on Sunday for CheeryKitty, got there way earlier so I wasn't so far from the front this time, wound up getting rained on for 5 minutes, walked away empty handed.
This is the absolute worst system. I'm not just saying that because I struck out three times in a row, it is truly terrible and even the people I met on Sunday who won four days in a row agree. The store should sell the exclusive sets in the middle of the day, not at the start of the show, so that people actually have some kind of fighting chance to get them without needing to be an exhibitor, sleeping overnight at the hall, or being a handicapped person let in super early. Something like at noon each day, they give out vouchers, and security patrols the immediate area to prevent people from lining up and congesting everything for hours ahead of time. Other booths do similar things and it works out fine. Also this "We have 1750 figures to give out but it's a 50/50 chance for each person in line so the line could last literally forever" needs a huge overhaul as well.
I was very tempted to get that at the Hasbro booth when I got the Jabba set, but I've never been that big of a Transformers fan. I was also tempted to get the ROM Muggs figure because I collected the comic book when I was a kid, but I just can't seem to like those over-cutified things.
Wait that's a thing? I wound up doing that on accident but if it's tradition I'll just claim I was in on it the whole time...And I really got into the spirit of the con by not showering on Sunday morning before going so that I could get in line early for the LEGO exclusives. When in Rome...
I'm gonna do the exact same thing, except with a Mini Cooper. Good luck to you on your exo-suit hunt.gonna hit up the lego shop at lunchtime. if there's no exo-suits I'll start windmilling. or buy an AT-AT instead.