Well well well... what do we have here then? 60s Batman Cave...
I am disappointed as well as excited about this set from that one pic so far:
- Love the figs from what we can tell so far, dat Commissioner Gordon, but mostly DAT CESAR ROMERO JOKER/aka secret best Joker!! He looks amazing from what little i can tell here, hopefully the final fig will live up to it!
- Great looking Batmobile, not a fan of helicopters so this Batcopter does not impress me all that much but that's ok.
- What an amazing looking room, and is that... oldschool wallpaper there? The globe etc. (wasn't that in Town Hall as well?) loving the general look as well as that outside on the rear!!!
- ... which brings me to the do not like part of this thing: I somehow do not like the REST of the set, you know the actual set? What is that huge brown WALL supposed to represent? Just a lot of empty space and only semi-decent looking cave/wall structure there. So far i don't dig this part, but hopefully as we will see clearer pictures and all, i will warm up to it.
Overall though this is probably a must buy based on the figs and the Batmobile alone