Ponn, I'm sorry to hear about your sister... I hope the missing cat will surprise you by coming back soon. I wish you the best for your family... Where are you living, Florida?
After all the doom talk about St Martin and the like, I was under the feeling that it may have been softer in the north, but it seems I was wrong :/
Holy shit i just finished Wall-E (LTTP on this one) and even though i had it sitting there for so long in my backlog and i saw tons and tons of pics of it online, i just was NOT prepared for so much awesomeness in one go! It looks absolutely stunning when done!!! Those eyes pretty much make the set!
Yes, Wall-E is nothing short of amazing, that's one of those sets that anyone can enjoy, Lego or not Lego. I love it.
Ninjago City has been on my table since I got it, and the big issue with it is it just looks odd from the side. You have to see it from the corner to see how awesome it is. But when you look at it from either side, it looks off a bit.
That's the reason why half of the time I want it, and the other half I think about passing on it.
Since you can't put it with modulars, that's another thing that will require its own place. And somewhere with some vertical space. It's tricky, my flat isn't small, but I begin to have Lego in a lot of places, and I still have a huge backlog.
But seeing positive reviews, I think I'll jump in. I have 300€ in points to spend, anyway (I'll probably lose a bunch of those at the end of the year) so it's kinda a "freebie" (thinking about the amount of money you spent to get VIP points is a bit sick, though

I mean the falcon was to be expected but NC totally caught me off guard as well, it's like suddenly, modulars ain't shit compared to that beautiful beast of a set in terms of size and detail!
Damn the enablers in this thread
EDIT: And now trying to log into LEGO.com to check my order status (not that I expect a change) and can't get it to load my orders. It keeps saying to log in to view them. Ugh.
I've had plently of troubles to even log in myself... Their website seems even more unstable than usual.
Speaking of the Falcon, I don't even know what happened...
Thursday morning, I first tried to pay by Visa card. Got errors, "payment refused", never managed to reach the "success" page. Since I thought the "Verified by Visa" was making things worse (also, my cellphone is half-dead, so it was awfully hard to do 2SA), I tried Paypal once.
I believe more and more that a Visa payment went through, then I reached the ceiling (I've bought a computer for my parents 3 weeks ago, so 1000€ + 800€ x2 is too much), thus the "refused" I got.
The several attempts which were refused by the bank is probably the reason they were scared. They actually tried to call me on thursday, but again, dead cellphone (sometimes, nothing work).
Now, the thing is... according to Paypal, I've made a 800€ payment through them, waiting for Lego to claim it.
My Lego account says I bought a single one, paid by credit card. If it was the Paypal payment that went through, it would say Paypal, correct?
If I want to avoid problems, how do I deal with the Paypal thing? Call Lego? Call Paypal? Just wait?