Not Jamie but Psiaki. I am even more hyped now.
Snap. Look forward to parts going in at odd angles!Not Jamie but Psiaki. I am even more hyped now.
2600 pieces? Damn I'm surprised its that much, it looks like its smaller than most modular buildings. Maybe its not.
2600 pieces? Damn I'm surprised its that much, it looks like its smaller than most modular buildings. Maybe its not.
Was just at TRU. They has two unopened boxes of the new figures!
Downside... There was a sign that said do not sell till may 1st put on there by management.
Hints toward the UCS Falcon and the Minecraft Mountain Cave at the start of the designer video.
Not sure what the 3 clone designers is about, but we are also expecting the new Winter Village set.
I really hope there is. Those were a great expert line that gave a substantial build for much less of the cost than other larger sets. The carousel looks really good but $200 is out of my budgetSo no expert vehicle this year?
Also: Do i want to know where those Dimensions figs pics are from?
somebody on reddit pulled it from a FB profile of somebody else selling those (probably from China)
Also the PotC sharks were being sold before released, so chances are these are real stuff from LEGO factory...
But wasn't just one of the girls being made as a figure in Dimensions?
Yoooo. The frog's legs make it look like it is jumping as the carousel moves.It is out over the place.
Video is up << watching it I see that even designers have trouble aligning the stickers to the 2x2 round tile center
PS. The tiger looks so sad ... also the swan in one of the photos. In others its eye tiles are turned around and it has another expression... a more swan like "turn your back to me and I bite your ass "![]()!
Was I imagining something, or was there an announcement that VIP members could get the mini R2-D2 and Snowspeeder starting Saturday?
Start saving your money now.
75192 Confidential $799.00
Start saving your money now.
75192 Confidential $799.00
What in the flying frak?!Start saving your money now.
75192 Confidential $799.00
Start saving your money now.
75192 Confidential $799.00
What in the flying frak?!
That isn't the UCS Falcon is it?
Edit: Starts with 751. Gotta be the Falcon.
Yup, starting to save now. I missed the OG UCS. I am not missing this.
I know I know. You guys are sick of hearing about my Lego scores. Picked up an open box sealed bags 1st quinjet today for $20. When I met the lady she said she found a brand new constraction Captain America inside the box so she threw that in at no additional cost. When I dumped the contents to check it there was a minifig rattling around at the bottom of the box. It was a light blue coat Bilbo that I had always wanted from the Target bluray!
I know I know. You guys are sick of hearing about my Lego scores. Picked up an open box sealed bags 1st quinjet today for $20. When I met the lady she said she found a brand new constraction Captain America inside the box so she threw that in at no additional cost. When I dumped the contents to check it there was a minifig rattling around at the bottom of the box. It was a light blue coat Bilbo that I had always wanted from the Target bluray!
$800. That's just too much.
For that much it better have a full interior.
Agreed, and I would HOPE it has a full interior at that price, yikes!$800. That's just too much.
For that much it better have a full interior.